agricultural by-product
Updated on: 2016-06-12
The so-called agricultural and sideline products are the by-products brought by agricultural production, including agricultural, forestry, animal husbandry, sideline and fishery products. They are divided into several categories, including grain, cash crops, bamboo and timber, industrial oil and lacquer glue, poultry and livestock products, cocoons and silk, dried fresh fruits, dried fresh vegetables and condiments, medicinal materials, soil and sideline products, aquatic products, and each category is divided into several sub categories. With more and more urban population and less and less arable land, the price of agricultural products is bound to rise under the condition of unbalanced demand and supply. As the supply and demand of agricultural products are generally tight for a long time, it is suggested to improve the policies of strengthening, benefiting and enriching agriculture, promote the stable development of agricultural production, and at the same time, in the foreign trade of agricultural products, it is necessary to control the fluctuation of domestic prices, Implement the bargain hunting import strategy and increase imports at an appropriate time; In the reserve of agricultural products, we should optimize the structure and layout and expand the reserve space. At this stage, the factors promoting the growth of agricultural product consumption are, first, population growth, secondly, the upgrading of food consumption structure, the progress of processing technology and the continuous development of agricultural enterprises. Therefore, I think the prospect of investing in agricultural and sideline products will be better and better. The joining of agricultural and sideline products is a project that benefits people and is worth investing.
about Franchise of agricultural and sideline products Related projects
Investment amount: 200000~500000 yuan
Number of stores: 100
Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan
Number of stores: 1
Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan
Number of stores: 1
Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan
Number of stores: 200
Investment amount: 10000~50000 yuan
Number of stores: 745
Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan
Number of stores: 30
Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan
Number of stores: 80
Franchise of agricultural and sideline products Related information
With the progress of society and the development of science and technology, people have a more convenient way to shop in their daily life. Dumb radish is a good business entity at present and is popular with consumers. Therefore, the development of this project in the market is increasingly recognized by the society, and the huge market demand has inspired many entrepreneurs to join in. Then, how much does it cost to join in?
With the support of policies, the construction process of the new countryside is accelerating and the urbanization process is accelerating. Now the rural development is rapid, and many people are starting to return to their hometown to start businesses. It is a good choice to start businesses in rural areas. Now there are many entrepreneurial projects in rural areas. As long as the project is selected well, it is not impossible to become rich by it. What are the potential projects for rural development? The following section will introduce some projects with development potential in rural areas.
People all want to find a good project to join. From the current situation, it is very difficult to find a good project to join. Only through a series of comparisons can we find which is really good. At present, the farm project is quite popular, and many people hope to find a strong partner. Among the outstanding and potential projects is Wuyuan Farm. The joining process of Wuyuan Farm is simple and flexible, which is a rare good project. Here is a detailed introduction to it, hoping to help everyone.
Home decoration, in addition to the purchase and decoration of large pieces of furniture, soft decoration such as curtain fabric is also a concern of the current homeowners. Curtains can be used to partition space, protect privacy, and also play a decorative role
The geographical location is commonly known as "wharf". It is very important for a shopkeeper or company to choose a good dock, such as a densely populated area or a prosperous commercial area. At the same time, attention should be paid to professional areas.
The basic promotion means such as advertising, sales promotion personnel promotion and public relations promotion did not bring the corresponding sales growth to the store when the promotion cost increased geometrically.
