Updated on: December 26, 2023
Flying saucer is a kind of shooting sport, which mainly covers two-way flying saucer, multidirectional flying saucer and double multiple flying saucer. Different sports have different movement modes. Taking two-way flying saucer as an example, the shooting range is fan-shaped, with eight shooting positions, and a high and low target throwing room is set at both ends. Each room will be equipped with a target throwing machine. During the competition, the target thrower throws an angle to a fixed position, and can throw one target or two targets at a time. Six athletes form a group. Each athlete starts from the shooting position of No. 1, and then moves to the next position after the target shooting is completed. Every 25 targets shot at eight positions is a round. Men need to shoot 125 targets and women need to shoot 75 targets. As a mixed sports event, both men and women can participate in important events.
about UFO franchise Related projects
Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan
Number of stores: 50
Investment amount: 200000~500000 yuan
Number of stores: 135
Investment amount: 200000~500000 yuan
Number of stores: 100
Investment amount: 200000~500000 yuan
Number of stores: 100
Investment amount: 10000~50000 yuan
Number of stores: 252
UFO franchise Related information
Chuanchuanxiang must be familiar to everyone. It tastes delicious and spicy. It is similar to hotpot and is popular with consumers. There are countless Chuanchuanxiang brands in the catering market, and UFO Chuanchuanxiang is a good entrepreneurial choice. Then, how much is the franchise fee for UFO Chuanchuanxiang?
2023-03-08 16:00:00    key word: Chuanchuanxiang Franchise Snack franchise
Chuanchuanxiang is no stranger to everyone. It is popular in Sichuan and other cities in southwest China. Both Chuanchuanxiang chain brands and local Chuanchuanxiang stalls have good business. And Chuanchuanxiang is a delicious food that can be accepted by the public. It is also a good choice to open a franchise store for Chuanchuanxiang in China. UFO Chuanchuanxiang is an object worthy of your consideration. The brand has developed for many years and has a high reputation in the food industry. So how much does it cost to join now?
The market development space of the catering industry is large, but the emerging new brands also increase their competitiveness. A brand needs to have its own characteristics in order to achieve better development, so that it can stand firm in the market. In the industry, Macao He Ma Mung Bean has gained high brand reputation, and the product series it operates has good quality and taste characteristics to meet consumers' demand for food. Step by step, it has opened up a good entrepreneurial market for many entrepreneurs, which has attracted the attention of franchise. So, how much is the franchise fee of Macao He Ma Mung Bean Cake?
2021-11-17 11:00:12    key word: Mung bean cake joining Snack franchise
In the early stage of joining, the franchisee needs to advance funds for operation, so many people who have the idea of joining have to give up their entrepreneurial dreams because of insufficient funds, even if they have developed good joining projects. Nowadays, grilled fish is more popular in the catering industry, so it is a good choice to open a franchise restaurant for grilled fish.
2019-03-06 11:03:22    key word: Roast fish Catering franchise
Barbecued fish is a kind of special food that is popular among people at present. Barbecued fish shops can be seen in major cities across the country. The grilled fish they operate have unique characteristics, which not only capture the hearts of many consumers, but also attract the attention of many franchisees.
2023-09-04 11:15:00    key word: Roast fish
Most office workers will choose to eat breakfast outside, so breakfast shops of different styles have appeared in most communities or on the streets, providing a variety of breakfast food. At present, the development of the breakfast shop is good, and the business is also hot. As long as the breakfast tastes good and the quality is outstanding, it can be recognized by consumers. So, how much does it cost to open a breakfast shop?
2022-10-07 13:18:35    key word: Breakfast joining Join the breakfast shop
Changsha Tanzong Catering Service Co., Ltd. is a long established catering enterprise focusing on chopping pepper and fish head. The protagonist of this article - Hunan Tanzong Chopped Pepper Fish Head is a chain brand of the same name launched by the enterprise for the catering market. The emergence of this brand not only provides consumers from other places with the opportunity to taste delicious food, but also provides many franchisees with the opportunity to become rich. It is now a well-known brand of public praise.
Joining in according to the market trend can always achieve success in joining in. According to the current market trend, Chengdu braised food is a good franchise project. However, although the project is good, it is also necessary to choose a good franchise brand to obtain higher wealth on the basis of success. So, which one is better to join in Chengdu Marinated Flavor Shop?
Fast food is a very popular food product at present. Now fast food products are produced according to balanced nutrition, directly breaking the traditional single product, meeting the dietary needs of current people, and promoting the development of the industry. Nowadays, there are many fast food restaurants on the market, such as the canteen fast food brand. Relying on product diversification and quality, it can increase the brand's popularity in the market, also reflect the product characteristics, win a stable market, and become a potential development project. Joining this brand has a very good market. Then, how much does it cost to join the fast food restaurant in the canteen?
2021-01-15 13:00:25    key word: Fast food franchise Catering franchise
Duck food is a popular snack food. Its taste is spicy, the price is friendly to people, and the variety is rich. It gives people a good taste experience. Many people leave deep impression after tasting it, and they need to taste it from time to time.
UFO franchise Related questions and answers
I'm interested in flying saucer grilled fish. Call for free or Leaving a message.
Amount: 200000~500000 yuan Region: Guangdong
Investment is risky. Be cautious when joining!
Latest information
Overview of fees for joining a hot and sour powder store 1. Brand joining fee: To join a hot and sour powder brand, you usually need to pay a certain brand joining fee, which varies from brand to brand. 2. Brand usage fee: In addition to the franchise fee, the franchisee also needs to pay the brand usage fee to obtain brand authorization. 3. Brand management fees: some brands will also charge brand management fees to provide continuous management and support. Factors affecting franchise expenses 1. Brand popularity: The franchise expenses of famous brands are usually higher because they have more mature market and management experience. 2. Franchise scale: The initial alliance required will be different with different franchise scales. 3. Geographic location: rent and labor costs in different regions will affect franchise expenses. Consideration of other expenses 1. Store rent: the rent cost will be different according to the location and area of the store. 2. Decoration cost: the decoration of the store requires a certain amount of cost, depending on the decoration style and scale. 3. Equipment and raw materials: the purchase of kitchen equipment and raw materials is also an important expense at the initial stage of franchise. Conclusion The cost of joining a hot and sour powder store varies due to various factors, including brand, scale, geographical location, etc. Before deciding to join, it is suggested that entrepreneurs should know more about the joining brand, develop a detailed joining plan, and consider all possible costs. At the same time, only by choosing a promising alliance project can we succeed in the competitive market.