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Less than carload logistics
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    Service>Logistics Express

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  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Less than carload logistics Introduction to joining
   Introduction to less than truckload logistics project Less than truckload logistics franchise
The process of less than carload transportation is not significantly different from the basic process of other transportation modes, including consignment, carrier, goods handover and delivery. The major difference is that there is less than carload transportation transit. The following introduces the basic process of less than carload transportation with the main mode of less than carload transportation - road less than carload transportation.
When handling the transportation of less than carload goods, the shipper shall fill in the "waybill for transportation of less than carload goods". The waybill must be filled in clearly.
If the shipper voluntarily insures the goods against automobile cargo transportation insurance and insured transportation, it shall be noted in the waybill.
The special items indicated by the shipper shall come into force with the signature and seal of both parties after the carrier's consent.
The packaging of less than carload goods must comply with the regulations and requirements of the transportation department. For goods that do not meet the packaging standards and requirements, the shipper should improve the packaging. For the goods that will not cause pollution and damage to the transportation equipment and other goods, if the shipper insists on the original packaging, the shipper shall indicate in the "Special Items" column that it will bear the possible damage.
When consigning dangerous goods, their packaging shall strictly comply with the Rules for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road issued by the Ministry of Communications; The transportation of easily polluted, easily damaged, perishable and fresh articles shall be handled according to the agreement between the two parties, and the packaging must strictly comply with the provisions of the agreement between the two parties.
Dangerous, embargoed, restricted and valuable articles shall not be included in the consignment of ordinary less than carload goods.
For consigned less than truckload goods that are prohibited or restricted by government laws and regulations, or that need to be explained by public security, health quarantine or other transportation permits, the shipper shall also submit relevant explanations.
When consigning, the shipper shall attach cargo labels with uniform transportation numbers at both ends of each cargo. For goods requiring special handling, stacking and storage, the storage and transportation instruction signs shall be affixed at the obvious places of the goods, and shall be indicated in the "Special Items" column of the waybill.
The carrier shall accept less than carload cargo transportation business with simple procedures. Advocate and carry out letter and telephone acceptance business. The goods that meet the basic requirements of less than carload cargo transportation and have qualified packaging shall not be rejected.
The carrier shall carefully review the accepted less than carload goods and their packages, waybills and labels. For nonconformities and errors, the carrier shall request the shipper to improve and correct them, and stamp the shipper's seal on the important places. After verification, the carrier seal shall be affixed on the waybill.
If the carrier has doubts about the less than carload cargo, he may require the shipper to unpack and inspect it.
The carrier shall fill the name and document number of the prohibited and restricted goods, public security, health quarantine and other transportation instructions provided by the shipper in the column of "Items to be recorded at the departure station", and affix the carrier seal on the instructions. If necessary, the instructions can be attached to the waybill, accompanied by the goods for inspection, and delivered to the consignee after arrival.
The carrier shall stamp "insured transportation" on the waybill for the goods that are insured transportation, and check and collect the insurance fee according to the regulations. For goods with other special requirements, the agreed transportation conditions and special items must be strictly observed.
   Cancellation and change
The consignor may cancel the consignment of the accepted goods before departure. The carrier shall check and collect the handling charges for cancellation of the consignment and other expenses already paid according to the provisions. Freight and other expenses not yet paid shall be returned to the shipper. If the shipper requests to change the destination or consignee, it shall go through the change procedures and change the cargo label. The carrier shall check and collect the change fee according to the provisions, and the shipper shall bear the actual loss caused to the carrier. If the goods have already been shipped, they shall not be cancelled or changed.
If the transportation is cancelled due to the carrier's responsibility, the carrier shall be exempted from handling charges, refund all freight and miscellaneous charges, and bear the direct actual losses caused to the shipper.
During the transportation of goods, if the transportation is blocked due to natural disasters and road blockages, the carrier shall contact the shipper in a timely manner and handle it according to the following conditions:
1、 If the shipper requests to return the goods, they can be returned free of charge, and the freight for the unfinished section of the journey will be returned;
2、 If the shipper requests to make a detour or change the destination, the freight and miscellaneous charges shall be checked and collected according to the facts;
3、 If the shipper requires unloading on the spot for self disposal, the freight for the unfinished road section shall be returned;
4、 The carrier shall keep the goods free of charge for five days during unloading at the blocked place. If it is stored in the non carrier warehouse, the storage fee shall be borne by the shipper.
   Goods handover
The departure, transit and arrival of goods shall be strictly subject to the handover procedures. The departure station shall sign and prepare the "Handover List of Less than carload Goods for Direct Arrival and Transit" respectively, and receive the goods according to the single delivery. If the documents and goods are consistent, the handover parties shall sign and seal.
In case of shortage or damage of goods before shipment, the goods can be shipped only after being handled by the departure station; After the arrival of the goods, there is a discrepancy between the ticket and the goods. The following methods shall be applied respectively:
1、 If there is a ticket but no goods, and the arrival station is consistent, both parties of the handover shall sign on the ticket, which shall be queried and handled by the arrival station. If the arrival station is inconsistent, both parties of the handover shall sign on the ticket, and the freight ticket shall be returned to the departure station.
