Tissue machine
Updated on: August 30, 2023
The paper towel machine is a kind of suction type paper towel machine after the cut paper towels are put into the box, which can be pulled out one by one, which is convenient and convenient. With the vacuum adsorption technology, the paper towels can be automatically stacked. With the characteristics of fast speed and accurate counting, it is an advanced equipment for the production of boxed paper towels. This equipment is composed of a spiral knife body, which is stable in operation, convenient in operation, and neat in appearance. The width of the paper towel can be adjusted according to the demand, which is convenient for marketing, automatic in technical setting, and accurate and convenient. The tension device is placed in two positions to improve the production speed. With embossing device, the pattern is clear. The paper towel machine is divided into the extraction type paper towel machine, the block type paper towel machine and the mini type paper towel machine. With the enhancement of people's hygiene awareness, the paper towel, as a just needed product, has great development space.
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Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan
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I'm interested in wet wipes. Call for free or Leaving a message.
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It is the idea of many entrepreneurs to choose the catering industry for business development. The domestic catering market has huge development space and has many excellent catering project business exploration. When it comes to barbecue and mixed rice, I believe many people are familiar with it. It is a characteristic food that many consumers like. As an excellent catering brand in the industry, Harbin Xiaochanmao Barbecue with Rice has focused on the operation and development of the catering project of barbecue with rice for many years. It has been trusted by consumers for its quality food and taste, and its excellent development has attracted many franchisees. So, how much does Harbin Xiaochanmao Barbecue with Rice add to the alliance? Harbin Xiaochanmao Barbecue Rice Mix has obvious characteristics in the product. It is aimed at customers with its fresh meat, bright color, delicious flavor, non greasy, balanced nutrition, and catering to modern consumers. Then, how much is the joining fee of Harbin Xiaochanmao Barbecue and Mixed Rice? The franchise fee of Harbin Xiaochanmao BBQ&Rice is about 50000~100000 yuan. The actual investment in franchise is not high, and the scale of opening stores is flexible, which can be large or small. It is suitable for many types of franchise entrepreneurs, and the headquarters has professional franchise service support. Harbin Xiaochanmao Barbecue with Rice has a scientific and perfect product structure design, and faces customers with a variety of food combinations. The main dishes include Barbecue with Rice, Cumin Mutton Fried Rice, Mushu Persimmon Covered Rice, Spicy Chinese Cabbage and Potato Slices, Pepper Heart Protecting Meat with Rice, and many other series of dishes. Harbin Xiaochanmao Barbecue with Rice is similar to the familiar fast food restaurants and snack bars. In addition to the main style of Barbecue with Rice, it combines many series of food and beverage, such as covered rice, fried rice, fried noodles, meat bun, etc., which makes the product structure more abundant and the types of consumers it faces more diversified. Then, how much is the joining fee of Harbin Xiaochanmao Barbecue and Mixed Rice? After years of project development, Harbin Xiaochanmao Barbecue with Rice has made outstanding achievements, and has been loved by consumers in many regions. Moreover, the chain development has continued to improve. With the development and evolution of many cooperative customers, the brand has a good future.

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