Pink House
Updated on: May 22, 2023
The noodle shop is a snack shop featuring noodles. Different noodle shops operate different kinds of noodles. The common ones are rice noodles, fish meal, rice vermicelli, etc., which can meet the needs of different consumers. In the process of production, rice and beans are used as the main processing ingredients. Grind into powder with special advanced equipment. Use the mold to make the molding. Cook in homemade soup, add various sauces such as red oil, vegetables and other side dishes according to the light taste of the diet. It tastes delicious, healthy and nutritious. The market price of rice noodles and other noodle snacks is not expensive, only a few yuan each. It is delicious, inexpensive and very popular. It can be eaten in spring, summer, autumn and winter.
about Fan House Joining Related projects
Investment amount: 200000~500000 yuan
Number of stores: 60
Investment amount: 10000~50000 yuan
Number of stores: 200
Investment amount: 10000~50000 yuan
Number of stores: 100
Investment amount: below 10000 yuan
Number of stores: 30
Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan
Number of stores: 69
Investment amount: 200000~500000 yuan
Number of stores: 35
Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan
Number of stores: 86
Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan
Number of stores: 120
Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan
Number of stores: 100
Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan
Number of stores: 100
Fan House Joining Related information
After you understand the basic joining information, we strongly recommend that you conduct a field visit. By visiting the direct stores or existing franchise stores of Peng Sanmi Noodles in person, you can intuitively feel the brand's operation mode and market performance, as well as understand the actual response of consumers. Field trips can not only help you get valuable
2024-01-14 18:19:42   
Rice flour is a kind of classic food snacks that everyone is familiar with. Rice flour has a high popularity in the domestic catering market and has always been the leisure food choice of the majority of consumers. There are many excellent rice flour series catering brands in China, which are loved by many consumers with excellent rice flour food, and have excellent chain development.
2023-04-20 11:45:00    key word: Snack franchise Fan House Joining
Mutton is a nutrient rich food material. The products made by different cooking methods have great differences in taste, which brings different food experiences to consumers. Mutton noodle restaurant has also become a food shop that people often patronize. Xuji Fresh and Delicious Mutton Meal Restaurant is recognized as a healthy food brand. It uses fresh raw materials to create delicious and nutritious products. It contains rich protein and minerals, which is very consistent with the current consumer's dietary standards. It attracts more and more new and old customers to eat. There is huge room for development in the market. So, how much does it cost to open a mutton noodle restaurant?
In Nanchong, everyone knows about Wenxing Powder Restaurant. At the same time, it has attracted the attention of countless entrepreneurs.
2022-01-21 13:38:59    key word: Snack franchise Catering franchise
In the south, powder shops are very common. With the increase of communication between the people in the north and the south, there are also pink restaurants in the north, which are welcomed by the local people. If a powder shop wants to be popular with the public, it must have powder products with moderate price and good taste. If a powder store sets the price too high, it will not be popular with the public. It will only have a good reputation in a small circle with strong consumption capacity. Wenxing Powder Restaurant has a reasonable price, and its powder products are delicious, so it can be loved by people. Then, how much is the franchise fee of Wenxing Powder Restaurant?
2021-12-21 14:15:20    key word: Snack franchise Rice flour joining
Beef noodle has a huge consumer group in the market. Beef noodle shops of all sizes have appeared in the market. The business of the stores is also very good, and they are favored by entrepreneurs.
2021-09-23 08:58:50    key word: Beef flour Beef franchise Fan House Joining
There are so many rice noodle shops in Nanchong that they can't be called. There are so many in Nanchong that everyone knows about Wenxing noodle shop.
2021-09-09 16:36:50    key word: Snack franchise Catering franchise
Traditional pasta has always been popular among Chinese consumers, but since Zhu'er Powder Restaurant came out of the market, people have basically loved rice noodles, which is also due to the difference between the taste of Zhu'er Powder and traditional pasta.
2019-12-13 13:27:51    key word: Snack franchise Rice flour joining
Now many people want to start their own businesses, and will choose suitable projects in the direction of the catering industry. Chuanwang Powder Restaurant is popular with the public, and more and more people want to join. But before joining, it is inevitable to have a deep understanding of this brand project, so that it can have better development in the future operation. So, where is the headquarters of Chuanwang Powder Restaurant?
Chuanwang Noodles Restaurant makes meals according to the traditional noodle production process. The noodles it sells have the characteristics of smooth taste, spicy and delicious taste, rich collocation, and unique flavor. The number of people who are attracted to the restaurant is increasing day by day. The article will discuss how to join Chuanwang Powder House and provide readers with necessary entrepreneurial ideas.
Fan House Joining Related questions and answers
I'm interested in the rice noodle restaurant, so call for free or Leaving a message.
Amount: 50000~100000 yuan Region: Beijing
Investment is risky. Be cautious when joining!
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The development scale of domestic food industry is huge, and many food enterprises have achieved outstanding development performance in China, among which the braised series food is an option with large consumer demand. When it comes to braised meat, everyone will think of all kinds of braised meat products. As a powerful brand in the industry, Huangshanghuang braised food has made great achievements in the field of domestic meat sauce braised food. The annual sales volume of products occupies the forefront position, and the brand's influence and appeal are significant, which is the trusted choice of many franchise partners. So, how much is the franchise fee of Huangshanghuang braised food? Huangshanghuang Stewed Meat is an outstanding food enterprise from Jiangxi Province in China. It has a history of 30 years in the domestic food industry. Its headquarters is located in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province. The headquarters company has the ability of independent duck meat breeding, slaughtering and processing, meat food deep processing and chain sales. Then, how much is the franchise fee of Huangshanghuang braised food? The franchise fee of Huangshanghuang halogen brand is about 50000 to 100000 yuan. Now there are many brand stores in the industry. They are developed in the form of Huangshanghuang halogen small stores, which are not large in scale and mostly open in downtown streets, shopping malls or places with dense traffic. They are very popular. Now, there are eight modern food production and processing bases in the country, six food series, more than 100 single product combinations, and more than 4000 chain stores distributed in more than 20 provinces and municipalities directly under the Central Government. Over the years, the development of Huangshanghuang flavor has won many brand honors. It is a demonstration base for agricultural product processing, a national green food demonstration enterprise, a national high-tech enterprise, etc. In addition, it is also one of the top 500 brands of private manufacturing enterprises in China, with outstanding brand strength. Then, how much is the franchise fee of Huangshanghuang braised food? Huangshanghuang braised food has significant influence and appeal on the brand. It is a brand loved and trusted by many consumers. Over the years, it has been tireless in food safety, bringing safe, high-quality and delicious braised food output to customers, and has been loved and recognized by consumers in many regions.