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Jinjiale humidifier
  • Franchise industry:

    Home Appliances>Small Appliances

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:


  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Jinjiale humidifier Introduction to joining
 Joined in by Jinjiale humidifier
Jinjiale humidifier has strong development ability, advanced production technology and exquisite manufacturing technology services. Jinjiale humidifier adheres to the tenet of "quality first, customer first", takes "modern management, good products, reasonable price, good service" as the principle“ major Create quality, service and image "as the concept, we will provide our customers with high-quality and inexpensive dehumidification and humidification equipment for a long time.
Household appliances are inseparable from every household life, so practical and fashionable household appliances are favored by consumers. Jinjiale humidifier, with low price, high quality and complete products, is a necessity for modern home life. Fashionable household appliances, Jinjiale humidifier, have a good market. It is a simple project to get rich while bringing consumers high quality home life.
Jinjiale humidifier has a wide range of products, including suction Oil engine Series, household gas stove series, embedded disinfection cabinet series, electric water heater series, gas water heater series and classic suit series can meet the different needs of different consumers. Jinjiale humidifier implements the nationwide independent factory to store mode, reducing the links of intermediate wholesalers and agents. The cost is reduced by about 80%, and the cost of retailers is reduced to a very low level. In the later stage of cooperation, Merrill Lynch started ordering single products to reduce the financial pressure on retailers.
Jinjiale humidifier's main product series include the global easy to add water ultrasonic humidifier, leafless fan, and other All kinds of small household appliances, and can undertake OEM and ODM production. The products operated by Jinjiale humidifier must aim at creating product functions (CREATIVE), improving product quality (QUALITY), and improving life taste (TASTE), so that consumers will eventually have a qualified product use experience and get more value for money.
Jinjiale humidifier has a high-level and creative design, R&D, and production team. Its subordinate factories and cooperative factories have qualified mold design and manufacturing, injection molding, electronic control panel design and manufacturing, and electrical assembly capabilities. With a complete and scientific quality management system, ensure Excellent quality, punctual delivery, good service.
Good products are more practical, more fashionable, and more affordable. Jinjiale humidifier not only brings consumers a better home life, but also provides you with opportunities to become rich. With the comprehensive promotion of the headquarters, you can easily open the market and make business easier. The quality of Jinjiale humidifier is reliable, and the market is endless. It is a business opportunity that you cannot miss to become rich.
Jinjiale humidifier Franchise advantages
 Joined in by Jinjiale humidifier
  1、 ensure The exclusive monopoly operation rights and interests of the dealer in the corresponding region.
2. Implement operation and management support, and assign personnel to guide the dealers according to their sales situation.
3. Strictly control the price fluctuation, and give corresponding policies to fully improve/increase the rich cashier space of the distribution products and achieve the goal of market operation.
4. Provide a reasonable return and replacement support system, and improve/increase dealer cooperation.
5. Timely and effectively launch various terminal promotion activities to help dealers start and drive market sales, and provide support for terminal materials and promotional products. (including POPs, color pages, handbags, posters, trial clothes, etc.)
6. Provide information support to enable dealers to integrate into the company's business, fully understand the marketing plan from the company, the development of products, and the trend and popularity of the industry market.
7. Provide a certain proportion of media advertising investment according to the actual sales of dealers.
8. Provide convenience, quickness, flexibility, and accuracy Logistics support for logistics distribution.
9. The franchisee shall decorate the store site in strict accordance with the construction drawings issued by the company. The company will send major The staff went to the franchise store for inspection.
10. Headquarters dispatch during trial operation major The staff shall guide the operation of franchise stores and assist in opening. After the official operation, the headquarters will also provide follow-up support.
Jinjiale humidifier Franchise conditions
1. Natural person or enterprise legal person with civil liability ability.
2. Have qualified business reputation and personality.
3. Recognize and accept the business philosophy and brand value of Jinjiale humidifier.
4. Strong entrepreneurial spirit and service opinions.
5. Have the talent and opinions for joining in corresponding projects.
6. Have a certain business philosophy.
Jinjiale humidifier Franchise process
1、 Telephone consultation with Jinjiale humidifier enterprise;
2、 After reaching the intention, go to Jinjiale Humidifier Company for field investigation;
3、 Find suitable stores for Jinjiale humidifier;
4、 Sign the letter of intent for joining Kingaret humidifier;
5、 Pay the joining fee;
6、 Jinjiale Humidifier Co., Ltd. visited on a certain day;
7、 Franchisees sign store lease;
8、 The company designs decoration drawings and display drawings according to the store conditions;
9、 Franchisees carry out store decoration company assistance in planning, training, distribution, publicity and other opening preparations;
10、 Open a store and report the success of the website customer service;
11、 Run and become a boss, open a shop.

Jinjiale humidifier Joining dynamics


Jinjiale humidifier Related questions and answers


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  • County level franchise

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Jinjiale humidifier! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 19:39:43 From Shanxi Yuncheng [Unicom]  60.222.159*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 150000 to 250000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Jinjiale humidifier! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 00:41:26 From Liaoning Province  42.249.61*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 100000 - 150000.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Jinjiale humidifier! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 09:53:09 From Jiangsu Province  49.94.155*
  • I want to know, thank you

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Jinjiale humidifier! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 02:50:22 From Duyun City, Qiannan Prefecture, Guizhou Province  61.189.218*
  • I am very interested in this brand and want to join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Jinjiale humidifier! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-30 04:28:17 From Fuzhou, Fujian Province  61.171.240*
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