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Have a sesame seed cake
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    three hundred

  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Have a sesame seed cake Introduction to joining
 Join us with a sesame seed cake
Lai Ge Shao Cake is affiliated to Beijing Lai Ge Shao Cake Catering Management Headquarters. The company's entrepreneurial future will be more fashionable, catering wealth will create multiple hot business opportunities, and the future industry will also be quite good. It has successfully created and realized the development of more people. To join a chain brand of sesame seed cake is mainly to create special sesame seed cake snacks. At the same time, it is also easy to do business in all aspects of the market. Naturally, it will be quite good to open a shop, business will be better, and create more fashion classics.
The characteristics demand entrepreneurship, choose the future better, the future wealth of fashion, and the classics are better. The development of a chain brand joined by a baked cake is also good, so it will also develop well in the future business opportunities in the industry. If there is demand, there will be business opportunities, and natural wealth will develop well. Now, joining the chain brand business with a sesame seed cake is also quite good in the later wealth selection, which has attracted more people to join and develop, and the business is also good.
Lailai Sesame is committed to the inheritance, research, development and promotion of Lailai Sesame. Use their own areas of expertise to serve customers, improve the industrial structure and management difficulties that are difficult for enterprises to break through in the benign development, and create an internationally advanced franchise chain operation system. All kinds of support, as a strong backing for franchisees. Put a lot of advertising funds into a sesame seed cake, show a sesame seed cake brand around the clock, and let a sesame seed cake brand enter thousands of households.
With the rapid development of the brands of sesame seed cakes in recent years, the brand has opened franchise stores in many cities across the country. Of course, there are more than one franchise store in Chongqing. A sesame seed cake will bring people a different delicious experience. It has a good development prospect and is very impressive. In addition, a baked cake will integrate various healthy ingredients into the product, so that diners can enjoy delicious and healthy food at a close distance. Therefore, a baked cake is very popular in the market.
A baked cake has embarked on the road of brand development, and the conditions for joining have become standardized and standardized. The cost of a sesame seed cake is low and can be widely accepted by most people, so the reputation of joining is very good. Therefore, choosing a sesame seed cake to join can reduce a large amount of joining expenses for the franchisee. One stop support for evaluation, shop decoration design, etc.

Have a sesame seed cake Franchise advantages
 Join us with a sesame seed cake
Brand characteristics
Along the way, the headquarters has always adhered to the characteristics of Taipo Guokui and never changed its original intention. From the original four flavors to the current 12 flavors, it has met the taste needs of various consumer groups in a timely manner, and has been popular with customers at home and abroad. Word of mouth has now become a loud name card for Chengdu's delicious snacks. As the business of the shop is getting better and better, people from all over the world are always praising it. However, due to geographical limitations, many diners can't taste it at one time, so the idea of recruiting apprentices around the world to inherit the craft of making it.
1. Marketing support three-dimensional publicity: for brand publicity, various advertising resources and media cooperation, promote online and offline activities, and realize three-dimensional communication of the brand while customers.
2. Publicity for single stores: we will design online and offline activities suitable for stores in off-season to attract customers.
3. Decoration style design support: provide unified store design, VI image, fashionable and dynamic style, rich cultural heritage, and reduce labor costs.
4. 360 ° dead angle support for regional overseas supervision: every three chain stores are equipped with a store opening consultant who is responsible for monthly marketing guidance, business review guidance, new product and technical guidance, truly achieving seamless links, transparent support, and 360 ° dead angle support.
Let's have a sesame seed cake to join in and support: it's easy to start a business and remove all obstacles for you to start a business
Industrial and commercial registration: provide materials required for applying for the license and relevant precautions with a sesame seed cake.
Site selection: As an important part of the success or failure of the operation, the site selection will provide a detailed market survey and population structure analysis of the surrounding business districts.
Personnel recruitment: provide the employment standards, recruitment conditions and recruitment channels of "come a pancake".
Personnel training: provide free training opportunities with a sesame seed cake. Including: a sesame seed cake course system, reception at the front desk and practical operation training, as well as the opportunity for each employee to visit and assign courses before going on duty.
Teaching equipment: a sesame seed cake will be provided for the franchise center according to the center area and course needs.
Opening support: at the early stage of opening, we will send a baked cake to the franchisee for on-site assistance in arranging opening activities, one-on-one major Guide the business process.
Center manager training: a sesame seed cake will be provided to provide detailed "manager training", from the early preparation to the later operation series.

Have a sesame seed cake Franchise conditions
Reputation: business reputation and social relations
Funds: sufficient funds for opening stores and defending
Enthusiasm: have the courage, confidence and courage to start a business
Communication: capable of communication
Obedience: Recognize the operation and management concept of "One Baked Cake", and have the will and determination to obey and accept the requirements of the franchise system
Three basic conditions for franchise catering:
1. There is a local catering market (the number of local population, economic situation, consumption habits and the operation of major competitors are generally good)
2. Store location (better at the port)
Basic conditions:
(1) Sufficient parking space
(2) , can fully display the image of store signings
(3) Sufficient popularity around
(4) . The house itself has a better layout, with better storey height, fewer columns and more square houses

Have a sesame seed cake Franchise process
1. Telephone consultation with a sesame seed cake company, after reaching the intention, we will visit a sesame seed cake company on the spot.
2. Find a suitable shop to join in, and sign a letter of intent to join in.
3. Pay the joining fee and come to a sesame seed cake company to visit on a certain day.
4. Franchisees sign a store lease, and the company designs decoration drawings and display drawings according to the store conditions.
5. Franchisees carry out store decoration company assistance planning, training, distribution, publicity and other opening preparations.
6. Open the store and report the success of the website customer service.

Have a sesame seed cake Joining dynamics


Have a sesame seed cake Related questions and answers


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  • Want to join in and apply for an agency

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-29 01:13:34 From Shanghai  58.35.236*
  • Want to join the store!

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    2024-05-25 10:20:23 From Shijiazhuang, Hebei [Unicom]  61.182.70*
  • WeChat sends data, WeChat is the same as mobile phone, busy now, don't call

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-19 22:40:56 From Baoding City, Hebei Province  61.159.18*
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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-19 05:57:49 From Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province [Telecom]  61.140.134*
  • How much is the franchise fee?

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-19 02:02:10 From Beijing Tietong  61.233.27*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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