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Hardbound youth cosmetics
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Agency licensing

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Hardbound youth cosmetics Introduction to joining
 Joined in by hardcover Nianhua cosmetics
The hardcover Nianhua cosmetics monopoly store is steady, and dare to take the lead in the world. It has established a strategic partnership with hundreds of cosmetics brands. Hundreds of unknown cosmetics brands are covered in the store - tens of thousands of cosmetics products in detail. The products have been constantly expanded, and even passed the ISO9001 system certification. Due to the need of development system, Fine makeup Lianhua cosmetics store introduces advanced CIS system and chain management system to make dealers operate easily. In the same industry, the boutique Lianhua fashion cosmetics store integrates cosmetics, skin care education and health care science, making the boutique Nianhua cosmetics store rely on its major And product richness and quality. The cosmetics industry has established a key impact.
The threshold of cooperation with Fine Makeup Lianhua Cosmetics is low. Two months of abnormal dividends, a new model, is suitable for the choice of keeping business. The store can be opened within 20 square meters. The first investment is only tens of thousands of yuan. The new model of expanding customers has greatly increased the turnover of customers, making them feel free to stay. It is reported that Fine Makeup Lianhua Cosmetics accepted the brand operation system of internationally advanced seniors, Perfect return and exchange mechanism, independent selling strategy, ensure The branch industry and commerce are low risk, creating an international supplier evaluation system, catching the eye with big brands, and locking the source of customers by doing things. A physical store can accommodate domestic beautiful necessities. Even without publicity, customers will come in one after another to supply all products major Evaluate and monitor, reject poor quality products, pay 10 for each fake, and pay attention to consumers. Good products naturally sell well.
Not only that, in addition to the usual TV ads and newspaper ads, Fine Makeup Lianhua Cosmetics has also established long-term partnerships with major popular online media platforms in China to provide comprehensive brand operation support. Fine Makeup Lianhua Cosmetics breaks the tradition and differentiates with the public. We promise to all partners that the world will recruit partners to fully protect their rights and interests, Upon arrival, you can enjoy the indirect price of the workshop, the ultra-low purchase discount, and the right to develop branches in the region. At the same time, partners can enjoy additional dividends at the end of the year after reaching the standard.
Hardbound youth cosmetics Franchise advantages
 Joined in by hardcover Nianhua cosmetics
1. The brand of hardbound youth cosmetics has been deeply rooted in the hearts of consumers for a long time. After joining the hardcover Nianhua cosmetics, the franchisee can use the brand image and brand trademark free of charge, attract loyal consumers of the brand by virtue of the brand, and make the franchisee stand at a higher starting point.
2. The headquarters has a strong design and production capacity, irregular launch of new products, and sufficient supply of goods ensure Timely delivery.
3. Various and updated technologies have brought unexpected wealth gains to franchisees. Provide uniform decoration design scheme, opening planning and related materials, and provide regular on-site guidance and management.
4. The company provides each franchisee with systematic training from product use to in store order receiving, from background planning to on-site guidance, laying a solid foundation for your successful opening.
5. The continuous support service after joining enables the franchisee to get the source power of development and the interests of the franchisee.
6. Compared with similar brands, the cooperation policy of hardbound Nianhua cosmetics is preferential, the overall franchise amount is lower, and the strength requirements for franchisees are relatively loose.
Hardbound youth cosmetics Franchise conditions
1. Strong sense of enterprise, responsibility and good We are willing to cooperate with you for a long time.
2. Have the funds needed for the normal operation of the "hardcover youth cosmetics" franchise store.
3. The decoration shall be carried out according to the VI manual of the company "Fine Decoration Nianhua Cosmetics" and the regulations of Paguda.
4. Agree with and be willing to implement the market management policies, service standard treaties, settlement policies, advertising and promotion programs related to "hardcover youth cosmetics".
5. The image stores and franchised stores of "hardcover youth cosmetics" need sufficient human support, including those with unified training major Personnel and service personnel.
6. Obey the sales management of the superior dealer of "hardcover youth cosmetics", and have certain management ability and marketing ability.
7. Actively cooperate with the Company to carry out advertising, public relations and promotional activities in the region.
Hardbound youth cosmetics Franchise process
1. Preliminary negotiation
Leave a message on the website to obtain first-hand alliance information, and facilitate the alliance consultants to help you solve the difficulties in joining in a timely manner.
2. Market preparation
On the basis of understanding the basic situation of the project, the franchisee should also investigate whether the local market is suitable for opening a hardcover youth cosmetics franchise store.
3. Fill in the application
After the field visit, if you are satisfied with the situation of the cosmetics brand of hardcover Nianhua, determine the franchisee to join, fill in the "Application Form for Joining in", and apply to the headquarters for joining in.
4. Sign the contract
After both parties reach the transaction intention, they can sign the franchise contract and pay the relevant fees according to the franchise level.
5. Franchise store site selection
Determine the appropriate store location in the local market, and the headquarters comprehensively analyzes the feasibility of the selected business district.
6. Shop decoration construction
According to the decoration scheme provided by the headquarters, the storefront shall be uniformly decorated and constructed, and the headquarters shall conduct acceptance after construction.
7. Pre opening training
In accordance with the franchise chain operation management mode of hardbound Nianhua cosmetics, the headquarters will assist you in the pre opening training, including the systematic training of store operators in product knowledge, equipment operation, sales skills, daily management of stores, related processes of subsidiaries, business philosophy, actual sales skills, etc.
8. Opening
Communicate with the business manager about the opening time, plan the opening plan and make preliminary preparations.
9. Official opening
① Do a good job of service and reception on the opening day. ② Specify the support policy given by the headquarters in the later period.

Hardbound youth cosmetics Joining dynamics


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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to hardbound youth cosmetics! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 14:56:32 From Bayin Goleng Prefecture, Xinjiang  49.112.37*
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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to hardbound youth cosmetics! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 19:41:36 From Henan Province  42.229.216*
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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to hardbound youth cosmetics! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 11:48:29 From Luoyang, Henan [Unicom]  42.235.134*
  • If you join, do you want to go directly to the store

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to hardbound youth cosmetics! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 05:57:34 From Qianxi County, Tangshan City, Hebei Province  60.3.43*
  • Learn about this project

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to hardbound youth cosmetics! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 03:20:54 From Guangdong Huazhou  59.34.142*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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