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Customized suits
  • Franchise industry:

    Clothing>Men's Wear

  • Suitable for:

    Addition of existing companies for free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Cooperative free chain

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Customized suits Introduction to joining
 Customized suit joining
Customized suits (English translation: Custom suit or Tailored suits) is a name for suits made in a different way from "ready to wear mode"; Customized suits are made according to personal size, including fabrics and styles that are selected by customers themselves. It is a return to high taste enjoyment and personalized consumption, and also a reflection of people's pursuit of higher quality of life.
Customized suits adhere to the corporate vision of "becoming a century old enterprise beneficial to social civilization and progress", take "practicing scientific corporate governance ideas and creating a new value system" as the mission, and pay attention to research and practice "Internet+industry", forming a customized suit model with "large-scale personalized customization" as the core, Summarize a complete solution for transformation and upgrading of traditional enterprises, and creatively put forward the C2M business ecosystem of consumers directly connecting with the factory in the "personalized customization" mode.
At present, customized suits are helping nearly 100 enterprises in multiple industries across the country to carry out transformation and upgrading consulting, counseling and transformation, and have received from the United States, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Thailand and China Tens of thousands of people from enterprises visited and studied.
Customized suits form three factories, namely, suit factory, shirt factory and trousers factory major Intelligent manufacturing factory, product categories cover personalized customized men's and women's clothing. Customized suits adopt ISO 9001:2008 quality management system certification, OHSAS 18001:2007 occupational health and safety management system certification, ISO14001:2004 environmental management system certification, won the China Health Safety and Health Safety Certification. Provide personalized customized intelligent manufacturing services for the domestic market and overseas markets such as the United States, Europe and Australia.
After entering the 21st century, in order to constantly adapt to market challenges, the brand began to "customize" the transformation, taking customer demand as the driving source, integrating the Internet, Internet of Things and other information technologies into the mass production, and realizing the flexible and free combination of different data, specifications, elements on the assembly line, So as to create flexible personalized products on an assembly line, and gradually evolve from a garment manufacturing brand to a personalized intelligent customization brand in the new era.
Customized suits Franchise advantages
 Customized suit joining

The suit was introduced from Britain, and it has been popularized in the domestic market. Now many office workers will wear the suit, which can appear formal. Suit customization has also become a fashion making method favored by modern people, who can customize suits of appropriate size according to their own preferences and body shape needs. Now many entrepreneurs are interested in the market prospect of customized suits and want to join in and open stores. What should be paid attention to when customizing a suit? Is the market prospect of customized suits good?

What should be paid attention to when customizing a suit?

1. When customizing a suit, many people will pay much attention to details. The first is the choice of fabrics. The fabric of the suit is formal and universal, which will have a better texture. There will also be different materials and fabrics, as well as the choice of fabrics at different prices.

2. Grasp the size: when customizing a suit, you can use the method of tailoring according to the individual's height, fat, thin and other different body types, so that you can customize a suit that meets customers' needs and is generous. When customizing a suit, you also need to listen to major Avoid wearing the wrong clothes according to the advice of the fitness technician.

3. Pay attention to the lining materials. The lining material is of good quality, which can be durable and durable. If the lining is selected, it can be reset well.

Is the market prospect of customized suits good?

1. Now there are more and more team members customizing suits. If they join the team, they can take orders for group purchase, which can have a large amount of advantages and bring good economic benefits.

2. The market has a wide range of consumers. At present, there are many industries of customized suits, such as sales, real estate, foreign-funded enterprises, bars, entertainment circles, staff, etc. These people will wear work clothes and have a wide range of consumers. If they join, they will have a broad market prospect.

3. Online and offline customization. At present, many brands of clothing will be sold in physical stores. Online customized sales methods are also available. People who place orders online can go to physical stores to accept the service of measuring and selecting fabrics. Online and offline sales can also bring higher economic benefits and increase the turnover in stores.

4. Private customization is increasingly recognized as providing one-on-one services and is also demanded by people above the middle end.

What should we pay attention to when customizing a suit? Is the market prospect of customized suits good? If you want to join in and open a store, the customized suit market has a good prospect. The customized suit has strict requirements on materials and workmanship. If you want to choose, you can learn about the relevant brands, and select the appropriate city positioning after market research.

Customized suits Franchise conditions
1. At least 18 years old, male and female, qualified in physical fitness and credit, and popular in the region.
2. Entrepreneurs who join in customized suits need to recognize the brand of customized suits and are determined to devote themselves to the brand.
3. It is necessary to have sufficient funds for franchise and operation.
4. There are (self purchased or rented) stores, and the area and geographical location meet the requirements of the headquarters.
Customized suits Franchise process
1. Fill in the application form or contact the company by telephone or fax;
2. The company selects materials and informs about cooperation opportunities;
3. The two sides deepened their contacts and signed the Letter of Intent for Franchise Cooperation through field research;
4. Confirm the location, area and opening time of the franchise store according to the Franchise Manual;
5. Submit drawings and gold meeting the franchise requirements;
6. The company designs a complete set of drawings, and the company orders decoration and supporting items;
7. Before the official opening, the regional manager of the company is responsible for guiding all kinds of affairs before the opening.

User consultation

  • Is there any requirement for the amount of initial investment and the size of the store

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to customized suits! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-28 15:39:07 From Zoucheng City, Jining City, Shandong Province  61.174.60*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 100000.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to customized suits! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-25 07:28:51 From Fuxin City, Liaoning Province  59.47.19*
  • Is there any franchise in my region? How much is the franchise fee? Contact later

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to customized suits! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-24 19:52:49 From Nanjing, Jiangsu  49.95.194*
  • Is there any franchisee in my region? The mobile phone number is WeChat

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to customized suits! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-18 13:23:43 From Jilin Province  58.21.70*
  • Take a look at the information

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to customized suits! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 00:13:44 From Gansu Province  42.90.219*
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