2、 If the goods are available but without a ticket, and the arrival is consistent, the goods shall be received. The handover parties shall sign on the list and notify the departure station to reissue the ticket; If the arrival station is inconsistent, the handover parties shall sign on the list, and the goods shall be returned to the departure station.
3、 In case of shortage or damage of goods (damaged package), the goods shall not be rejected. Both parties of the handover shall inspect, weigh, record and seal, notify the departure station, and the arrival station shall handle it, and the responsible party shall compensate.
4、 The flow direction is wrong, and the goods are returned to the departure station or the destination indicated in the ticket.
   Goods transit
Less than carload goods shall be transported directly as far as possible. If it must be transferred, the line should be reasonable. The transit station shall give priority to the shipment of transit goods, and the transit limit shall not exceed two flights.
The less than carload station shall announce the transfer station. The transfer station shall assign special personnel to transfer goods, and special warehouse for transfer shall be set up where conditions permit.
The transit station shall repair the damaged goods and record the repair on the waybill and handover list.
If the goods with inconsistent tickets and goods are found at the transfer station, they shall be handled according to the provisions of Article 32.
   Delivery of goods
After the arrival of goods, the arrival station shall send the arrival notice to the consignee in time and make records. The consignee shall take delivery of the goods against the bill of lading and affix its seal on the bill of lading. After the goods are paid at the arrival station, the bill of lading shall also be stamped with the "goods paid" stamp for future reference.
The goods shall be delivered in pieces. If the package is damaged, the handover party shall count and reweigh the goods, and the responsible party shall compensate for any shortage of goods. Goods whose labels fall off and are difficult to identify must be carefully identified before delivery.
If the bill of lading is lost, the consignee shall report the loss to the arrival station in time. After confirmation, the goods can be picked up with certificates. If the goods have been taken away by others with a bill before reporting the loss, the arrival station shall cooperate with the search, but shall not be responsible for compensation.
If no one takes delivery of the goods or the consignee rejects the goods within one month after the "arrival notice" is sent, the arrival station shall send a "notice of non delivery of goods" to the departure station. If it is still unclaimed after more than one month, it shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Economic Commission, Economic Commission, Economic Commission, Economic Commission, Economic Commission, Economic Commission, Economic Commission, Economic Commission, Economic Commission, Economic Commission, Economic Commission, Economic Commission, Economic Commission, Economic Commission, Economic Commission, Economic Commission, Economic Commission, Economic Commission, Economic Commission, Economic Commission, Economic Commission.
In order to maximize the utilization of transportation resources and promote the development of less than truckload transportation industry, it is necessary to reduce the cost of less than truckload transportation, reduce the transfer rate, increase the rate, and further expand the radiation scope of less than truckload business to more concentrate the utilization of resources.
Less than carload logistics Franchise advantages
   Advantages of less than truckload logistics franchise Less than truckload logistics franchise
   Flexible and convenient Meet the needs of the development of commodity economy. The less than truckload freight not only has the flexibility to deliver goods by car, go through the streets and alleys, pick up goods at home, and deliver goods to Love, but also has flexible and diverse business modes. The number of consignments of outline goods is up to tons or as little as kg, with unlimited batch, one consignment, one charge, responsibility for the whole process, multiple owners of one vehicle, integration of parts, timely delivery, convenient production and life, and can better meet the needs of thousands of households, Promote the development of commodity economy.
   The transportation is fast and economical. Less than carload trucks generally have less than carload special carriages, which have the "five prevention" performance of preventing rain, sun, fire, theft and dust; The business operation is also the full-time responsibility of a specially assigned person. The transportation is a fixed vehicle and a fixed person. There are fewer business accidents and a high safety factor. The less than truckload cargo shift has short schedule, fast turnover, and can work overtime at any time when the supply of goods increases; For the rural market trade, seasonal fresh goods can also be used to assemble the source of goods by themselves. Generally speaking, the running speed of less than truck load is faster than that of railway waterway, so it is more cost-effective.
   It is conducive to the establishment of freight network and the smooth flow of goods. Less than truckload transportation has spread all over the country, laying a qualified foundation for the establishment of a nationwide freight network extending in all directions and the smooth flow of goods. It is conducive to improving the efficiency of transportation tools and saving transportation capacity and energy. Less than carload transportation generally implements "five fixations", with relatively stable supply of goods, vehicles and personnel, and high probability of round-trip loading, which is conducive to improving vehicle utilization efficiency, reducing driving consumption and improving economic benefits.
With the deepening of economic system reform, the adjustment of urban and rural industrial structure, and the development of commodity economy, the demand for less than truckload freight is growing. The development prospect of less than carload freight is very broad. In order to meet the needs of the development of the situation, the less than truckload transportation should be networked and institutionalized as soon as possible, and give full play to the advantages of less than truckload transportation.
Organize direct full load and less than carload transportation within the special line or railway, and deal with it after the station and shipper negotiate and sign an agreement with the consent of the railway branch bureau; The railway bureau shall agree to organize the transfer of full load and less than carload.
Less than carload logistics Franchise conditions
Less than carload logistics Franchise process

Less than carload logistics Related questions and answers


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