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Jiayin English
  • Franchise industry:

    Home Textile>Bamboo Fiber

  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 200000~500000


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Jiayin English Introduction to joining
 Joined by Jiayin English
The road to education is long and arduous. We need to establish a broad pattern, set long-term development goals, and strive for good teaching results and good teaching services. Jiayin has come step by step. That's why Jiayin has actively developed relevant publications: textbooks for primary and secondary schools, online bookstores, teacher guidance classes, Joy to the World magazine and other product lines. We hope that where there is a need for English, there will be good news. This is not only the common ideal and goal of good news people, but also the source that has inspired all good news people to inject their heart and enthusiasm for a long time. In order to achieve such an ideal, Jiayin has successively set up a foundation and an English drama troupe, constantly giving back to the society, serving the people and devoting itself to children's education with the original intention of entrepreneurship, trying to convey a spirit and a culture, so that love and care can continue to irrigate the future and deepen education.
Looking back, Jiayin English has gone through 30 years. Jiayin English 30 is based on education. From initial creation to development, to the huge scale of more than 500 schools across both sides of the Taiwan Straits, Jiayin has made great strides to overcome the difficulties of tutoring classes. What she has is the support of parents and students and indomitable perseverance; From growth to growth, Jiayin has been working hard with all the people of Jiayin; The future of Jiayin is bound to move forward forever, because Jiayin always holds unlimited educational ideals and absolute sincerity. We sincerely invite you to appreciate the unique spirit and charm of Jiayin, and work together to deliver the world's best news.
Jiayin English was founded in 1981. At the beginning of its establishment, it took English teaching, responsible school running attitude and new educational philosophy as its purpose, and adhered to the educational ideal of children as the standard, and worked carefully; Over the years, we have consistently created a brand reputation.
After the establishment of Jiayin English in Taipei, due to the complete school system, rigorous teacher training, the creation of textbooks and teaching methods, outstanding teaching results, and word of mouth spread far and near, Jiayin English has successively set up branches; By 1990, in response to the broad market demand, the company had opened its franchise, and in February 2001, it entered Pudong, Shanghai, and established a Shanghai branch, which was responsible for the various businesses of the Jiayin business organization in mainland China, mainly for the chain and franchise development of the Jiayin English tutorial class in mainland China, and the copyright authorization of various English series developed and published by the Jiayin business organization.
Facing the vast English learning market for children and young children on the mainland, Shanghai Branch adheres to the culture and teaching philosophy of Jiayin English for 32 years, unified teaching materials, perfect teaching resources, and systematic process teaching, provides large enrollment tools for franchisees, and provides a good English learning environment for children and young children on the mainland, And a good language tool for international competition. Under the sound system planning of Jiayin, the teaching quality is unified, the service attitude is cordial, and the style of the General Management Office is solid. In the steady and steady development, there are more than 500 branches in China at present. "Jiayin English wants children to be in line with the world, and Jiayin English enables children to walk with giants" will be the great pursuit and goal of Jiayin.
Jiayin English Franchise advantages
 Joined by Jiayin English
1、 Unique Teaching Features of Jiayin English
Children oriented, meeting the needs of children's physical and mental development
Full English Teaching Environment
The course content and activities have local awareness and international macro multi cultural understanding
A variety of activities designed to stimulate students' thinking, judgment and creativity
Limb manipulation activities to deepen memory
Use various teaching aids and teaching resources to assist teaching
Create a low pressure teaching situation to enhance learning ability
2、 Advantages of many cultural and educational industries in choosing good news
English education reputation and brand image
Successful operation and management
Perfect market planning, supported by business areas
Perfect education and training courses
Complete tutorship service
The number of students in the branch school is high and the profit is expected
On the achievements of English teaching in listening, speaking, reading, writing, acting and singing
   major English education reputation and brand image of
Successful operation and management
Perfect market planning, supported by business areas
Perfect education and training courses
Complete tutorship service
The number of students in the branch school is high and the profit is expected
On the achievements of English teaching in listening, speaking, reading, writing, acting and singing
Jiayin English Franchise conditions
1. Those who are interested in children's education and have the same business philosophy as Jiayin English.
2. More than 300 square meters (m) in the building. (about 70 floors)
3. The initial total wisdom is estimated to be more than 1.5 million yuan
4. The wisdom part includes (franchise royalty, performance improvement/increase, house rent, house deposit, decoration costs, desks and chairs, teaching materials, application filing costs, personnel costs, air conditioning equipment)
Jiayin English Franchise process
  A. Transplanting Jiayin English successfully operated and managed more than 500 Know Hows
  B. Enterprise identification system using Jiayin English for unified design and planning
  C. Get complete and effective educational planning and software of Jiayin English
  D. Authorized to use teaching materials with 35 years of successful experience
  E. Authorized to use special products developed by Jiayin English
  F. Enjoy the support of regional operation
  G. Assist the preparation of the campus and support the opening activities
  H. Provide teacher training twice a year
  I. Provide school tour guidance and administrative business training twice a year

Jiayin English Joining dynamics


Jiayin English Related questions and answers


User consultation

  • Consulting and joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Jiayin English! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 17:39:39 From China  39.158.167*
  • If you are interested in joining, do you have any electronic promotional materials? Can you send them to me first.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Jiayin English! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 03:46:41 From Jinan, Shandong Province  59.83.201*
  • Want to try

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Jiayin English! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 23:43:40 From Qinyang City, Jiaozuo City, Henan Province  42.234.61*
  • I want to join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Jiayin English! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 07:30:59 From Guangdong  59.41.188*
  • How much is the franchise fee? How to join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Jiayin English! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 21:32:17 From Gansu Province  42.93.253*
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