American style grilled fish
Updated on: October 17, 2022
American style grilled fish is a special dish. The main ingredients are fish, tofu, potatoes, etc. Fish can be cooked after being baked, which can achieve the cooking method of one roast and two stews, bringing consumers a unique experience. The method of making American style grilled fish is relatively simple. When cooking the grilled fish, clean the intestines in the fish belly, then add a small amount of pepper to marinate for a while, clean the potatoes and slice them, clean the onions and cut them into shreds, and chop the Flammulina velutipes. Heat the cooking oil in the frying pan, and when it is 50% mature, fry it in the fish fillet that has been pasted with flour until golden yellow, and then put it in the baking pan for standby. Add potatoes, flammulina velutipes and other ingredients to the fish fillet on the baking tray, and cook them until cooked.
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Amount: 50000~100000 yuan Region: Beijing
Investment is risky. Be cautious when joining!
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1、 Overview of Franchise Fees The fees for joining electric appliance brands vary from brand to brand and region to region, mainly including the following aspects: 1. Brand franchise fees: fees paid to the brand side to obtain brand use rights. 2. Security deposit: ensure that the franchisee complies with the contract terms. 3. First batch purchase fee: purchase the first batch of electrical products to meet the needs at the beginning of opening. 4. Decoration fee: store decoration shall be carried out according to brand requirements. 5. Equipment cost: purchase of display cabinet, cashier system and other equipment. 6. Rent: the rent of the store will vary according to the commercial value of the region where the store is located. 2、 Key points of franchise brand selection When choosing a franchise brand, entrepreneurs need to consider the following factors: 1. Brand popularity: choosing a famous brand with high reputation will help attract customers quickly. 2. Product quality: whether the electrical products provided by the brand meet the needs of the local market and whether the quality is up to standard. 3. Franchise support: whether the brand provides comprehensive franchise support, including training, material supply, marketing, etc. 4. Franchise fees: whether the franchise fees are reasonable and in line with their own budget. 3、 Franchise process 1. Consulting brand: learn about the brand's franchise policy, costs and other information. 2. Submit application: submit the franchise application to the brand side. 3. Review and evaluation: the brand side reviews and evaluates the applicant. 4. Signing the contract: After both parties reach an agreement, the franchise contract will be signed. 5. Training and learning: receive training from the brand side to learn electrical product knowledge and sales skills. 6. Site selection and decoration: select the store address and carry out decoration. 7. Opening preparation: make all preparations before opening. 8. Official opening: When everything is ready, it will be officially opened. 4、 Note 1. Market research: understand the demand and competition of the local market. 2. Expense budget: reasonably budget all expenses required for joining. 3. Contract details: read the franchise contract carefully to understand the rights and obligations of both parties. 4. Continuous learning: After joining, continue to learn and improve the operation and management ability. 5、 With the improvement of people's living standards, the demand for electrical products is also increasing. Joining a reputable electrical brand can quickly enter the market and save money by virtue of brand effect. In a word, joining the electric appliance brand is a promising entrepreneurial choice. Entrepreneurs need to choose appropriate brands and joining methods according to their own actual conditions.