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Joule Sichuan style fast food
  • Franchise industry:

    Catering>Fast food

  • Suitable for:

    Free Entrepreneurship Graduates Entrepreneurship Others

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise cooperation free chain

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred and fifty

  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Joule Sichuan style fast food Introduction to joining

 Joining in Joule Sichuan style Fast Food

Beijing Joule Catering Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Joule) was founded in 2015, focusing on authentic Sichuan style fast food. There are more than 100 direct stores nationwide, serving more than 5 million customers. Joule authentic Sichuan style fast food is both hot and delicious, which is certainly more popular.
In recent years, Joule has cooperated with edible oil, Jingu Shangpin Northeast Wuchang rice, Shuanghui cold fresh meat, Haitian soy sauce and other giants to ensure food safety; Joule always insists on direct marketing and strictly controls the cooking process to ensure that every dish is in an excellent fresh-keeping period.
Because of this, more and more people choose Joule. The number of stores is advanced in the industry, serving more than 5 million customers, thus becoming a more popular Sichuan style fast food brand. Now Joule's direct stores have covered Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Suzhou and other cities, and are expanding to more cities, becoming a national well-known brand in the fast food industry.
Joule Company adheres to the business philosophy of o2o, and its service areas cover major white-collar business circles, campuses and residential areas. In the face of the complex domestic and international economic environment and increasing downward pressure, the Internet+model of Joule has risen against the trend in the catering market and developed steadily. In 2015, the company obtained US dollar financing. At present, the company is in a steady growth stage of development.
In order to improve/increase the food quality and food safety, Joule Sichuan style fast food has carefully selected food raw material suppliers. At present, it has long-term cooperation with edible oil, Jingu Shangpin Northeast Wuchang rice, Shuanghui cold fresh meat, Haitian soy sauce and other giants, and the well-known supplier Shuhai is used to ensure the food quality. In order to improve/increase the cooking taste, the dressing water for Joule dishes shall be made with ice dew mineral water to make every dish better.
In terms of management mode, Joule Sichuan style fast food always adheres to direct marketing, strictly controls all links of production and distribution, and ensures that consumers can eat delicious and healthy food.

Joule Sichuan style fast food Franchise advantages

 Joining in Joule Sichuan style Fast Food

Store location guidance: The location consultant of the Joule Sichuan style fast-food franchise headquarters provides guidance on the selection of business districts, site assessment, guidance on the analysis of turnover estimates, and selection of good store locations.
System construction guidance: use case teaching and centralized teaching to decompose complex marketing theory into actual operation and management details.
Entrepreneurship consulting and guidance: the headquarters provides comprehensive entrepreneurship consulting and guidance for the franchisees of Joule Sichuan style fast food, and provides entrepreneurial ideas sorting, analysis and error avoidance.
Preparation guidance for store opening: The headquarters provides one-on-one store opening guidance for partners, and assists in formulating store purchase list and purchase guidance.
Training support: The trainers from the Joule Sichuan style fast-food headquarters provide theoretical training, technical training, and hands-on technology training for the partners, from basic to entrepreneurial talents.
Decoration design support: simple and fashionable interior design, use design to make up for decoration constraints, and the headquarters will customize your store.
Logistics distribution support: the powerful information system of the logistics center can improve/increase the delivery of orders by express delivery. The logistics distribution of Joule Sichuan style fast food is low in cost and fast in speed.
Operation status guidance: the headquarters will provide support for partners in off-season marketing guidance, cost analysis guidance, and guidance on the scheme to increase turnover.
Guidance on management status: the headquarters guides the problems in the operation of the cooperative stores, and helps the franchisees of Joule Sichuan style fast food to solve the problems together and create greater value.
Publicity design support: The headquarters brand planning team provides you with posters and menus for daily promotions and holiday activities.

Joule Sichuan style fast food Franchise conditions
1. Love Joule Sichuan fast food, have a strong entrepreneurial spirit, and have a desire to pursue success.
2. Recognize the business model and management system of Joule Sichuan style fast food.
3. Maintain the brand reputation of Joule Sichuan style fast food brand, and improve/increase the trademark of Joule Sichuan style fast food without infringement.
4. There are legal procedures and suitable business premises.
5. Have a sincere attitude of cooperation and be able to implement the relevant management regulations of the company.
6. Have certain financial strength, enough to start the brand of Joule Sichuan style fast food.
7. Have certain economic strength, qualified reputation and professionalism, good business judgment, and psychological preparation for undertaking business.
8. There is no record of crime and bankruptcy, and there is an ideal of growing with the company.
Joule Sichuan style fast food Franchise process
Priority, consultation application: learn about the Joule Sichuan style fast food project through official website of browser, telephone consultation, sending materials, etc.
Step 2: Apply for joining: submit the application form by fax, online or directly bring it to the company, or directly communicate with the investment manager of Jiaoerchuan style fast food to exchange relevant information, determine the initial cooperation intention and reserve the quota.
Step 3, investigation and demonstration: take your personal ID card to visit the headquarters of Joule Sichuan style fast food, investigate, negotiate, and understand the specific matters of Joule Sichuan style fast food project and franchise cooperation.
Step 4: After signing the agreement and reaching a consensus, the cooperation intention will be formally determined, and the Joule Sichuan style fast food franchise contract will be signed. The data of the franchised individuals or enterprises will be archived by the headquarters, and the market protection will be determined according to the regional protection principle.
The fifth step, the preparatory stage: the headquarters assists in site selection, gives reasonable suggestions, provides a unified store decoration plan, gives away the materials needed for opening the store, and receives professional technical and marketing training.
Step 6. Goods distribution: The Joule Sichuan style Fast Food Headquarters will handle the product distribution for you in a timely manner, and deliver the goods at the time specified by the franchisee, except for special circumstances, increase/increase the delivery time by seven working days.
Step 7: grand opening: according to the opening plan of Joule Sichuan style fast food, appropriate amount of advertising should be invested before opening, such as outdoor publicity, mobile phone short messages, printing leaflets, etc; Choose an appropriate opening time (weekend or holiday), hold a certain celebration to create an atmosphere, and officially open.
Step 8. Follow up service: After the opening of the Joule Sichuan style fast food franchise store, the company's after-sales service and operation guidance center will follow suit, follow up one-on-one continuous service, continuously improve the sales skills of the franchise store staff, provide various promotional means in seasonal changes, launch conferences, exhibitions, marketing meetings, etc. from time to time, to ensure that the franchise store and agents are qualified to operate relaxed.
Key points: practice and guidance to ensure that the franchisees of Joule Sichuan style fast food fully master all the marketing skills of membership, gold card conversion, product conversion and follow-up.

Joule Sichuan style fast food Related questions and answers


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  • What is this project.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Joule Sichuan style fast food! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 09:00:01 From China  39.176.63*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Between 100000 and 200000.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Joule Sichuan style fast food! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-25 16:40:30 From China  39.186.161*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 100w。

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Joule Sichuan style fast food! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-24 15:55:02 From Shandong Province  39.91.13*
  • If I am interested, please contact me;. 200000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Joule Sichuan style fast food! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-20 07:30:08 From Huangjing Town, Taicang City, Jiangsu Province  49.75.0*
  • Please contact me on WeChat

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Joule Sichuan style fast food! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-19 15:06:07 From Xiangxi Prefecture, Hunan Province  58.44.199*
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