To open a shop online, first of all, there must be goods suitable for online sales. Not all goods suitable for online sales are suitable for individual store sales. The author's three major competitive strategies will help you choose a good product. When choosing goods, you must not choose those goods that can be bought everywhere. Since those goods can be bought everywhere, why do buyers want to buy yours? Plus the postage, they must be more expensive than those elsewhere. Even if it can be sold, it will not make money. You need to find some rare goods, so naturally someone will spend a lot of money to buy your goods. This is where differentiated competitive strategies are applied. The second is to use regional price differences to operate. Many commodities in different regions have different prices. For example, electrical appliances, Guangdong and other coastal cities are much cheaper than inland ones, while collectibles in ancient capital cities (Beijing, Xi'an, Luoyang) are much cheaper than coastal ones. So you should look around yourself to find the commodities that are abundant around you but not available in other places, so that you can sell at a good price! The cost advanced strategy is also applied here. If you love handwork, cross stitch, hand painting and creative things, you may want to open a DIY shop. Specialty stores are popular everywhere. Because there are few special things, it is easy to attract people. If you are good at photography and like digital products, you can try this aspect no matter whether you have a physical store or not. It is important to work hard to become in this field. Take the initiative to answer members' questions, and provide members with relevant knowledge of the products you sell. After a long time, the word of mouth effect is good. When people think about shopping in this area, they will think of you first. In short, everyone has his own specialty. At any time, it is important to learn to give full play to your own strengths. Don't use your own weaknesses to compete with others' strengths. This is where the relative creation strategy of specialization is applied. According to the suggestions of the industry insiders, we found that the products suitable for online sales generally have the following characteristics: (1) Small size: it is mainly convenient for transportation and reduces transportation costs. (2) High added value: single goods with lower value than freight are not suitable for online sales. (3) Unique or fashionable: The products that sell well in online stores are often characteristic or very fashionable. (4) The price is reasonable: if you can buy it offline at the same price, no one will buy it online. (5) Understanding the website can stimulate the purchase desire of the visitors: if the product can only be trusted to purchase if it must be seen in person, then it is not suitable to open a shop online for sales. (6) No offline, only online can buy: such as foreign trade order products or products directly brought back from abroad. When you have selected one or several types of products, you should start to carry out market research to understand customers and competitors to determine whether your choice is correct. Because most of the time your choice is based on your own experience or asymmetric information, so this judgment is often wrong, which may later lead to your entrepreneurial failure. We provide some basic market research methods for small businesses such as opening online stores: (1) You can take out your ideas or samples to listen to the opinions of relatives or friends around you. Because many of them may be your potential customers, you can also consult some industry people and listen to their opinions. During the investigation, it is wrong to think that some people can't access the Internet, so they are not my customers, so I don't need to investigate them. This idea is wrong, because opening online stores is just a marketing channel, and it does not mean that no one wants products. If someone wants products online, they will want them. Only products that are wanted offline can be sold online with good cost performance. (2) You can go online to see if there are such products for sale in other people's online stores. If so, it means that there is a market for such products, but whether such a market is your market depends on whether your products have competitive advantages. If it is the same brand, it depends mainly on whether the price has advantages. If it is different brands, it depends on the influence of your brand and the cost performance ratio of the products. If not, you should do offline research at this time. If you can form a certain purchase market, you should be congratulated. If you open an online store, you will have something good that no one else has. This will form differentiated competition and form your core competitiveness. Maybe the price is a little higher, and some people will flock to it.
As a qualified store operator, reasonable inventory is an important factor for successful store opening. Of course, if you want to do a good job in reasonable inventory, you must have the ability to predict according to the market. You must be able to make statistical analysis according to your actual sales, get market consumption preferences, and make appropriate inventory plans according to the sales season, so as to take precautions, so that you can grasp the pulse of the market, synchronize with sales opportunities, and achieve the goal of profit. So how can we do a good job of reasonable inventory? Cultivating a qualified inventory management habit is very helpful for doing a good job in inventory backlog management. (1) Qualified warehouse environment. Ensure that there is no direct sunlight in the warehouse; Qualified ventilation; No pests and rats; Keep the warehouse environment clean and tidy, (2) It is convenient and fast to pick up goods. The purpose of inventory is to serve sales, so the priority principle of inventory management is convenience. It must be to place goods where the salesperson can get the goods in a short time. For example, most underwear stores can use the boxes of underwear display cabinets as places for selling goods. (3) Classified placement. According to the different classifications of goods, the inventory areas of various categories are divided by zones. The inventory area can be distinguished according to the product and household; Or divide regions according to different brands; However, in order to shorten the service time of the salesperson, it is recommended that the goods in stock be classified and placed according to the best selling goods and flat selling goods. (4) Count regularly. The purpose of regular inventory is to ensure the consistency between the account and the actual inventory. The operator can find out whether the structure and proportion of inventory are reasonable in a timely manner through monthly regular inventory, so as to do a good job in basic work for qualified inventory management. (5) Follow the principle of first in first out to improve/increase the update of goods. Although there is no problem of shelf life for clothing products, for some light colored underwear that is sensitive to light, the principle of first in first out should be followed to avoid the loss caused by discoloration.
