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Lianchuang self-service printer
  • Franchise industry:

    New Industry>Others

  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 500000~1000000


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Lianchuang self-service printer Introduction to joining

 Joined Lianchuang self-service printer

Lianchuang Self service Printer strives to integrate AI terminals into all aspects of our lives. Lianchuang Self service Printer has developed a self service cloud printer based on intelligent chat robot and has been put into commercial operation nationwide. In the future, Lianchuang will also launch a variety of AI terminals such as photo sharing printers and small shared printers, which will be more creative and make our lives better.
Lianchuang is committed to developing a simple and easy to use system, which can be realized by standardizing the construction of a variety of hardware and application software on the network and combining the expected functions with modular software components. The document highway is the main idea behind Lianchuang's office products and solutions. In today's networked office environment, it provides open and easy to operate connectivity. In line with the development trend of digitalization and networking in the market, Lianchuang self-service printers are also committed to providing users with better products and services.
After a recreational photo printing of Lianchuang self-service printer, players paid attention to the merchant's WeChat public account while consuming, became potential customers of business opportunities, watched the three-dimensional ads and video ads on the printer, and took the photos with the merchant's ads home to complete the continuous repayment of consumption and advertising. WeChat Shangmei, customize WeChat management platform, manage public accounts, analyze platform data, print WeChat photos, let more fans participate, achieve greater value, assist more businesses to obtain customers, and stop advertising interaction
As a cutting-edge high-tech commodity, Lianchuang self-service printer has great market potential and development space, and becomes the first ideal choice for groups and businesses to join. If we apply WeChat Shangmei to shopping malls, squares, office buildings, homes, photo studios, subways, stations, etc. as business promotion and mass advertising projects, we can print WeChat photos to show our strength and thus add market competition leverage. And once there is a business opportunity, competitors will follow up immediately, making one customer quickly become multiple customers.
Lianchuang self-service printer Franchise advantages

 Joined Lianchuang self-service printer

1. Operation and maintenance support
Help agents to formulate a series of systems and plans such as the company's organizational structure, salary system, rules and regulations, incentive policies, performance goals, etc., so that the cooperative company can operate.
2. Marketing support
Online construction, sales process, conference marketing and the headquarters invest a lot of publicity and promotion costs every year, and help agents' websites attract customers through multiple channels to achieve rapid order receiving.
3. Personnel support
The headquarters assigns regional managers and product service managers to be stationed in agent cities to assist agents in operation investment attraction, product problem training, end customer development, personnel recruitment, etc.
4. Training support
At least three live training sessions a month, covering multiple fields such as product, marketing and management. The headquarters stationed personnel provide in-depth training guidance throughout the process. The company's development line meets the market demand, and is synchronized with the promoted policies. With advanced market vision, the brand has taken a leading position in the market.
5. Conference support
The lecturer team of the headquarters assisted the cooperative agents to hold various business conferences and related training meetings, such as investment promotion conferences, marketing conferences, training conferences, etc. The company gathered a group of high-quality, highly capable and highly educated talents, and with their participation, the enterprise continued to develop towards a higher and farther direction.
6. Technical support
The technical team constantly updates and iterates the product functions according to the market demand, regularly carries out online product new function training, technical guidance and question answering, and has after-sales outlets throughout the country, with network coverage of more than 80%, so that the agents can sell well and consumers can buy well.
7. Customer service support
The pre-sales - on sale - after-sales customer service team provides one-on-one learning guidance for agents, answers product questions online 7 * 12h, and each agent is equipped with a dedicated product customer service manager.
8. Material support
Brand authorization boards, image wall templates, posters, brochures, corporate promotional videos, product PPT, tooling and other materials are available, helping cooperative agents to quickly market customers.
Lianchuang self-service printer Franchise conditions
1. Recognize the corporate culture and business management philosophy of Lianchuang Self service Printer Headquarters, have the founding spirit, and are willing to grow together with the headquarters;
2. Recognize the management mode of franchise chain;
3. Understand the operation mode of the retail industry and have qualified business awareness;
4. Have some experience in personnel management/retail industry management is preferred;
5. Long term investment and personal operation, with long-term development potential;
6. Sign a contract and keep good reputation.
Lianchuang self-service printer Franchise process
1、 Franchise consultation
Interested parties consult the headquarters about the franchise matters by telephone, fax, online message, etc., and ask for relevant information.
2、 Intention to join
Intention negotiation: the provincial agents meet to discuss the intention of joining; Investigation: entrepreneurs can take two forms: field investigation and online investigation;
3、 Franchise qualification review
After review by the company, the marketing center introduces the terms of the distribution contract and cooperation methods
4、 Signing of franchise contract
Signing contract: signing formal contract, handling power of attorney, and issuing power of attorney.
5、 Shop decoration
The company designs the decoration scheme and guides the scheme for the store layout; Decoration guidance and dispatching the headquarters decoration team;
6、 Store opening preparation
Recruitment and training: recruit personnel needed for operation, and the company will provide franchisees with store operation training, market analysis and market channel development guidance, store staff training, etc;
7、 Formal operation and follow-up services
The store is being opened on a trial basis, and the head office sent personnel to assist in the opening work. Various tracking and guidance services.

Lianchuang self-service printer Joining dynamics


Lianchuang self-service printer Related questions and answers


User consultation

  • Only 800 square meters to 900 square meters

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Lianchuang self-service printer! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 05:46:20 From Shandong Province  39.79.65*
  • Want to consult

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Lianchuang self-service printer! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 17:39:40 From Suqian City, Jiangsu Province  49.89.12*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Within 10w.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Lianchuang self-service printer! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 13:31:05 From Jinsha Town, Tongzhou District, Nantong City, Jiangsu Province  49.94.37*
  • What is the process of joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Lianchuang self-service printer! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 05:29:03 From Heilongjiang Province  42.102.238*
  • How much is the franchise fee and what support

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Lianchuang self-service printer! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 10:33:38 From Henan Province  42.233.95*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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