Pot-stewed Pig Feet
Updated on: December 7, 2018
Stewed pig's hoof is a kind of delicacy. Its main materials include pig's hoof, peanuts, spices, coriander, etc. It is a typical traditional cooked meat product in China. Pig's hoof is nutritious and contains a variety of collagen proteins. It is often eaten, and has the health care effect of nourishing skin and anti-aging. In addition, it has better palatability and unique flavor, and is loved by everyone. The Beijing market price of the first grade braised pig's hoof is 8 yuan/jin, about two more, the purchase cost is 4 yuan/piece, and the comprehensive cost is 4.2 yuan/piece. The market price of the roasted pig's hoof is about 10 yuan, the gross profit is 3.8-4.8 yuan/piece, and the gross profit rate is 47% - 60%!
about Stewed Pig Feet Related projects
Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan
Number of stores: 100
Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan
Number of stores: 150
Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan
Number of stores: 570
Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan
Number of stores: 160
Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan
Number of stores: 85
Investment amount: 200000~500000 yuan
Number of stores: 100
Investment amount: 10000~50000 yuan
Number of stores: 100
Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan
Number of stores: 75
Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan
Number of stores: 360
Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan
Number of stores: 200
Stewed Pig Feet Related information
With the increase of market demand, the number of brands has gradually increased. With the unique product features, the bittern stewed pig hooves have stood out among many brands and accumulated high popularity. In order to meet the growing consumer demand, the franchise is open nationwide, and people constantly come to learn how much is the franchise fee for hot stewed pig hooves?
2022-10-07 10:39:32    key word: Cooked food franchise Pig hoof Hot brine joining
As a kind of braised pork trotter, there are many consumers who like it. There are many brands to choose from in the industry. While satisfying consumers' taste needs, entrepreneurs are also worth joining. Entrepreneurs need to know how much it costs to join the braised pig's feet? Only when the franchise fee is known, can relevant preparations be made.
2022-08-30 09:29:07    key word: Catering franchise Pig hoof
There are many kinds of snacks on the market, but the braised pig's feet are still loved by people after the wind and rain. As the sales volume of braised pig's feet in the market has been good, many entrepreneurs are interested in this project.
2022-03-15 09:00:59    key word: Snack franchise Stewed Pig Feet
Now people's tastes are becoming more and more picky. If the taste is bad, it will not be popular, so it is not easy to do catering. For some franchisees, it is also important to choose a good franchise brand if they want to run a good restaurant. What kind of food has a market among consumers? Marinated pig's trotters are good. Many people want to know how much it costs to join the Marinated Pig Feet. Let's take a look.
The braised pig's feet smell delicious and taste soft and glutinous. I believe few people can resist the temptation of the braised pig's feet. A cut braised pig's hoof, poured with brine juice, even if it is only matched with a bowl of white rice, tastes delicious.
Pig's trotter is a favorite food of many diners. It is not only delicious, but also full of collagen. Long term consumption can also play a role in health and beauty. Pig hooves are made with different processes, which can show different delicacies for consumers. With different taste, the braised pig hooves have captured many consumers' taste buds. The market demand is growing, and some entrepreneurs see the opportunity to become rich. So how to join the braised pig hoof? Let's have a look!
Pig hooves are rich in collagen, which is a good food for beauty, and also chewy, and has been favored by consumers.
2021-09-29 17:23:35    key word: Pig hoof Stewed Pig Feet
With the continuous development of society, more and more people want to join in and open stores, but because they do not have much venture capital, they will choose smaller projects to operate. Wang Xiaohalogen Pig Feet is a good brand project. Its delicious, nutritious and diverse tastes have attracted the attention of the market public. So, what are the advantages of Wang Xiaohalogen Pig Feet?
2020-10-12 16:05:33    key word: Catering franchise Pig hoof
Pig's trotter is a very healthy food with high collagen, so it is a favorite food. With professional technology, pig hooves can be made into more delicious products with good taste and high nutritional value. This kind of food is loved by young people.
2020-05-01 10:55:28    key word: Pig hoof Stewed Pig Feet
? Pig's trotters are rich in protein, and are recognized as a beauty product, which is loved by people in health care. In many restaurants with pig's hoof as the main ingredient, the braised pig's hoof is a popular mainstream form, which is more delicious in taste and attracts numerous consumers.
2019-11-26 13:03:36    key word: Pig hoof Stewed Pig Feet
Stewed Pig Feet Related questions and answers
I'm interested in Wang Xiaoyun's pig hooves. Call for free or Leaving a message.
Amount: 50000~100000 yuan Region: Beijing
Investment is risky. Be cautious when joining!
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