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Laozao Hotpot
  • Franchise industry:

    Hotpot>Special Hotpot

  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of on job investment in existing companies Others

  • Origin of the brand:

  • Business model:

    Direct sales through agency cooperation

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Laozao Hotpot Introduction to joining

 Laozao Hot Pot Franchise

Chongqing Laozao Hot Pot has won the unanimous praise of customers with its unique main dish products, green and healthy disposable vegetable oil pan bottom, fashionable and elegant decoration style, and warm and considerate service. Chongqing Laozao Hot Pot has adhered to the honest and healthy business road, and advocated the green, healthy, fashionable, and environmentally friendly life philosophy, Meet the consumption trend and establish a brand image of chain enterprises with qualified image and high popularity. Chongqing Laozao Hot Pot Franchise Headquarters has established a professional primer production plant in accordance with the health standards to specifically solve this problem.
Chongqing Laozao Hot Pot Franchise provides professional material distribution to distribute the finished base materials for the franchisees. The chefs of the franchisees only need to flavor according to the local taste, so the technical requirements for the seasoners are relatively low, and they can be competent after having the foundation of chefs and professional training from the headquarters. How to join Chongqing Laozao Hotpot? Since it is a joint venture, it is impossible to consider the cost, let alone it is a big brand in the industry.

 Laozao Hot Pot Franchise

The company has advanced computer design, plate making, typesetting CAD systems and advanced garment production lines. The company has more than 100 senior and intermediate professional titles, with strong technical force, advanced technology and scientific management. With an annual output value of 356 million yuan, it is capable of large-scale production and operation. The company starts with the ideological work of the employees, publicizes public opinion guidance and other means to let the employees accept the reform ideas of the company's establishment and development, and timely solves the contradictions in this process.

Laozao Hotpot Franchise advantages

 Laozao Hot Pot Franchise

Advantages of Laozao Hotpot:
1. Brand advantages
Chongqing Laozao Hot Pot is a hotpot brand with the theme of agricultural culture. Its differentiated competition has its own characteristics. Franchisees can also enjoy the qualified reputation and brand of Chongqing Laozao Hot Pot. From the beginning, it has a qualified image and quickly gains market recognition.
2. Unified and unique self owned process
After joining Chongqing Laozao Hot Pot, the headquarter uniformly provides its own process for manufacturing the primer, which is authentic and has been imitated but never surpassed.
3. Cost advantage
Chongqing Laozao Hotpot shares the chain scale and brand benefits to save advertising costs; Centralized purchase and unified distribution by the headquarters to reduce procurement costs; Cultural theme decoration, saving decoration investment, etc; Strictly control and refine input.
4. Supply of goods
Joined Chongqing Laozao Hotpot, the headquarters unified product technology and its own process, unified equipment configuration and quality purchase; Improve/increase quality and reduce cost.
5. Team advantages
Chongqing Laozao Hot Pot Headquarters has a professional marketing team to continuously promote the brand and reputation, and carry out various publicity on the well-known online media where the franchise store is located to obtain a large number of customers.
Laozao hotpot alliance support:
1. Service support: "commodity sales, service, maintenance, spare parts supply" as one of the various services, allowing entrepreneurs to operate happily.
2. Equity support: strive to reduce the operation of entrepreneurs to zero. Improve the exit policy to make partners happy.
3. Reward support: processing agents can complete the recycling task in time, and the headquarters will also give corresponding rewards according to the quantity of returned products.
4. Regional protection: we provide market protection to authorized processing agents, and strict market protection rules to ensure the profit space of regional agents.

Laozao Hotpot Franchise conditions
1. Be familiar with the local market environment and consumption demand, and have a certain economic foundation and franchise strength.
2. The full amount of Chongqing Laozao Hot Pot franchise stores are qualified for opening, and the working capital is reserved.
3. It can not participate in the direct management of the store, and has the right to make suggestions on the daily operation.
4. Have qualified social relations, strong interpersonal communication and financial management skills.
5. Recognize Laozao hot pot franchise brand, obey the headquarters' management, actively cooperate with the headquarters' market operation, abide by laws and regulations, and standardize the operation.
Laozao Hotpot Franchise process
1. On site audit: the applicant will become a prospective franchisee when he/she has the intention to do so. Laozao Hot Pot franchise headquarters will send people to the place where the prospective franchisee is located for field inspection.
2. Contract confirmation: the "Laozao Hot Pot Franchise Agreement" will be signed after mutual investigation and satisfaction.
3. On site hospital training: Franchisees go to Laozao Hotpot Headquarters Center to receive 3-5 days of systematic training, so that the franchisee has all the knowledge and skills required for operation, including: equipment operation skills, operation management, operation control, financial management, service specifications, etc. (Refer to the Franchisee Manual)
5. Preparation for opening: site selection, business procedures, store decoration, decoration and layout.
6. Three in place: arrival of money, goods and people, goods (equipment and products) required by the franchisee, and staffing means that the franchisee will arrive at Laozao Hot Pot franchise store in many ways to ensure the franchisee rate and high-quality preparation for opening.
7. Official opening: opening ceremony planning, normal operation and operation management.

User consultation

  • I'm in Nanbu County, Sichuan Province. Some people have opened it here. Can I still open it?

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Laozao Hotpot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 01:51:02 From China  39.182.130*
  • Please contact me if I am interested in this project

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Laozao Hotpot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-26 21:19:05 From Shanghai  59.78.130*
  • Whether the joining fee is high or not

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Laozao Hotpot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-23 14:11:13 From Jiangsu Province  49.92.82*
  • The number is the same as WeChat, and the data is sent

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Laozao Hotpot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-21 23:38:26 From Gansu Province  42.93.11*
  • Who to contact when joining Cangzhou

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Laozao Hotpot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-21 00:50:03 From Beijing  59.109.209*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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