Pet Hospital
Updated on: 2016-06-12
Pet hospital is a place that provides medical services for pets. Sometimes a pet hospital is equivalent to an animal hospital. With the improvement of people's living standards, pets have gradually become more and more intimate companions in China. Whether dogs, cats, birds, fish or turtles, these small animals that used to guard homes and provide entertainment began to become important members of the family. In the increasingly competitive social environment, the cute and lively pets send loneliness, increase interest and relieve pressure to human beings in the tense modern life. Pet hospitals have become a place of great concern, which can better help pets to solve their ailments. Pet hospitals have also become a very popular franchise project, which is loved by consumers and franchisees!
about Pet hospital joining Related projects
Investment amount: 500000~1000000
Number of stores: 100
Investment amount: 200000~500000 yuan
Number of stores: 96
Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan
Number of stores: 42
Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan
Number of stores: 322
Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan
Number of stores: 60
Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan
Number of stores: 89
Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan
Number of stores: 326
Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan
Number of stores: 423
Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan
Number of stores: 284
Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan
Number of stores: 59
Pet hospital joining Related information
Choosing suitable projects for entrepreneurship will make it easier to operate. Raising pets has become the choice of many people, which also deepens the operation of ancillary industries.
2024-05-20 09:24:30    key word: Pet hospital joining
In many families, pets are kept, and they are well cared for. In daily life, they often go to the pet hospital to spend money and do various projects, such as pet vaccination, pet health examination, pet deworming, etc
2024-01-23 17:53:23    key word: Pet hospital joining
Now there are more and more people raising pets, and people can't live without a pet hospital in the process of pet raising. The pet hospital can adhere to diversified service projects, which are concerned by many entrepreneurs.
2024-01-22 09:35:07    key word: Pet hospital joining
With the improvement of living standards, people pay more attention to the enjoyment of life. Many young people raise pets at home, which not only become sustenance of life, but also bring more happiness.
2023-06-16 13:45:00    key word: Pet hospital joining Pet joining
At present, many friends like to keep pets, such as kittens, dogs and so on. As such, the market demand for pet hospitals is growing. The consumer market is large and the development prospect is good. It is very good to join in and open a pet hospital. So, how much does it cost to join a pet hospital? There are many franchised pet hospital chains with different franchised fees. Next, I will take specific brands as examples to give answers.
2022-12-03 15:45:00    key word: Pet hospital joining Pet shop joining
Pets are good partners in people's life. People can choose small animals according to their own preferences. However, in life, these small animals will also have symptoms of illness or discomfort. Pet hospitals can solve these problems. What's the procedure for opening a pet hospital? What regulations should be paid attention to?
2022-09-15 15:00:24    key word: Pet hospital joining Pet joining
In most families, keeping pets has become a common existence. In the process, it is unnecessary to encounter vaccination or pet illness. At this time, we need to go to a special pet hospital to recuperate. With this demand, many stores in the market have also achieved good development. Faced with a considerable development market, many entrepreneurs have also seen the business opportunities of operating stores. Therefore, if you want to choose a brand to join, how much will it cost to join the pet hospital in the following paragraphs? I will lead you to explore the details.
2022-08-18 15:45:03    key word: Pet hospital joining Pet joining
Nowadays, people prefer to keep pets at home, such as kittens, puppies, hamsters, lizards, etc. Therefore, they need to often go to pet hospitals for consumption, and diversified services to meet the needs of consumers. Ruipai Pet Hospital is a brand favored by thousands of consumers. It has a very large customer group in the market. Its sales performance increases at a rate of 25% every year, accounting for half of the pet hospital. It is a good project for entrepreneurs to trust. Entrepreneurs who are interested in joining want to know what is the joining fee of Ruipai Pet Hospital?
2022-07-03 10:15:19    key word: Pet hospital joining Pet joining
With more and more people like pets and attach great importance to pets, pet related industries are becoming more and more popular. For example, pet shops and pet hospitals are relatively good entrepreneurial projects. But if you want to open a pet hospital, you should first determine a brand. Here we recommend Ruipai Pet Hospital, which is a good project. When you join, let's know how much it costs to join a pet hospital.
2022-06-10 12:15:10    key word: Pet hospital joining Pet joining
All friends who know about franchise projects know that there are many projects in the market. Different types of projects operate different products, face different consumer customers, and the development space of projects is also different. Therefore, when choosing a franchise project, businesses should have their own considerations. Pet shops are found in every major city and are closely related to people's life. It is also a good choice for businesses to join the pet store project that everyone needs. What conditions do you need to open a pet hospital? To operate a pet shop, businesses must meet the requirements and conditions of the project, and can legally operate brand chain stores in the market only after obtaining the approval of the project.
