Lvzhi Store
Updated on: October 8, 2023
The green plant shop mainly sells various plant products, and can take green and better ornamental products as the sales target. Most products come from tropical areas, which are generally negative plants, suitable for indoor and outdoor cultivation of various plants and flowers. There are many kinds of products in the green plant shop, with different potted plants, different green plants and different prices. It is more suitable for everyone to buy, which can beautify the family environment and purify the environment. The variety of green plant stores is also increasing, with different plants, and each plant has different growth habits. These products have huge demand in the market. Different products of the plant shop have different prices, which is more suitable for everyone to buy.
about Joined in by Lvzhi Store Related projects
Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan
Number of stores: 100
Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan
Number of stores: 100
Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan
Number of stores: 265
Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan
Number of stores: 30
Investment amount: 200000~500000 yuan
Number of stores: 100
Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan
Number of stores: 107
Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan
Number of stores: 15
Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan
Number of stores: 200
Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan
Number of stores: 100
Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan
Number of stores: 102
Joined in by Lvzhi Store Related information
Fresh green plants, as well as fragrant flowers, add a trace of vitality and vitality to people's lives and are very popular.
2024-03-27 13:09:28   
Potted green plants are common items in families and units. Such items can not only beautify the environment and purify the air, but also have a delicate appearance, so they are strongly welcomed by the general public.
Moon sister-in-law is a popular franchise industry. Because of the large market demand, there is still a broad market prospect. However, the cost of joining the Moon sister-in-law industry is high, on the contrary, the cashier is also quite considerable. The cashier is based on hard work. As long as it has certain management ability and operation experience, it can choose to open a Moon sister-in-law company. So, how does Moon sister-in-law company operate? Please see the introduction in the following section.
It is understood that there are many famous dry cleaning brands in the market, such as Jiefeng Dry Cleaning, Blanche, Savi, etc., which are all very good entrepreneurial choices. The cost of small dry cleaning stores varies with the dry cleaning brand and the store size. Today, I will take Blanche, one of the dry cleaning brands, as an example to briefly describe the cost of a small dry cleaning shop and how much it costs to open a dry cleaning shop.
2018-04-28 10:07:50    key word: Dry cleaning franchise Joined in by dry cleaner
With the trend of the overall social economy gradually becoming popular, various service industries also ushered in a new development, providing infinite convenience for people's lives.
When it comes to dry cleaners, big guys are no strangers. In China's first and second tier cities, dry cleaners can be found everywhere. At present, dry cleaners are not only in great demand, but also very developed, with low joining costs. It is a good joining project.
Wedding is indispensable in the wedding preparation nowadays, and it is highly valued by newcomers. Therefore, a good wedding is an unforgettable and wonderful wedding presentation.
In the market, many flower shops have been established with high popularity. In addition to major festivals, many consumers have also come to buy flowers in daily life. With the growing demand of the public for them, more and more entrepreneurs have seen the prospect of entrepreneurship, and have increased their interest in opening stores. How much does it cost to open a flower shop? Combined with this problem, I will explore it with Xiao Bian below.
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Smart express cabinet has a great influence in the industry and has been liked by countless consumers. Smart express cabinet has great room for development? The delivery speed is fast, which makes every consumer satisfied. There are outlets in many cities in China, and good service can not be simulated by other brands
When it comes to consignment shops, people may be unfamiliar with them, but when it comes to pawn shops, they are familiar with them. Consignment shops are a kind of consignment service stores with a long history. Until today, they still bring convenient consignment services to many customers, and there are hot development of consignment shops in many cities in China.
2023-12-25 15:41:49    key word: Consignment bank joining
Joined in by Lvzhi Store Related questions and answers
I'm interested in retail stores, so call for free or Leaving a message.
Amount: 100000~200000 yuan Region: Beijing
Investment is risky. Be cautious when joining!
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In daily life, whether it's family gatherings or company group building, there are all kinds of leisure snacks. At present, leisure snacks are very popular, both children and adults like to eat. Leisure snack shops have a huge consumer market. By comparison, it is easy to do business when you join them. That's exactly what attracted some entrepreneurs. The small editor recommends the snack declaration brand. The brand can not only join, but also has many advantages. Then, how much is the joining fee of the snack declaration? The snack declaration brand has been established and developed for many years, and the brand company is a food limited company. The company is mainly engaged in the wholesale and retail of snack products and brand promotion. It covers a large area, has a complete industrial chain and is very powerful. There are many franchise snack bars under the company. For the declaration of joining snacks, entrepreneurs need to pay the joining fee. However, the franchise fee charged by the company is not high. The brand usage fee, deposit and other franchise fees add up to only about 50000 yuan. The investment of franchise stores is very flexible, and there is little pressure on venture capital. In addition, the operation and management of franchise stores are very simple. One person can open a store. It is easy to attract customers by taking advantage of the effect of snack brands. There is no slack season throughout the year, and business is easy to do. Snack Manifesto The snack shop offers a wide range of snacks. There are 16 series, including biscuit and cake series, candy and jelly series, preserved fruit series, nuts and fried goods series, with more than 5000 kinds of single products, which can meet the needs of different consumers. These snacks come from all over the world, including domestic snacks and many imported snacks. In the process of processing and purchasing, there are strict checks. It is easy to choose and buy by type. Snack products are clearly priced, good quality and cheap. How much is the joining fee for the snack declaration? After listening to the answers and introductions of Xiaobian, I believe entrepreneurs have already understood. If you want to join in cooperation, hurry up. With the joint efforts of both parties, it is easy to open a store successfully and reap wealth under the effect of franchise advantages. The snack bar has a large business area, clean environment and friendly service. Zero products are delicious and inexpensive, with various choices. There are pieces and big gift bags. New products continue to surprise. It is very popular in the market.

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