Health foot bath
Updated on: 2016-06-12
Health foot bath means soaking feet in hot water. According to the meridian theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the five zang organs and six fu organs start from the three yin meridians (spleen, liver and kidney), and there are 66 points below the ankle. In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, soaking feet in hot water is like moxibustion on these points with moxa sticks, which has the health preserving effect of promoting blood circulation, warming the viscera, and keeping fit and preventing diseases. Foot bath, as a benign stimulus, can regulate the autonomic nervous system and endocrine system, and is beneficial to the proliferation of brain cells and enhance human memory; At the same time, it can dilate blood vessels on the body surface and improve blood circulation. As an excellent treasure of famous Chinese people and a wonderful flower of traditional medicine, foot therapy, like acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine, is a unique cultural heritage of famous Chinese people. People in the foot bath industry should have the mind and awareness to inherit and carry forward this heritage. In this industry, it is possible to produce real big brands belonging to Chinese families. In these fields, foreign brands cannot compete with us. As long as people join in the health foot bath and entrepreneurship project, they will have a bright future. It is worth expecting.
about Health foot bath franchise Related projects
Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan
Number of stores: 1
Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan
Number of stores: 1200
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Number of stores: 554
Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan
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Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan
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Investment amount: 200000~500000 yuan
Number of stores: 100
Investment amount: 200000~500000 yuan
Number of stores: 100
Investment amount: 100000~200000 yuan
Number of stores: 230
Investment amount: 200000~500000 yuan
Number of stores: 90
Investment amount: 200000~500000 yuan
Number of stores: 35
Health foot bath franchise Related information
After the accelerated pace of life, people will also encounter various pressures in their lives, which will lead to a sub-health state of the body. Therefore, the market continues to launch more health foot baths to relieve the physical pressure of customers, thus promoting the development of the foot bath industry.
2023-12-15 16:00:04    key word: Health foot bath franchise Health care alliance
The foot bath for health preservation is to soak feet with hot water, sometimes with Chinese medicine, and then massage. According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, there are more than 60 acupoints under the ankle, which have a health preserving function and can repair and regulate the autonomic nerve and endocrine. Therefore, joining in health preserving foot bath is a good choice. Among many health preserving foot bath brands, you should know about the ranking list of health preserving foot bath franchise stores, and then introduce it to everyone.
People in cities are under great pressure. It is a normal life for many people to do health care and physiotherapy in their leisure time. Foot treatment is a popular way of health care. Foot treatment can bring relaxation to the body, promote metabolism and blood circulation, suitable for all ages, so more and more people like it. Aishengyang is a good foot bath health care brand. It has been established for many years. Its scale is constantly expanding, health care projects are gradually increasing, and its membership system is constantly upgrading and improving, with high popularity. With the increase of market demand, foot bath health care project is hot. Many entrepreneurs want to know how about Love Health Foot Bath Health Center?
After the accelerated pace of life, people will also encounter various pressures in their lives, which will lead to a sub-health state of the body. Therefore, the market continues to launch more health foot baths to relieve the physical pressure of customers, thus promoting the development of the foot bath industry.
2023-12-15 16:00:04    key word: Health foot bath franchise Health care alliance
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Foot therapy shops can be found everywhere near communities, pedestrian streets, complexes and other areas with intensive traffic, and the number of customers coming to the stores is endless, showing a phenomenon in full swing.
Foot bath is a popular health care service nowadays. Every year, there are a large number of foot bath stores in the city, many of which maintain a good business situation, and some people have opened many branches in succession.
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Makeup has become a habit of beauty lovers of all ages, and the demand for various cosmetics continues to expand.
Nowadays, makeup has become a common social phenomenon, and many people have formed a habit.
Health foot bath franchise Related questions and answers
The foot bath market is constantly developing. As entrepreneurs, we must not miss this infinite market. The operation personnel of Liangzi Health Foot brand are of high quality and the service is supportive. The brand is based on the needs of customers, with beautiful environment and high quality technicians. Here, everyone will enjoy more comprehensive foot care services! So the brand gets [Details]
As a good treasure of famous Chinese people and a wonderful flower of traditional medicine, foot therapy, like acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine, is a unique cultural heritage of famous Chinese people. People in the foot bath industry should have the mind and awareness to inherit and carry forward this heritage. In this industry, it can produce real big products belonging to famous families [Details]
For middle school students, pedicure is their favorite. We can see that the streets are full of small shops selling pedicure. Recently, a friend said he wanted to join the pedicure industry. Later, he chose health preserving pedicure to join. Its operation status and cost are relatively low, which is more suitable for people's entrepreneurial needs. His startup fund is large [Details]
I'm interested in health foot bath, so call for free or Leaving a message.
Amount: 50000~100000 yuan Region: Beijing
Investment is risky. Be cautious when joining!
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