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Jiuxiangtang Hand shredded Spicy Chicken with Peppers
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred and ten

  • Investment amount: 500000~1000000


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Jiuxiangtang Hand shredded Spicy Chicken with Peppers Introduction to joining

 Jiuxiangtang Hand shredded Spicy Chicken Joined

As one of the more representative dishes in the Sichuan cuisine series, Jiuxiangtang Hand shredded Pepper Spicy Chicken has been unanimously loved by the public consumers with its unique taste. Jiuxiangtang hand shredded pepper chicken uses multiple processes such as boiling and hand shredding in the production process. The fresh chicken breast, thigh and back meat are taken off, marinated and stirred with sesame oil. The taste is bone free and residue free. It tastes fresh and delicious. Therefore, Jiuxiangtang Hand shredded Pepper Spicy Chicken has gradually become one of the best-selling braised delicacies, and has been loved and welcomed by consumers in all regions of the north and south.
As a common food, chicken has many different production methods, and the taste of chicken produced by different processes is also very different. Jiuxiangtang Hand shredded Spicy Chicken is just one of many methods. It mainly tastes spicy. It tastes spicy and very comfortable. In the catering market, there are many food brands focusing on Jiuxiangtang Hand shredded Pepper Spicy Chicken, some of which can join, some of which have no open franchise channels, and the fees charged by different brands are also very different, generally ranging from tens of thousands to 100000 yuan. However, no matter which franchise brand, during the cooperation period, it will provide intimate guidance and help for franchisees, and will continue to impart experience in marketing, so that partners can better manage.
As a kind of Chinese food, Jiuxiangtang Hand shredded Spicy Chili Chicken can be said to be a combination of traditional catering and modern fast food restaurants, with standardized production technology and fast food delivery. The spicy and delicious Jiuxiangtang hand shredded pepper chicken can be paired with various staple foods, which is not only very satisfying, but also quite delicious. Jiuxiangtang Hand shredded Pepper Spicy Chicken is not only delicious, healthy and nutritious, but also low in fat content. Eating more will not gain weight.
On the whole, the joining fee of Jiuxiangtang Hand shredded Pepper Spicy Chicken is not high, and the cooperation mode is flexible. In addition, there are many support policies, and it is easy and labor-saving to open a store. Jiuxiangtang Hand shredded Pepper Spicy Chicken has a new taste, and the taste is also very unique. It is large, affordable, and has a very high cost performance ratio. A variety of different business modes, which can be served at the restaurant, taken out or ordered online directly, are very considerate.
Jiuxiangtang Hand shredded Spicy Chicken with Peppers Franchise advantages

 Jiuxiangtang Hand shredded Spicy Chicken Joined

1. Luhua Jiuxiangtang Hand shredded Pepper Spicy Chicken implements a unified terminal brand image display, provides unified image design support for store and outdoor promotion, comprehensively and rapidly improves the brand awareness and communication depth, highlights the taste and charm. The company headquarters provides store design, product promotion and sales for franchisees. Franchisees will open at a very fast speed.
2. Luhua Jiuxiangtang Hand shredded Pepper Spicy Chicken has a training mode that is easy to learn and understand. Before opening the store, the Operation Supervision Department arranges to provide systematic training to teach each franchisee the standard operation process. Free delivery in the urban area and multiple preferential policies for delivery outside the city. Franchisees and headquarters jointly develop the market and strengthen brand promotion.
3. The headquarters has a planning department, which provides you with market research, media launch selection and evaluation by virtue of rich marketing experience and unique marketing planning ability; Provide strong marketing support for the franchisees of Luhua Jiuxiangtang Hand shredded Pepper Spicy Chicken, and carry out promotional activities across the country in a planned way according to seasons, festival celebrations and major social events.
4. Provide supervision services in the early, middle and late stages of opening to help franchisees build stores easily and make profits quickly. The headquarters will select an appropriate address according to the local market environment, and then issue a decoration design drawing. The franchisee will decorate the store according to the company's unified image, and the company will provide some decoration support. The headquarters does not have two franchise stores of the same brand in the same region, so that the interests of the franchisees are not restricted and the same brand is competing.
Jiuxiangtang Hand shredded Spicy Chicken with Peppers Franchise conditions
1. Domestic and foreign legal persons or natural persons with legal business qualifications.
2. Recognize the development prospect of Jiuxiangtang Hand shredded Pepper Spicy Chicken, and have the business idea of seeking long-term development.
3. Franchisees must have certain experience and strength and better capital operation conditions to maintain the normal operation of the store.
4. It can only be operated after having a fixed business site, a supermarket shop or a street front and passing the assessment of the headquarters.
5. The headquarters of the company will organize training and assessment from time to time, and also have corresponding franchise system and operation system. It is hoped that all franchisees can consciously participate in and abide by them.
6. Have entrepreneurial spirit and strong desire to succeed, and have the ability to manage finance.
7. Have a diligent and practical working attitude.
Jiuxiangtang Hand shredded Spicy Chicken with Peppers Franchise process
1. Cognition brand
Entrepreneurs who are interested in joining Jiuxiangtang Hand shredded Pepper Spicy Chicken need to have a general understanding of the brand. You can browse the relevant information online or leave a message directly on the website, and the entrepreneurial consultant will communicate with you.
2. Market research
If a franchise store wants to succeed, it must have a comprehensive grasp of its environment. Therefore, the franchisee must make a survey of the local market, grasp the basic situation of the market, better grasp certain development laws, and serve the development of the store.
3. Franchise application
After the investigation, the franchisee can apply to the company for joining and relevant documents after deciding to join.
4. Contract signing
After having the franchise qualification, you can officially sign a regional franchise contract with Jiuxiangtang Hand shredded Pepper Spicy Chicken and relevant fees.
5. Site selection and store construction
The headquarters will assist the franchisees to conduct business district survey and find suitable stores.
6. Shop decoration
The headquarters will design a decoration scheme that conforms to the brand image for the franchise store. The franchisee only needs to decorate according to the drawings. After the decoration is completed, it can be accepted and reviewed.
7. Training
Franchisees can send shopping guides and relevant personnel to the company for training and guidance.
8. Trial operation
After finishing the decoration of the store, we can start planning the opening of the store, and carry out trial operation in advance to see the operation results and improve some deficiencies.
9. Good opening
Jiuxiangtang Hand shredded Pepper Spicy Chicken Headquarters will send relevant personnel to assist you in opening, so that you can save effort and money.

Jiuxiangtang Hand shredded Spicy Chicken with Peppers Joining dynamics


Jiuxiangtang Hand shredded Spicy Chicken with Peppers Related questions and answers


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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Jiuxiangtang Hand shredded Pepper Spicy Chicken! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 00:32:41 From China  39.186.18*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Twelve million.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Jiuxiangtang Hand shredded Pepper Spicy Chicken! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 22:03:48 From Hangzhou, Zhejiang  60.191.49*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 50000-300000 yuan.

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Jiuxiangtang Hand shredded Pepper Spicy Chicken! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 15:45:02 From Nanjing, Jiangsu  49.78.39*
  • How much is the franchise fee? Can you join in Changzhi, Shanxi Province

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Jiuxiangtang Hand shredded Pepper Spicy Chicken! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 19:55:40 From Harbin, Heilongjiang Province  61.243.209*
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    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Jiuxiangtang Hand shredded Pepper Spicy Chicken! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 07:08:36 From Gansu Province  42.88.95*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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