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Leyida Robot
  • Franchise industry:


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  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Leyida Robot Introduction to joining
Leyida 08eR347v01x Professional Technology Education Brand
Learn and grow in happiness
 Leyida 08eR347v01x people joined in product exhibition   
   Leyida Education combines technology+media to build BTV Leyida Science College
Leyida Education was established in 2009. With Beijing as the center, it has opened branches in 8 cities nationwide. Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Xi'an, Shanghai, Nanning, Wuhan, Kunming, Nanjing, etc. have been established successively. There are more than 30 direct campuses, more than 200 full-time teachers, and more than 60000 students.
With the goal of "building a national professional brand of science and technology education", focusing on science and technology makers, and focusing on children of 3-16 years old, actively develop diversified science and technology start-ups in the fields of science and technology curriculum creation, research and development, science and technology events, etc.
Nine years of tempering and nine years of precipitation, the operation and management experience of more than 30 directly operated campuses across the country, the trust and trust of tens of thousands of parents and students, the gathering of scientific and technological research and development teams, the accumulation of many years of experience in domestic and foreign events, the support of the 1+N model, and the creation of a sound business model+operation system.
Leyida is committed to building a national creative brand of professional science and technology education. It is a diversified science and technology education enterprise in many fields, such as "science and technology+education+Internet+media". The future has come, Leyida Technology is now inviting partners to join the country to jointly realize science and technology education.
   Trillion of huge market space, dedicated to training innovative talents in future social science and technology
The national education and training market is expected to exceed 1 trillion yuan by 2020 with an annual explosive growth of 30%.
The education and training industry is one of the sunrise industries in the 21st century, which requires that the students trained today should have a sense of competition and the ability to create, and that students must have the ability to change things. Scientific and technological activities and education will undoubtedly provide students with a space for development.
   Escort the golden business model and build a national professional science and technology education ecological chain
With six orientations of partner mode+science and technology education+science and technology media+08eR347v01x people alliance+curriculum research and development service+online platform mode, develop and continue to extend a wider range of fields, and build a national science and technology education penetration system network.
   Science and technology curriculum research and development+service
Focusing on the research and development of the science and technology education system for the 3-16 complete age group, science and technology talent training event services, science and technology create personalized services for talents.
Science and technology+campus education positioning, connecting traditional campus education, popularization and implementation. Nearly one hundred cooperative colleges and universities provide channel support.
To comprehensively create a new Internet+education model, we will open the technology product leasing platform to escort the national campuses.
BTV Leyida Academy of Juvenile Sciences, BTV's strategic partner, National Youth Science and Technology Creation Competition, BTV Science and Technology Journalist Station, talent selection base, and media coverage. The 08eR347v01x people alliance system supports the comprehensive creation of the 08eR347v01x people alliance system, which is a good resource integration for the industry.
   Science and technology+study tour
Cooperate with a number of professional institutions at home and abroad to launch science and technology summer and winter camps and study tours for international events.
Leyida Robot Franchise advantages
   Multi aspect support before opening+daily management support+8 major advantages support
Discuss and formulate a more comprehensive operation and management mechanism, guide the operation mode with eight advantages in many aspects, realize multi-level support, three-dimensional supervision, realize the mechanism of scientific and technological resources exchange, and provide comprehensive one-stop franchise services.
 Joined in Leyida Robot Activity
   Advantage support
   Channel support: Science and technology into campus; Robot community.
   Camp support: Summer camp; Winter camp.
   Summit and forum support: Free membership; Industry exchange summit attended.
   Grade examination and event support: Qualification for robot level examination; Qualifications for undertaking different venues.
   Training support: Industry training; Teacher grade qualification; authentication.
   Online and offline support: Leyi rents offline teaching experience; Campus online management system (1 year).
   Support from various aspects of operation management, small investment to leverage the large market and escort the franchisees
   Construction support
   Brand support: Brand influence; certificate of authorization; Authorization plate; Brand promotion.
   Preliminary research: Local school system and education status; Consumption level, education expenditure; Competitor research (similar institutions).
   School positioning: Early school running plan; Market positioning; Price positioning.
   School location: Site selection guidance; House lease agreement; Signing of lease agreement; matters needing attention.
   renovation: Unified VI design; Material procurement guide; Decoration construction scheme.
   Equipment procurement: Office supplies and equipment; Publicity materials.
   Company license handling: Formalities handling; Application process; matters needing attention.
   Daily operation
   Personnel recruitment: Finance; Educational administration; Market; sale; teacher; Selection of recruitment channels; Personnel interview guidance.
   Personnel training: Franchisee; Academic management; Market; Consultants; teacher.
   Establishment of learning management system: Data preparation; Course scheduling; Class hour system.
   System establishment: Human resources system; Financial system; Administrative logistics.
   Daily management: Management structure; System of all departments of the school; Performance appraisal system.
   Long term service of the headquarters: Support for market enrollment activities; Real time solution of teaching and educational administration problems; Irregular supervision support; Real time solution of management and performance problems.
   Interim adjustment: Solve the problems found; Perfect the management system; Improve service level.
   Market support
   marketing management: Plan formulation; Personnel coordination; Channel selection; Precautions during implementation; Establishment of enrollment channels; Consultation skills.
   Material design support: Banner; Poster; reticule; The company's promotional DM sheet; Medal of honor; Certificate of Merit.
Leyida Robot Franchise conditions
Leyida Robot Franchise process
   Franchise process
1. Intention Consultation
2. Sign an agreement
3. Site selection
4. Registration
5. Decoration guidance
6. Recruitment/training
7. Opening guidance
8. Operation guidance

User consultation

  • Budget 1 million, contact me as soon as possible

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Leyida Robot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 18:14:52 From China  58.42.225*
  • Want to know about opening a store

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Leyida Robot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 00:55:43 From Zhejiang Wenzhou [Telecom]  60.181.69*
  • Hope to contact me Thanks

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Leyida Robot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 16:56:58 From Dazhou, Sichuan  60.164.58*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Two million yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Leyida Robot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 18:07:43 From Jiangsu Province  49.77.245*
  • How much is the franchise fee

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Leyida Robot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 05:45:32 From Dongshan District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province  58.62.182*
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