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Huazhou Sugar Water Store
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred and forty

  • Investment amount: 200000~500000


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Huazhou Sugar Water Store Introduction to joining
 Joined in by Huazhou Sugar Water Store
Signature Huazhou Sugar Water Investment Promotion. Signature Huazhou Sugar Water is a well-known chain of sugar water brand stores in Beijing. It has been established for many years, and has been favored and recognized by the majority of consumers with its qualified brand image and inexpensive food. Now, the signature Huazhou Sugar Water franchise stores are expanding nationwide, and the momentum of opening one popular chain store has attracted many franchisees. The signature Huazhou Sugar Water Franchise Headquarters also provides support in many aspects, which can bring long-term qualified development to franchisees. Another important advantage is its health advantage. The delicious Huazhou sugared water caters to consumers' taste. Healthy products are timeless.
The business purpose of the brand Huazhou Sugar Water is to bring desserts with nutritional value to everyone. Most of the ingredients of desserts have a nourishing effect, such as milk, papaya, lotus seeds and almonds, as well as lung and skin moistening, which can help retain water in the body. They do not contain caffeine, artificial colors, food flavors, etc., so many people like to eat desserts not only to satisfy their appetite, but also to meet the purpose of beauty and beauty. Traditional series of desserts such as sesame paste, walnut juice, stewed milk Black glutinous rice, etc., all have the functions of nourishing skin, nourishing blood and skin, unblocking the intestines, etc., so that you can be healthy and beautiful inside and outside.
The franchised brand of famous Huazhou syrup not only has good products, considerate service and high popularity, but also has low franchise costs. It only needs tens of thousands of yuan to join, which naturally attracts many franchisees. In addition, it doesn't matter if you don't have management experience when you join the famous Huazhou Sugar Water. The headquarters of the famous Huazhou Sugar Water Franchise will support and help the entrepreneurs in many ways, and if necessary, send professional teams to help the franchisees on the spot, which will certainly let them start their own businesses.
Huazhou Sugar Water Store Franchise advantages
 Joined in by Huazhou Sugar Water Store
The sugar shop has inherited a very long Chinese classic, sugared water, which contains the sweet elements based on the trend of the Olympic Games in Taiwan. The famous Huazhou sugared water insists on selecting fresh fruits and vegetables with special characteristics and processing of food materials, and optimizing the reasonable explanation of nutrition value matching of products through science and technology, In terms of inheritance, the signature Huazhou sugared water inherits the basic theory of the advantages of the traditional culture, health care, and special cuisine of Guangfu, and also absorbs the matching elements of local trendy leisure dessert stores. The processing equipment is fine, the taste is smooth and delicate, and the quality improvement/increase is paramount, advocating fashion, taste, health, and nutrition. There are many series of delicious food, and the products cover all parts of the country to create a comprehensive, including our popular franchised products in Hong Kong, Taiwan and other dessert snacks gathering places, which can bring you delicious food to enjoy delicious food, but also a good choice for you to get rich easily and happily. The hot recruitment of investment attraction and franchise projects is carried out. As long as we simply match and join, the following are our advantages:
1. The raw materials have their own technological advantages. The sugar water of the famous Huazhou Sugar Water selects high-quality fresh grains, fresh fruits, and is cut and freshly squeezed. It is a qualified drink of the famous Huazhou Sugar Water! At the same time, it is also a fresh, quality, new cut, professional perseverer! Fresh and delicate western food desserts and warm, delicious and healthy oriental health desserts are integrated as a guide, constantly improving and pursuing better creativity, research and development, and creating more refined desserts. The famous Huazhou Sugar Water is to create a new, nutritious, healthy and happy place, and adhere to the quality of materials.
2. The technical transformation advantage signboard Huazhou Sugar Water has the strength support of the technical research and development team. It has joined the research and development management system of the headquarters, and has a series of product launch support, so that your store can have new products during the operation, so that business can continue! The small shop has unique local management support. The management head office conducts strict training and guidance for the franchise area and checks the area. The second one that does not develop on the basis of the contract has management service distribution support. Because it tastes good, the key development goals of the service quality and benefit development of its franchise headquarters can quickly realize the adjustment of the logistics industry, Superior delivery cost and speed!
Huazhou Sugar Water Store Franchise conditions
1. The franchisee shall have experience in operation and management and be under the age of 50.
2. Have brand awareness, long-term development vision, and modern management awareness.
3. Franchisees should have enough operating funds to bear all costs required for franchise, such as rent, decoration costs, equipment costs, material costs, etc.
4. The reasonable location of the store will be determined by the company after field investigation.
5. Obey the management of the headquarters, actively cooperate with the market operation of the headquarters, abide by laws and disciplines, and standardize the operation.
6. Units and individuals with certain business expression ability, operation and management ability, self-confidence and self-improvement, qualified reputation, experience and strength are preferred.
Huazhou Sugar Water Store Franchise process
1. Franchise consultation.
2. Field investigation: Franchisees conduct field investigation at the headquarters of the famous Huazhou Sugar Water Franchise, and conduct business exchanges with the staff of the headquarters.
3. Qualification review: The signature Huazhou Sugar Water Franchise Headquarters will review the franchisees and confirm their cooperation qualifications.
4. Signing the contract: both parties confirmed that there was no dispute about the inspection results, and formally signed the signature Huazhou Sugar Water Franchise Contract.
5. Payment of fees: the franchisee shall pay the corresponding fees to the franchisee headquarters of the brand Huazhou Sugar Water according to the selected franchisee type.
6. Headquarters training: Huazhou Sugar Water Headquarters will arrange technical training for franchisees.
7. Site selection and decoration: the store shall be decorated according to the unified design scheme of the franchised store provided by the headquarters of Huazhou Sugar Water Franchise, and the headquarters shall be informed of the delivery one week in advance.

User consultation

  • Franchise standards and fees of county-level cities

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Huazhou Sugar Water Store! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 16:14:04 From Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region  43.242.152*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; The total building area is 25000 square meters, and there are 192 guest rooms.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Huazhou Sugar Water Store! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 19:17:58 From Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province [Unicom]  60.223.150*
  • I want to consider joining

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Huazhou Sugar Water Store! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 20:56:27 From Jiangsu Province  49.94.146*
  • Whether Yakeshi City, Hulunbeier City, Inner Mongolia can join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Huazhou Sugar Water Store! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 13:44:43 From Henan Province  42.231.56*
  • Open a shop

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Huazhou Sugar Water Store! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 04:39:11 From Gansu Province  42.90.212*
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