Behind every successful product is a good marketing plan. In order to gain the trust of the manufacturer and establish the expected cooperative relationship with the manufacturer, the agent must first develop a marketing plan that will appeal to the manufacturer. With a complete and feasible marketing plan, agents have a basis for cooperation and negotiation with manufacturers. In addition to their full investigation and understanding of the market, agents will grasp the initiative of cooperation. Generally, the marketing plan provided by agents to manufacturers should include four parts: 1. Analysis of opportunities and problems The market position, advantages, disadvantages and prospects of the proposed products are discussed in detail. Reasonably predict the promotion possibility and expected monthly and annual sales volume of the proposed products in the regional market. Carefully analyze the sales life cycle of the proposed products in the regional market. Carefully study what changes will happen in the foreseeable future and your own countermeasures. 2. Analysis of local market consumers Use authentic and credible data to confirm the consumption reality of the local market and position it. Fully analyze the influence and possible reaction of customer composition, cultural level, goal achievement and customs, local customs and hobbies, geography and climate of the proposed product market. Provide the network operation and price sequence of competitors and other agents of similar brands. Carefully analyze the possible alternative products for the brands they represent. 3. Agent strength display Show the existing strength of the agent, so that the manufacturer can sincerely trust your strength and provide you with a lot of support. To be specific, this part should fully display its own sales channels and network, which is a good reflection of the strength of agents. Write down in detail how many customers you have (but you can't tell the whole story, just briefly describe some important and important customer relationships, otherwise it will easily lead to too much exposure of strength. If cooperation fails, the other party may replace your customer relationships). How strong is the channel distribution service (how many distribution departments, how strong are the technicians, how many delivery vehicles, the model and specification of vehicles, etc.). If a chain store is operated, the distribution, personnel composition, quality and experience of the chain store should also be stated. Write down the scope of the community that your channel radiates, whether it is a county, region, township, or village. 4. Marketing strategy and action plan That is, the strategic steps and detailed plans for the agent promotion of this product in your channels and networks in the region, which should include: Specific promotion means, such as advertising design, public influence plan, product image design, etc., and even the specific placement position of the proposed products in your agency store and the impact of this position on consumers in terms of vision and feeling, should be included in the plan in detail. When the sales volume of products increases, how to carry out second promotion, how to carry out further cooperation with manufacturers to enhance the popularity of enterprises, and how to strengthen the brand propaganda offensive. When the sales volume drops, how to analyze the psychological changes of consumers and the situation of market competitors, and the specific steps to be taken should be specific to the person in charge of each step. When the product life cycle is about to end, how to do a good job in updating the product? Agents can put forward new product ideas for manufacturers to refer to during technical research and development, and should actively suggest manufacturers to launch new products or trade in old products to quickly occupy the market and expand the popularity of new products. How to cooperate with the manufacturer to do a good job in after-sales service, and how to design the distribution capacity and storage capacity - this has a great impact on consumers, and the manufacturer will never underestimate it.
There are tricks in doing everything, and there are also certain skills in commodity display. The main purpose of commodity display is to make commodities attractive and make customers feel that commodities are extremely rich, thus creating more sales opportunities and improving sales. For example, some goods look ordinary from the front. For example, for clothing goods, the front display does not attract much attention, but the side hanging or wearing on the model is called showing lines, colors, patterns and cutting rhythms to create attraction. Display quantity promotion As we all know, whether the goods sell well or not depends on the display location, but also on the number of displays. If you want to increase the sales of a certain commodity, you just need to increase the display quantity of the commodity and place it in a prominent position. This has been a universal law. Therefore, sometimes in order to sell unsalable goods as much as possible, the number of best-selling goods is reduced or the location is changed. Fresh and tidy After the goods are displayed on the shelves, the labels of the goods should be checked regularly for falling off, dust, dirt, etc., so as to make the goods on the shelves fresh and tidy. Forward three-dimensional display Many stores in the market use backward flat display. Due to the error of this display mode, customers often feel that the goods on the shelves are under displayed or out of stock. This point needs attention. Hang advertising or slogan tips In the display of many commodities, if various slogans are displayed at the appropriate place beside some commodities, such as new products, new projects, preferential prices, new packaging, new listings, new standards, special items, etc. or marked quality, characteristics, etc., the sales volume will often increase greatly. As for this point, few stores use it at present, and it should be used more in the future. Best sellers rank first Generally, the best sellers are in the front, the second best sellers are in the second place, and so on. At the back, more attractive goods must be arranged so that customers can continue to come. In addition, it should also be noted that all goods that customers will buy impulsively must be displayed near necessities, forming a multiplier effect. Display goods according to customers' viewing habits Every shopkeeper should study the customers' activities after entering the store. According to general research, after entering the store, customers usually start from the counter, walk six to eight steps, then stop to see the display of goods, and then walk a short series of steps. Therefore, the store should pay attention to where is the area with high customer flow when displaying goods? Attention shall be paid to the arrangement of complete commodity display so that customers can pass through from beginning to end. It will not cause a dead corner and lose sales opportunities.