2022-05-29 15:00:44    key word: Pet hospital joining Pet joining
Pet hospital joining Related questions and answers
You must first go to the supervising agency for animal epidemic prevention at the district/county level to obtain an animal diagnosis and treatment permit and an animal epidemic prevention certificate. After obtaining an animal diagnosis and treatment permit and an animal epidemic prevention certificate, a pet hospital or pet clinic only needs to apply for some routine business licenses and procedures, such as an industrial and commercial business license, to operate [Details]
With the improvement of living standards, people are also constantly looking for fun in life and keeping a small pet as a companion. So now there are more and more pets, and pet hospitals are more and more, which is an easy choice to benefit from. A friend of mine has joined a pet hospital, and now it has a big business [Details]
I believe that we all like to get along with small animals, and we all like to keep a small pet to accompany us. Small pets will also give us great comfort and touch when encountering unspeakable setbacks in our work or life. Then pets will also get sick and need us to take care of them. Then there will be a pet hospital, pets [Details]
Nowadays, people's life is getting better and better, and it is more common to keep pets. Then people will recover illness, so animals will also get sick, and will take care of pets with great care. So I am looking for the right time. I joined a very good pet hospital. It can be said that this is really an item with a lot of cashier space [Details]
Nowadays, the economy is developed. It can be said that there are countless brands in all walks of life. So I joined a very good pet hospital three years ago with the introduction of many friends. At the beginning, my friends actually advised me to be an honest worker, but I always want to realize my dream of opening a pet hospital myself. Now send [Details]
How can a pet hospital join us? This project needs 10000 to 50000 yuan, and I would like to say that this project, on the pet hospital joining list, is Baby Baby Pet. This chain joining project was established in January 2002 because of its rapid 10 year development [Details]
How much does it cost to join the Pet Hospital? If you know the project of Saint Pet joining the Pet Hospital, you don't have to worry, because this project, "the top 30" in August, is more attractive. When this project was just launched, it was just to encourage everyone to come and pay attention to it, which is very beneficial [Details]
Mu Helin has its own hospital directly under it. Personally, I think it would be better to choose Mu Helin as a pet hospital to join in. [Details]
It doesn't take a lot of money to join a pet hospital. In fact, the market prospect of his joining is very good, because we can see that in our daily life [Details]
I have a friend who likes small animals very much. In his spare time, he opened a pet shop called Big Mouth Dog, which mainly includes dogs, cats and rabbits. And they are very cute. We will go to his place every week and like them. It cost 72300 yuan to come to this store, which is quite good [Details]
I'm interested in the pet hospital, so call free or Leaving a message.
Amount: 100000~200000 yuan Region: Shanghai
Investment is risky. Be cautious when joining!
Latest information
Table tennis is also a very good project. It has always been valued by most people in the education market. There is a great demand for it from both parents and entrepreneurs. Now many people want to open a table tennis hall, so they need to make detailed planning and financial preparations in the preparation process. How much does it cost to open a table tennis stadium? For interested entrepreneurs, they also need to determine the scale and direction of opening stores according to their own plans, and make financial preparations. Brand joining fee Everyone joining the table tennis hall needs to determine the brand, sign a contract according to the requirements of the brand company, and obtain the brand operation authorization. According to the requirements of the contract, each brand company will charge brand management fees, consulting fees or brand franchise fees, which are about 40000 to 50000 yuan. The specific requirements of the brand company should also be considered. Shop preparation rent Table tennis clubs, whether educational institutions or table tennis clubs, need to prepare for the venue, according to the local market survey, to find a suitable place. Generally speaking, the area of the place should meet the requirements. Normally, the store rent of 50000 to 60000 yuan per year should also be prepared. If the location is good and the store area is large, it may need to be higher. Shop decoration cost The table tennis hall needs to do a good decoration scheme design according to the requirements of the site, including the wall, ground and necessary decoration, which need to make specific and detailed preparations according to the situation of the site. The shop only needs simple decoration to keep the space open, clean and comfortable. It also needs to prepare about 300 yuan per square meter for decoration. Shop equipment purchase In store equipment of the table tennis hall should also purchase enough equipment according to the business needs, including table tennis equipment and sofa and other equipment required by the air-conditioned lounge. The purchase of the whole set of equipment also needs about 20000 to 30000 yuan. The specific equipment purchase should be determined according to the equipment brand and the specific price. How much does it cost to open a table tennis stadium? The approximate cost of opening a store is not fixed, but also affected by the economic differences of each city and the subsequent preparation and operation. For many entrepreneurs who are interested in table tennis, the cost required in the preparation process is not fixed, and the budget should be prepared according to the decoration standard level of their own venues.

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