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*Warm tip: investment is risky, 91 franchise website prompts more brand inspection!
Veterans' online car hailing platform
  • Franchise industry:

    Service>Special car driving

  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    eight hundred and ninety-six

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Veterans' online car hailing platform Introduction to joining
 Joined in the car hailing platform of Veterans Online
Veterans' online car hailing platform, on call! It is an Internet+private model focusing on serving the society with the Internet+"Veterans' online car hailing platform" as the magic weapon of success. The company, taking mobile APP as the platform, driving agency as the carrier, and "veteran" as the brand identity image, is committed to providing driving agency services across the general industrial chain, such as drunk driving, long-distance driving, tourism driving, business travel driving and other forms of driving agency services. The app platform independently developed by the car hailing platform of Veterans. com can realize one button car hailing on mobile phones and one button order receiving by drivers. The "Veterans Online Car hailing Platform" APP can be used for both travel and return.
At the beginning of its establishment, the company attached great importance to the brand effect and began to apply for the brand of "Veterans' Car hailing Platform" to complete the industrial and commercial registration. The app of "Veterans' Car hailing Platform" has obtained the software copyright certificate. The recognizable brand image of "Laobing.com Car hailing Platform" has created a competitive brand advantage that few people in the industry can match, no matter from the perspective of vision, perception or brand association. The "Veterans' online car hailing platform" provides a nanny like driving service, which can meet the travel needs of people with different needs as well as the needs of audience groups.
The car hailing platform on Veterans. com provides a nanny like driving service, which can meet the travel needs of people with different needs as well as the needs of audience groups. As of April 2016, it has completed: 32000 registered APP users, with a daily turnover of 4.2 million. The Veterans Group is looking for a national partner of like-minded veterans. "Veterans Travel Group" boldly creates Internet technology and smart phone APP product service software, adopts the O2O operation mode of GPS positioning function, combines the concept of Internet+with automotive aftermarket services, and integrates agency driving, special vehicles, distribution, night buses Security and other online 020 models and online shopping malls are fully integrated, and services include car customization (Zhongjun Mengshi), car sales, car rental, car, retired military entrepreneurship, daily necessities shopping malls and other businesses, including food, clothing, housing and transportation.
Veterans' online car hailing platform Franchise advantages
 Joined in the car hailing platform of Veterans Online
1. Brand image:
High brand name and strong market potential. Each franchise store can fully enjoy the benefits brought by the unified VI brand image and advertising.
2. Whole store output:
For the continuous operation of the company's direct stores, the seven standardized management and operation systems are summarized, and are fully copied under the guidance of the company's operating personnel.
3. Logistics distribution:
The Laobing.com car hailing platform joins the headquarters' own raw material factory and logistics distribution center for unified distribution and cost reduction.
4. Media advertising:
The headquarters of the car hailing platform of Veterans. com will prepare a lot of leaflets and posters in advance, and will also put advertisements in some media to help franchisees increase their publicity. Colleagues will also prepare some preferential activities for franchisees to open in advance to help shops attract some new customers.
5. Market operation:
After the franchise store opens, the company's special planning department will develop a targeted marketing plan suitable for the local area according to the regional characteristics, consumption habits, purchasing power and other factors of the local consumer groups. At the same time, the company also plans to launch 1-2 large-scale promotion plans every year.
6. Training support:
The headquarters has set up intensive training courses for a long time, covering the basic knowledge of the actual operation of opening and operating stores.
7. Site selection and decoration:
The headquarters of the car hailing platform of Veterans. com assigns site selection and store decoration designers to assist franchisees in site selection and store decoration to unify brand image.
8. Opening guidance:
According to the situation of different business districts, multiple sets of different store opening schemes are suitable
9. Event planning:
Provide cutting-edge market information, assist in planning the corresponding advertising, and expand the influence of the Veterans' online car hailing platform brand in the local area.
10. Area protection:
The headquarters will define obvious market segmentation, strictly implement regional protection policies, standardize market order, coordinate relations in all aspects, and ensure a stable business environment for franchisees.
Veterans' online car hailing platform Franchise conditions
1. Legal person, natural person or organization with legal qualification.
2. Have a certain sense of brand management and identify with the brand concept.
3. Have certain capital investment strength and good business reputation.
4. Have strong resistance ability and business experience in relevant industries.
5. It has sufficient strength and fixed business premises.
6. People on the car hailing platform of Veterans have enthusiasm for their own industry.
7. We agree with the corporate culture of the brand of the Veterans' online car hailing platform, believe in the brand development vision of the Veterans' online car hailing platform, and are willing to engage in the operation and management of the service industry.
8. Legitimate citizens, organizations or individuals who are law-abiding, honest, trustworthy, pragmatic and pioneering.
Veterans' online car hailing platform Franchise process
1. Learn about:
Telephone, fax or online message, ask for relevant questions.
2. Project investigation:
Go to the headquarters to investigate the project on the spot, and have face-to-face communication with the franchise commissioner of the headquarters.
3. Franchise application:
The franchisee shall fill in the franchise application form in detail according to the actual situation, so that the company can better serve the franchisee.
4. Contract signing:
If you review the qualification of the Veterans' online car hailing platform headquarters, both parties can sign a franchise contract according to the negotiation results.
5. Location selection:
The development department evaluates the location of the store and collects the basic information of the store.
6. Decoration design:
For the unified image of the franchise stores across the country of the Veterans' online car hailing platform, the franchise stores need to carry out unified decoration for the store inputs, and the headquarters should carry out acceptance evaluation;
7. Franchise training:
The headquarters will arrange technical training for franchisees, and issue authorized bronze medals after passing the training.
8. New store opening:
Preparation for opening The team sent by the company before the opening of the franchisee will guide the franchisee to carry out the corresponding preparation for opening and the corresponding publicity before opening, so that the franchisee can save worry.

Veterans' online car hailing platform Joining dynamics


Veterans' online car hailing platform Related questions and answers


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  • Consultation on joining details

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the car hailing platform of Veterans Online! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 16:21:39 From Inner Mongolia  39.155.97*
  • If you want to know more about joining, please reply. Thank you.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the car hailing platform of Veterans Online! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 03:50:24 From Jiangsu Province  49.78.41*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 1、 Twenty thousand.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the car hailing platform of Veterans Online! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 00:10:40 From Changchun, Jilin  58.244.80*
  • How much is the franchise fee?

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the car hailing platform of Veterans Online! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 08:46:26 From Xiangxi, Hunan  58.44.219*
  • Very interested

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the car hailing platform of Veterans Online! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 22:25:37 From Anhui Unicom  58.243.250*
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