Franchise of agricultural and sideline products Related questions and answers
It is a good idea to manage agricultural and sideline products. If you want to ask for advice, I personally think that before you decide, you need to consider several aspects, such as the reliability of the product source, whether the supply channel is smooth, and also consider the long-term nature. In addition, the location of the store should also do a good job in the analysis of crowd consumption, so that [Details]
Apart from anything else, eating is a common thing nowadays, especially snacks. There are many ways to make them, and they are full of praise. Now a friend of mine wants to open such a store, called an agricultural and sideline product store. It is good to eat and never tire of seeing it. With its unique skills, it can improve/increase the market popularity. Its registered capital is large [Details]
The project of agricultural and sideline products of Ripward is good? Their franchise fee is between 10000 yuan and 30000 yuan?? Expecting partners of agricultural and sideline products of Ripward:? 1. Have certain business background and experience, and be familiar with the local market.   2、? It has certain economic entity and franchise strength, and has qualified reputation.   ... [Details]
Friend, the most important thing for Shundi Lishan to join in agricultural and sideline products business is operation. Perfect operation system, strong cooperation support, from the initial stage to the later stage, provide operation support, help you expand the market, help you clear the market barriers, let you have a smooth journey and enjoy the success of wealth! Emperor Shun Lishan agricultural and sideline products, the headquarters is your powerful empress [Details]
The project of agricultural and sideline products of Ripward is good? You can join [Details]
The purchase price of agricultural and sideline products is the price at which commercial enterprises and their purchasing units purchase agricultural and sideline products from agricultural and sideline producers. The purchase price of agricultural and sideline products is the first price of agricultural and sideline products, which is the basis for formulating the low price, allocation price and retail price of agricultural and sideline products. Reasonable formulation of agricultural and sideline product purchase prices will help promote agricultural and sideline production [Details]
The 2014 National Famous, Excellent and Special Agricultural and Sideline Products (Shanghai) Trade Fair will be held in Shanghai Everbright Convention and Exhibition Center on December 12, 2014. With the theme of "brand, green, cooperation and development", this Agricultural Expo has invited 1000 enterprises from all over the country to participate in the exhibition, with an exhibition area of nearly 10000 square meters. This time, we will [Details]
The project of agricultural and sideline products of Ripward is good? Their franchise fee is between 10000 yuan and 30000 yuan??? Ruipuhua agricultural and sideline products are mainly engaged in the management of high-grade mushrooms in Northeast China, cereal gift boxes, Xinjiang dried fruit gift boxes, Hetian Jujube, eggs, fruit and vegetable gift boxes, olive oil, edible oil, high-grade seafood, and gift cards [Details]
Yes, it's said that the green agricultural and sideline products project of Schlumberger is not bad. I have a friend who is doing it. You can go to Schlumberger's green agricultural and sideline products headquarters to investigate first. The address is 0575-87323329, 10000 to 30000 yuan???????? The green agricultural and sideline products are located in the east of Zhuji City, Zhejiang Province [Details]
I am interested in agricultural and sideline products on agricultural roads, so I can call for free or Leaving a message.
Amount: 50000~100000 yuan Region: Beijing
Investment is risky. Be cautious when joining!
Latest information
Overview of hardware franchise agency fees 1. Brand franchise fee: to join a hardware brand, you usually need to pay a certain brand franchise fee, which varies from brand to brand. 2. Brand usage fee: In addition to the franchise fee, the franchisee also needs to pay the brand usage fee to obtain the authorization to use the brand. 3. Brand management fees: some brands will also charge brand management fees to provide continuous management and support. Factors affecting franchise expenses 1. Brand popularity: The franchise expenses of famous brands are usually higher because they have mature market and management experience. 2. Franchise scale: The initial alliance required will be different with different franchise scales. 3. Geographic location: rent and labor costs in different regions will affect franchise expenses. Consideration of other expenses 1. Store rent: the rent cost will be different according to the location and area of the store. 2. Decoration cost: the decoration of the store requires a certain amount of cost, depending on the decoration style and scale. 3. Equipment and raw materials: purchase of hardware equipment and raw materials is also an important expense at the initial stage of franchise. Franchise advantage 1. Brand effect: when joining a famous brand, you can use its brand effect to quickly attract customers. 2. Technical support: the brand will provide technical support, including product production, store management, etc. 3. Marketing support: The brand side will also provide marketing support to help franchisees improve their popularity and attract customers. Conclusion The cost of joining a hardware store varies due to various factors, including brand, scale, geographical location, etc. Before deciding to join, it is suggested that entrepreneurs should know more about the joining brand, develop a detailed joining plan, and consider all possible costs. At the same time, only by choosing a promising alliance project can we succeed in the competitive market.

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