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Spicy Salt Steak
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  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Spicy Salt Steak Introduction to joining
 Spicy Salt Paitiao Franchise Spicy Salt Spareribs is a Shanghai dish mainly made of pork ribs. The outside of the spareribs is burnt and the inside is tender. The taste is salty and fresh, and the flavor is rich.
Cuisine Features
After being cooked, the ribs are burnt outside and tender inside. They taste salty and fresh, and have a rich fragrance.
Required ingredients
A little pork ribs, a little scallion, a little scallion, ginger, red pepper, green pepper, onion, eggs.
Production method
Method 1
Material Science:
A little pork ribs, a little scallion, a little scallion, ginger, red pepper, green pepper, onion, eggs.
1: Pork chops are cut into inch long segments and pickled to taste,
2: During the burning of oil, make an egg batter with the main ingredients, and stir it evenly with a small spoon
3: Wrap the main ingredient ribs evenly with egg batter and add 50% oil to warm them. Fry them until crisp. Empty the oil and fry them until they are mature.
4: Add the chopped red pepper, onion, green pepper and some pepper and salt, stir fry until fragrant, and then evenly wrap the pepper and salt with the main ingredients. Then the dish is ready.
Method 2
Material Science:
1. Ribs (cut into small pieces with a length of 4cm)
2. Salt
3. Pepper powder
4. MSG
5. Spicy sauce (use some chili oil instead of spicy sauce)
6. 1 egg
7. Bread bran
8. Scallion
9. Delicious finished salt and pepper
1. Stir the ribs with salt, pepper, MSG and hot oil and marinate for more than 15 minutes. (If the mouth is urgent, put more salt to shorten the curing time).
2. Beat the eggs in a bowl, pour them into the marinated ribs, and then mix them evenly.
3. Pour the bread crumb into a clean plate, roll the ribs one by one in the bread crumb, so that the whole ribs are completely stained with the bread crumb and not sticky to the hands. Place the stained ribs in another clean water free plate for standby.
4. Put a little more oil in the pan (for frying ribs). When the oil is heated to 70%, put ribs into the pan one by one, and fry until the ribs are golden yellow (the ribs should be cooked). Remove them.
5. After all the ribs are fried, take a clean pot, put a little oil in the pot, heat it, put in the chopped green onion, stir fry the fried ribs for one minute, sprinkle delicious pepper and salt, and then put it out of the pot and put it on the plate.
Method 3
Material Science:
Pork loin (pork loin or chicken loin), egg, starch, flour.
Spices: cooking wine, salt, onion, ginger, garlic powder, pepper and salt.
1. Chop the pork chops loosely with the back of the knife and cut them into strips with finger thickness;
2. Mix the strips with cooking wine, salt, onion, ginger and garlic powder, and marinate for half an hour;
3. Beat the eggs well, put the ribs into the egg liquid, add the dry starch, grasp and knead for several times, mix and size;
4. Dip the starched strips into the dry flour to make the flour evenly wrap the strips;
5. Heat the oil in the oil pan until it is 70% hot. Shake off the excess flour and fry the strips one by one in the oil pan to prevent adhesion;
6. Deep fry until golden yellow, remove the oil and drain it with kitchen paper, then put it on a plate and sprinkle with salt and pepper (or dip it in salt and pepper when eating).
nutritive value
Pork is one of the important animal foods on people's table at present. Pork tenderloin contains rich and good protein, fat, vitamins, etc. required for human growth and development, and the meat is tender and easy to digest.
Eggs: dry, helpful and eye protecting
Spicy Salt Steak Franchise advantages
 Spicy Salt Paitiao Franchise 1. The agent has the right to develop direct sales stores or authorized stores in the area of agency.
2. The agent has the right of independent operation, management and expansion in the area it acts for.
3. The headquarters provides systematic cooking technology training, operation management and marketing practical training for agents in the form of centralized training and experiential training.
4. Get the store development award, annual sales award and other forms of incentives from the headquarters.
5. The agent shall collect 50% of the management fee of the authorized stores within the jurisdiction.
6. Exclusive right to independent development.
7. Enjoy the priority agency right of the headquarters project.
Spicy Salt Steak Franchise conditions
Spicy Salt Steak Franchise process

Spicy Salt Steak Joining dynamics


Spicy Salt Steak Related questions and answers


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  • How to join? How much is it?

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to salt and pepper noodles! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-26 22:17:11 From Urumqi, Xinjiang  49.118.144*
  • Want to join, contact as soon as possible

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to salt and pepper noodles! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-25 01:11:53 From Jiangxi Ji'an [Mobile]  39.169.146*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; RMB 5-10 million.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to salt and pepper noodles! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-19 04:44:16 From Yuanshi County, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province  60.1.154*
  • Please contact me, thank you

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to salt and pepper noodles! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 23:21:35 From Guizhou Bijie [Telecom]  58.42.183*
  • Send information to WeChat to learn about it.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to salt and pepper noodles! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 06:18:10 From Lanzhou, Gansu  60.13.11*
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