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Green Juneng recycling platform
  • Franchise industry:

    New industry>environmental protection

  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    six hundred and seventy-two

  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Green Juneng recycling platform Introduction to joining
 Green Juneng recycling platform joining
Green Juneng Recycling Platform, a famous online recycling platform for second-hand digital recycling services, was established with the approval of the local industrial and commercial bureau. It is a website focusing on the recycling of mobile digital products. Its business covers the recycling of mobile phones, laptops, tablets, cameras, game consoles and other digital electronic products. The recycled mobile phone brands include Apple, Samsung, Nokia Motorola, Sony, LG, HTC, Coolpad, Blackberry, Oppo, Coolpad, Bubugao, ZTE, Huawei, etc. The recovered digital camera brands include Sony, Canon, Samsung, Nikon, Ricoh, Fuji Panasonic, Casio Patriot Pentax, Olympus, Leica, etc.
In addition to the recycling of digital mobile phone products, Green Juneng Recycling Platform also undertakes other businesses, such as providing consumers with self-service price checking services for thousands of mobile phone digital products, so that electronic products can also be recycled to reduce environmental pollution and bring a healthy living environment for people.
The service process of the Lvjuneng recycling platform is as follows: from door-to-door recycling to price evaluation, order submission, to door-to-door recycling by the Lvjuneng recycling platform specialist, payment in person, express mail to the evaluation price, and payment after the order is submitted to the user to mail the goods to the Lvjuneng recycling platform network and the Lvjuneng recycling platform detection.
For some items with high value, the Lvjuneng recycling platform will advocate the environmental protection concept of making the best use of everything, arrange the personnel of the headquarters to carry out unified recycling, and then hand over to the manufacturers of the headquarters to repair the growth, re wholesale channels, directly enter the second and third tier cities and regions, as well as the Asian, African and Latin American secondary markets for sales, so as to maximize the value of the items. For those items with low value, the company will also choose to hand them over to formal environmental protection enterprises.
After years of continuous development, the business of Green Juneng recycling platform has spread all over the country, covering 662 cities nationwide. In addition, it has set up recycling agencies in some cities. Basically, the business of franchised stores in various cities is very good. Therefore, its alliance is large. If you are interested, you can submit an application to start a new business.
Green Juneng recycling platform Franchise advantages
 Green Juneng recycling platform joining
  1. The multi-faceted customer service system embodies the corporate image and extends the corporate brand strategy to the corporate brand service strategy.
2. Yes adopt Comprehensive, specific and meticulous services to create a complete image of the brand in the minds of consumers are the basis for opening the minds of consumers and creating an advanced brand image in the minds of consumers.
3. Its role in the consumer market can not be ignored. It is also an important part of the enterprise's development and scale. Improving service awareness and forming a service brand strategy are concrete behavior publicity of enterprise image.
4. Service is not only related to product quality, but also the promotion of enterprise reputation. At the same time, it is also the window provided by enterprises as indispensable direct information in information flow management.
5. We are constantly launching personalized products and services. Facing mature and rational consumers, the operation of the service system has gradually replaced a single service, implementing the trinity, and serving customers in many ways, not just limited to after-sales service. Advanced services have become an important part of the floor.
6. Institutionalization, normalization and concretization are the standards for development and product entry into the market.
Green Juneng recycling platform Franchise conditions
1. Business site: the site shall be selected according to the specified scope.
2. When decorating the franchise store, the applicant can formulate and purchase equipment and materials from the headquarters.
3. Franchisee must ensure The equipment in the store is equipped with special equipment according to the company's requirements.
4. Meet the requirements of citizens with legal status at the age of 18.
5. Franchise customers need to be familiar with the franchise operation mode of the brand and the rights and obligations of both parties.
Green Juneng recycling platform Franchise process
1. Franchise consultation, intention to discuss matters related to franchising;
2. Fill in the franchise application form and market operation plan;
3. The company conducts qualification review;
4. Communicate in detail about the joining matters and confirm the joining qualification;
5. The company confirms the market operation plan, signs the intention to join the contract, and pays the increase/increase fund;
6. Under the guidance of the company, customers prepare operating funds and operators;
7. The representative of the company shall assist in the selection of shop site and field investigation;
8. Mail the photos, business districts, store maps, rent and other relevant information of the target stores to the company;
9. Evaluation and on-site confirmation of target stores by company representatives;
10. Qualification confirmation;
11. Sign the Franchise Agreement and pay the first batch of payment within the specified time;
12. Shop decoration design (shop decoration construction);
13. Goods and logistics allocation, personnel recruitment, training and guidance, opening planning;
14. Store acceptance, store goods display, and shopping guide post assessment;
15. The store is officially opened, on-site support and operation guidance;
16. Independent operation of stores;
17. Comprehensive guidance and operation guidance services of the company.

Green Juneng recycling platform Joining dynamics


Green Juneng recycling platform Related questions and answers


User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; Budget is within 20w.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the Green Juneng recycling platform! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 11:39:15 From Ningbo, Zhejiang Province  39.190.216*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 400 square meters, 500000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the Green Juneng recycling platform! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 17:00:23 From Liaoning Province  42.249.21*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Within 100000. handshake;

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the Green Juneng recycling platform! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 21:53:14 From Jiangsu Province  49.69.220*
  • Recently opened shop

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the Green Juneng recycling platform! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 07:21:26 From Jiangsu Province  49.94.34*
  • Preliminary consultation

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the Green Juneng recycling platform! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 00:51:28 From Heilongjiang Province  42.102.215*
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