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Jiubailong Spicy Chicken
  • Franchise industry:

    Catering>Chinese food

  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Jiubailong Spicy Chicken Introduction to joining
 Joined by Jiubailong Spicy Chicken
Based on the core spirit of inheritance, creation, health and fashion, and with a heart of gratitude to the society, the headquarters of Jiu Bailong Ma Jiao Chicken constantly pursues the creation and good of the brand, so that the brand of Jiu Bailong Ma Jiao Chicken can develop into a characteristic catering enterprise with more potential in Beijing and even in the country. A complete whole industry chain model has been formed, which is specially designed for entrepreneurs to create their own entrepreneurial model and provide a good entrepreneurial service platform.
Pepper chicken, after careful research, found the art formula to make chicken chops more delicious. Add to fill the shortage of traditional chicken chops, remove the dross of traditional chicken chops, and let the chicken chops take advantage of the entrepreneurial tide, so that the delicious chicken chops can be carried forward. Pepper chicken, backed by strong strength, protects the entrepreneurship of franchisees in many ways. Spicy chicken with pepper will create a new world of chicken steak with pepper.
On the basis of traditional chili chicken, chili chicken adds the cooking form of iron plate frying to remove 75% of the grease of traditional chili chicken. More intimate than traditional chicken steak, chili chicken introduces about 1cm chili chicken strips, which greatly solves the problem that traditional chili chicken steak is inconvenient to eat. Pepper chicken is not only to remove unhealthy factors such as high fever and high fat in traditional Pepper chicken, but also to break the traditional production method of Pepper chicken, and add fried chicken, roast chicken, Shuangpin, snacks, drinks, staple food and other meals, so that Pepper chicken can be fully displayed to diners.
Since its establishment, Jiubailong Spicy Chicken has always been committed to making every bowl of pepper chicken for consumers. Its pepper chicken has moderate taste, affordable price and high degree of establishment, so it has been recognized by many consumers, and its market sales continue to rise. Now, Jiubulong Spicy Chicken has developed franchisees nationwide. The good product system, growing brand strength and huge consumer market have led to the influx of entrepreneurs from all over the country. Join Jiu Bailong Spicy Chicken, a good project in the pepper chicken industry, start a business, and enjoy wealth. Food is the most important thing for the people. The catering industry has been around for a long time. I don't know how many commercial tycoons started their businesses in the catering industry. Entrepreneurial catering is to choose a low industry with high cash flow and fast return of funds; It is also a way of personal entrepreneurship that is not affected by the economic environment. If you have any doubts about joining, or you want to know how much it costs to join the Jiubailong Spicy Chicken, you are welcome to call and consult our customer service personnel, and we will give you a detailed answer. I believe that you can open a new franchise store of Jiubailong Spicy Chicken after simple training and learning, which will help your career to add more glory.
Jiubailong Spicy Chicken Franchise advantages
 Joined by Jiubailong Spicy Chicken
Classic food, popular
As a relatively traditional and classic food product, Jiu Bailong Spicy Chicken has a great popularity in the market. Many restaurants have this dish, and the heat is still high. Now, Jiubailong Spicy Chicken has become a catering enterprise, which is engaged in chain catering business operation, and the scale is also growing, which can let more people know about brand food. The brand was established and launched in Zhengzhou, and it has developed for five or six years in the market. After years of market operation, the platform has mature market operation experience, and can also follow the market development trend to do better marketing planning.
Food variety and health
There are many chain stores established in the domestic market, and the overall business development of the store is good, and some staff regularly come to the store for guidance and operation. The store offers a variety of delicacies, including the signature Jiubailong Spicy Chicken, and a variety of Chinese home dishes. The dishes are spicy and delicious, with crispy skin and delicious meat. They are fresh, tender, juicy, delicious and tasty. After diners have eaten them, they will have endless aftertaste. The food in the store is not fried, healthy, without any added ingredients, and tastes delicious. The examiner has a good experience. It is delicious and has ingredients, suitable for all ages.
Food development team
Jiubailong Spicy Chicken has a mature food development team, which is responsible for developing various sauce technologies, as well as exporting and pushing various new dishes. He will continue to do various experiments, taste food, regularly conduct research in the market, interview diners who have entered the store, collect various feedback and evaluations, and continue to do food adjustment and management improvement work in the store. The food caters to the public taste, and the business is also to provide services that can attract consumers and meet various needs. The brand focuses on making products with heart, providing considerate services in the store, taking the market as the development orientation, and making continuous efforts.
Provide diversified support
The catering industry of Jiu Bailong Ma Jiao Chicken will provide various support work for partners, and will continue to provide unified store decoration services, as well as store image packaging. The company will have design teams that are responsible for providing drawings to help design the store image. All kinds of business strategies, technical training support, and marketing publicity in the store are within the reasonable support range of the project company, and the merchants need not worry about the operation problems of the chain stores in the later stage.
Jiubailong Spicy Chicken Franchise conditions
1. Agree with the company's operating philosophy, be able to automatically implement various policies issued by the company, and be willing to bear the company's monitoring and management.
2. Honest and trustworthy, with deep industry experience; Able to complete the objectives assigned by the company in a timely manner.
3. Franchisees should have certain economic strength and corresponding sales network; If the reputation in the industry is qualified, the reputation can be strong.
4. Have good operation skills and sensitive management methods of franchised stores.
5. Pay a certain amount of credit enhancement/increase in advance. Able to follow the company's operating rules independently.
Jiubailong Spicy Chicken Franchise process
1. Franchise consultation: entrepreneurs consult relevant matters and obtain relevant information from the headquarters alliance consultant by telephone, fax, online message, etc;
2. Field investigation: entrepreneurs go to the headquarters for field project investigation and business communication with headquarters staff;
3. Recognize the project, identify the franchisee with reference, and sign the letter of intent;
4. Fill in, submit and review the application form for joining;
5. The company signs a franchise contract with the franchisee to clarify the cooperation mode, rights and obligations of both parties;
6. Evaluation of the business district of the intended business location;
7. Decoration design: the headquarters provides you with shop drawings and decoration budget, so that you can fully copy the decoration style of the headquarters of the company;
8. The store operators and staff receive various trainings from the company, and the decoration starts to handle business license and other opening related procedures at the same time;
9. The whole process management of the corporate team after opening.

Jiubailong Spicy Chicken Joining dynamics


Jiubailong Spicy Chicken Related questions and answers


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  • Is there a telephone convenient to contact?

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Jiubailong Spicy Chicken! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 03:16:28 From China  39.182.72*
  • Already looking for a store

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Jiubailong Spicy Chicken! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 23:23:19 From Haicheng, Anshan, Liaoning  42.57.105*
  • Can there be more than one franchise point in the new county seat,,,, the new campus of Shiqiao Town, Cangwu, Guangxi

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Jiubailong Spicy Chicken! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 21:00:01 From Jiangsu [Telecom]  49.94.65*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Tens of thousands of yuan.

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Jiubailong Spicy Chicken! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 17:07:58 From Hunan Province  42.49.16*
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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Jiubailong Spicy Chicken! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 18:47:15 From Hebei Province  60.10.87*
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