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Jacqueline underwear brand
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    three hundred and twenty-eight

  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Jacqueline underwear brand Introduction to joining
 Joined Jacqueline Underwear Brand
   Jacqueline's underwear brand in 1972 was the tenth anniversary of Jacqueline's visit to France as the first lady. In order to commend her noble character and extraordinary contribution to fashion, the French, as Jacqueline's family, named a series of advanced women's clothing with the name of "Jacqueline's underwear brand", and their designs were all made by better designers at that time. In the same year, the descendants of the Bouvier family, as brand owners, officially registered the brand "Jacqueline Underwear Brand" in Paris, the capital of the world. Since then, the brand "Jacqueline Underwear Brand" represents a strong, independent, elegant and confident brand that has brought the charm of women's elegance to the world, and Jacqueline's elegant style has been continued.
Brand source: Jacqueline, the former US president Mrs. Kennedy, born in France country Ting, an extraordinary woman who combines beauty, talent and courage, will always stand on the top of fashion trends and conquer the world with her beautiful and charming demeanor and extraordinary taste for fashion.
She likes literature and art, especially gouache painting. She can speak English, French, German, and other four languages, and has taught herself photography. She has a high taste in art. After becoming the first lady, her transformation became famous, and was transcribed as the "Versailles Museum" in the United States.
Jacqueline's underwear brand has an extraordinary appreciation of fashion. At the Presidential Inauguration Ball, she surprised the world with a unique design of Pierre Cardin's shawl dress and an outspoken hairstyle, setting off a trend of all beautiful women competing to follow suit.
Based on her unique understanding of fashion and artistic taste, she can always capture every design master The essence of is used for it. Jervis, Christian Dior, Givenchy, Valentino, Cassini, Saint Laurent, etc. have all designed clothes for Jacqueline master They all have distinctive personal styles, but their works on Jacqueline have become "Jacqueline Style" without exception, so every garment can become a fashion classic, and is praised by the fashion industry as "forever Jacqueline, forever fashion".
VI Definition: Jacqueline's underwear brand combines the English word JACLYH with the star pattern, and its overall shape is like a crown, reflecting the imperial court origin of Jacqueline's underwear brand, representing the brand's magnificence, dignity and romance; With the classic and romantic rose red as the main color of the logo, supplemented by elegant white, the whole logo comes out of the dust, showing elegance, dignity, generosity and simplicity.
Target group: The target group of Jacqueline underwear brand is modern intellectual women aged 22-45, who have qualified education, like new things, and have comprehensive and positive knowledge ability. Full of enthusiasm and longing for life! They are intellectually elegant at parties; Sexy and charming after home; Wisdom and generosity in the workplace; Be virtuous and virtuous in the face of family.
Good underwear is not only comfortable to wear, but also does not deform, has no sense of bondage, and can also prevent breast pain, so women will never be vague when buying underwear. Jacqueline underwear, high-quality underwear, care for women's breast health, let women friends enjoy a healthy life! Jacqueline underwear brand investment promotion is going on. We sincerely invite you to join us and look forward to sharing wealth with you!
Jacqueline underwear brand Franchise advantages
 Joined Jacqueline Underwear Brand
  1. The national unified store decoration style of Jacqueline underwear brand is designed by domestic designers, and the display layout is unique from inside to outside, which sets off a strong shopping atmosphere and makes people want to enter consumption.
2. The quality condensed in color matching, material selection, cutting and quality, and the tenacious personality and unique creativity of the wholesale Jacqueline underwear brand. Extraordinary quality: both are popular products in the first and second line. They pay attention to taste, quality and fashion, with diversified styles and outstanding advantages.
3. Jacqueline underwear brand is classic but not lack of personality, elegant but not lack of youth, high quality brand, diversified fashion style, rich and varied product system, and versatile accessories with personality and popularity, which caused a great surprise in the industry when it opened.
4. While showing great advantages in brand, channel, price, operation, service, etc., Jacqueline underwear brand has also become the preferred place for urban women to buy clothes in a one-stop manner. Shopping is easy, neither embarrassed nor wasting time.
5. In the continuous innovation and development of Jacqueline's underwear brand, Jacqueline's underwear brand shows the comprehensive advantages and competitiveness of Jacqueline's underwear brand in terms of store operation and promotion, product development and design, brand influence promotion and promotion, etc. When you join Jacqueline's underwear brand, the headquarters will provide comprehensive store opening guidance to make it easy for you to open a store.
Jacqueline underwear brand Franchise conditions
1. With legal ID card, he is a behavioral natural person.
2. Willing to accept the technical training and assessment provided by the headquarters on a regular basis.
3. Have good social reputation and pragmatic and serious career attitude.
4. Identify and actively cooperate with the business policy and management mode of the business headquarters.
5. Can correctly understand the joining crisis, and is willing to devote to the cause to create a better future.
Jacqueline underwear brand Franchise process
1. Consult the headquarters and fill in relevant application forms;
2. Provide the qualification, ID card, target market analysis report and business plan of the franchisee;
3. Submit the photos of the candidate stores, the location map of the business district, and the decoration plan;
4. Submit franchise fees and sign franchise agreements;
5. The headquarters conducts investigation, assessment and review;
6. Technical training and publicity support;
7. Franchise stores are open for trial operation and opening. A good experience of efficiency saves time, turnover and other costs, reduces the pressure of capital and goods backlog, and makes it easier to realize greater benefits!

Jacqueline underwear brand Joining dynamics


Jacqueline underwear brand Related questions and answers


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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Jacqueline's underwear brand! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-30 07:41:03 From Jinan, Shandong Province  39.78.221*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Contact on Sunday

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Jacqueline's underwear brand! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-24 07:57:48 From Ganyu County, Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province  58.214.36*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 50000 yuan.

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Jacqueline's underwear brand! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-21 16:34:29 From Jiangsu Province  49.65.155*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Within 15.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Jacqueline's underwear brand! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-21 13:19:47 From Heilongjiang Province  42.184.104*
  • Please contact me if I am interested in this project

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Jacqueline's underwear brand! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-20 22:04:17 From Gansu Province  42.91.143*
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