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Huanlu Internet Cafe
  • Franchise industry:

    Entertainment>Internet Cafe

  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Huanlu Internet Cafe Introduction to joining
 Huanlu Internet Cafe Joined
  In 2005, Mr. Fang, the founder, set up a computer training institution in Huli Old Street, Xiamen, which is the predecessor of "Huanlu Cybercafe", because of his educational philosophy and his insistence on making people enjoy the pleasure of acquiring knowledge in a relaxed and pleasant environment.
In 2005, people's Internet access was still the same as that of Internet cafes, but with the rapid expansion of the Internet army, it ushered in the peak period of computer training in history. The existing hardware and software supporting facilities have been far from enough to meet the demand security A healthy and warm network environment is imperative. Mr. Fang, who is far sighted, seized this opportunity to build a chain of Internet cafes and an online Happy Park game platform based on Ludao. In just a few years, "Huanlu Internet Cafe" has developed rapidly. It has not only obtained the No. 001 Internet cafe chain license issued by Fujian Provincial Department of Culture, but also become a national chain brand Internet cafe and a leader in game operation service providers.
There is often only one self who is brave to challenge between opportunity and success. From 2008 to 2013, Internet cafes have sprung up like mushrooms. Lack of systematic operation and single product logic have become common problems in all Internet cafes. Enterprise transformation and upgrading are imminent. Under this background, Mr. Fang once again turned crisis into opportunity, established a scientific enterprise operation management mode, increased the investment in information platform, and made enterprises march forward bravely in the tide of transformation and upgrading. The Jiahuanlu Internet Cafe (Shigu Store) opened in Xiamen in 2013 is one of many successful models.
Joy is a great force in the world, and it is also the source of power to promote the continuous development of Huanlu Internet Cafe. If the logo of coffee cup shape conveys a green, healthy and leisure lifestyle, then "Happy Bear" is to provide customers with satisfactory entertainment and leisure. Huanlu Cybercafe, the second brand of Joy Park, continues the brand gene of "Joy Park Cybercafe" and highlights its lively, free and fresh elements. The small and beautiful product positioning is decisive? The brand image of Huanlu Internet Cafe is simple but exquisite, and will continue to create a warm, happy and interesting living space for the community environment.
From 1 to 20 and 50 to 100, it is not only the proud achievement of the store taking root, but also inseparable from the inheritance of happy culture by each "gardener" of Huanlu Internet Cafe and the process of dedication to the cause of Huanlu Internet Cafe. Happy Paradise 1 is the mission of consistently creating happiness for the public, and the enterprise values of wholeheartedly spreading happiness with services and becoming the source of customer happiness. The number of stores may be limited,? But the power of joy is endless. Generation after generation of Huanlu cyber cafe "gardeners" swear to "create happiness for the public"!
Huanlu Internet Cafe Franchise advantages
 Huanlu Internet Cafe Joined
  1. Brand marketing advantages
The popularity of a brand is like the popularity of a star. The popularity is the life of a star, and the vitality of a brand also depends on its popularity. Brand is an intangible asset that exists in the minds of consumers. The brand of Huanlu Internet Cafe has become more and more famous in the country, and has been welcomed by consumers at all stages, leaving a qualified image in people's minds, which is itself a qualified publicity.
2. Market research advantages
Once the customer has the intention to join the company's brand, the headquarters will carry out a series of market research on the local market. Analyze the economic level, business environment (consumption level, customs, consumer groups), competitors, etc., determine whether it is suitable to open a store, and then provide pricing guidance according to the research results.
3. Location advantages
Headquarters has major The site selection team will first analyze the location of the local area, and determine the business project and size according to the scope of the business district, construction industry and entertainment; Then analyze the property nature to determine whether the property nature can be used as an internet cafe; Then the structure of the store is analyzed, and the cost of property transformation is analyzed to determine the possibility of store selection. Headquarters meeting arrangement major Personnel go to the local place to select and evaluate the store location, making it easier for customers to start businesses.
4. Design and decoration advantages
The design department of the company is composed of artistic designers. With rich design experience, it brings customers a beautiful design experience. Provide store design drawings and renderings in the early stage, guide store decoration in the later stage, and follow the whole process.
5. Advantages of shop guidance
The operation department of the headquarters specially assigned personnel to the store to assist customers in material procurement, personnel recruitment and training before opening, assist in the later decoration of the restaurant and the work before opening, and then conduct market re research to develop a thorough opening strategy and marketing plan. Handle store guidance before and after opening.
6. Advertising marketing advantages
The company has established major The marketing team of major Knowledge, give full play to the overall effect of the four strategies of overall product, pricing, marketing and promotion, and coordinate with each other to provide franchisees with major Marketing promotion of. The use of a highly contagious form of television advertising, popular radio, the Internet with a large amount of information, newspapers and magazines with strong information, outdoor advertising with a long duration, etc., will play a better role in advertising, so that more consumers have a deeper understanding of our brand.
Huanlu Internet Cafe Franchise conditions
1. A natural person who has the capacity to independently bear civil liability or an enterprise legal person who independently bears civil liability.
2. Recognize the management and development philosophy of Huanlu Internet Cafe.
3. Have certain financial strength and risk awareness.
4. Business premises with independent portals.
5. Franchisees should have a sense of obedience and consciously cooperate with various national preferential activities launched by the headquarters.
6. It has qualified reputation and credit level, and has certain management ability and social resources.
7. Have qualified service consciousness, be kind, enthusiastic and sincere.
Huanlu Internet Cafe Franchise process
1. Application: the franchisee shall ask the Huanlu Internet Cafe Headquarters for relevant information, understand the cooperation requirements, and submit an application for intention consultation. During this period, relevant information and qualifications shall be prepared to improve the efficiency of the franchise;
2. Headquarters inspection: Franchisees will visit the headquarters of Huanlu Cybercafe on the spot, discuss cooperation with the project leader, further understand the relevant information of the project, and determine their willingness to join;
3. Contract signing: both parties sign the franchise contract on a voluntary basis, the headquarters grants the franchise certificate to the franchisee, and the franchisee shall pay the specified franchise fee;
4. Technical training: the headquarters will conduct systematic training for franchisees to make them proficient in product manufacturing technology. At the same time, there will also be marketing, management and other related training to help you become a boss easily;
5. Operation guidance: according to the actual situation of the franchisee, carry out corresponding operation and management training courses, and tailor the operation and management plan, so that the franchisee can quickly gain recognition from the local market;
6. Official business: Huanlu Cybercafe Headquarters regularly conducts store operation inspection and operation guidance services for franchisees, and solves any problems encountered in the operation of the branch at any time.

Huanlu Internet Cafe Joining dynamics


Huanlu Internet Cafe Related questions and answers


User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 100000 yuan in total.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Huanlu Internet Cafe! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 18:27:22 From China  39.181.128*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 120000 to 130000.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Huanlu Internet Cafe! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 02:24:25 From Liaoning Province  42.179.221*
  • I would like to ask about your joining fees and requirements

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Huanlu Internet Cafe! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 01:26:30 From Funing County, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province  49.83.66*
  • At present, it is the stage of investigation. I hope to consider whether to invest after understanding the details

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Huanlu Internet Cafe! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 11:41:14 From Kaifeng City, Henan Province  61.158.187*
  • How to add joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Huanlu Internet Cafe! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 02:29:12 From Henan Province  42.236.227*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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