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Htree health products
  • Franchise expenses 50000~100000 yuan
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Industry classification Food and health food
  • Entrepreneurs Free entrepreneurship
  • corporate name Weimeidu Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd
  • Date of establishment 2007-12-13
  • Number of stores one hundred
  • Company address Beijing
Consultation franchise discount
Good joining prospect
Low joining cost
Headquarters support many
Htree health care product franchise expenses
Franchise level provincial capital Prefecture level city County-level city
Store area 55㎡ 55㎡ 55㎡
Basic cost of htree health products franchise Decoration fee 37400 yuan (680 yuan/m2 * 55 m2) 31900 yuan (580 yuan/㎡ * 55 ㎡) 26400 yuan (480 yuan/m2 * 55 m2)
Operating equipment cost 45000 yuan 40000 yuan 35000 yuan
First batch purchase cost/raw material cost 40000 yuan 35000 yuan 30000 yuan
Advertising and opening expenses 7000 yuan 6000 yuan 5000 yuan
Subtotal 129400 yuan 112900 yuan 96400 yuan
Htree health care product franchise cost Store rent 10900 yuan/month (6.6 yuan/day/m2) 9200 yuan/month (5.6 yuan/day/m2) 7600 yuan/month (4.6 yuan/day/m2)
Personnel salary 8000 yuan/month (4000 yuan/month/person * 2 persons) 7000 yuan/month (3500 yuan/month/person * 2 persons) 6000 yuan/month (3000 yuan/month/person * 2 persons)
Water and electricity fees 6500 yuan 5500 yuan 4500 yuan
Current/reserve funds 56700 yuan 48700 yuan 40800 yuan
Subtotal 25400 yuan 21700 yuan 18100 yuan
Total franchise expenses of htree health products Total franchise 154800 yuan 134600 yuan 114500 yuan
1. The working capital is calculated as (staff salary/month+rent/month) * 3 months, rounded to an integer, and not included in the cost.
2. The above franchise fees are estimated and may be different from the actual situation, for reference only.

Introduction to htree health care products
H-TREE health care and body shaping
Body shaping helps to regulate body fat. Scientific and self owned technology can help you to be "thin" for life
Happiness helps regulate body fat trilogy, which helps regulate body fat diet
Low difficulty, high goal and strong strength
 Htree health product exhibition
   Helps regulate body fat products, with broad market prospects
Obesity! Not only women's problems, but also men's problems, the elderly and children also have hidden dangers in this regard, which concerns every family member! It helps regulate the body fat market. The target customers are 200 million people, the annual output value is 10 billion yuan, and the huge number of "cake" of 60 billion yuan makes people salivate.
   H-Tree Your wealth channel helps regulate body fat
H-Tree, as a scientific and healthy weight loss brand, is committed to internal adjustment and external cultivation, combining internal strength with external beauty, and providing a comprehensive scientific and healthy weight loss solution for obese people.
   Complementary ability, full score of skin beauty
Helps regulate body fat Part III: replenish ability, slowly activate, take care of skin in shaping, and slimming and beautifying skin are the goals that help regulate body fat;
Fish collagen powder: you have never been in love with the "glue" for whitening and tender skin;
Collagen beverage: soft gold for skin, providing skin nutrients;
CLA green coffee drink: cheer up, enhance thinking, relieve physical fatigue, and slim down to help regulate body fat;
Hovenia dulcis Thunb drink: everyone is drunk and you wake up alone. It is a good product for protecting the liver;
Manuka honey jelly: care, not only healthy, but also inject vitality into your skin.
   Helps regulate body fat and enjoy "thin" without dieting
Helps regulate body fat priority: first solve the problem of "food and clothing". Science helps regulate body fat without dieting. Delicious food substitutes for meals and snacks to satisfy your appetite~
Soy protein solid meal substitute: balanced nutrition and health help regulate body fat and drink good figure;
Granola meal substitute powder: scientific and self owned technology, delicious, enjoy "thin" and easily reduce 10 jin.
Regulate gastrointestinal health and shape
Helps regulate body fat Step 2: Helps digestion and regulate the intestines and stomach
Enzymatic beverage: help digestion and absorption, and return your youth;
Micro probiotic powder: help digestion and improve immunity.
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Franchise projects you may want to know
Tips for investment expenses
  • Franchise fee
    The brand holder grants the intangible assets of the enterprise brand, such as intellectual property rights (including invention, patent, trademark copyright), organizational management assets, market assets and human assets, to the franchisee in the form of Taitong. The franchisee engages in business activities under the unified business model according to the provisions of Taitong, and pays certain fees to the brand holder.
  • bond
    Guarantee fund provided to the seller of technology brand according to relevant regulations. Note: The essential difference between the franchise fee and the security deposit is that all the certificates are agreed to be returned to the investor when they are due, but the franchise fee cannot be repaid. Once joining and paying the joining fee, the fee will no longer belong to the investor.
  • Investment amount
    Investment fund refers to all the funds needed for opening a store. Note: The difference between the investment amount and the franchise fee is that the investment amount includes the franchise fee, which is only a part of the total investment.
  • Brand usage fee
    Brand usage fee, also called trademark usage fee, refers to the licensing fee for intangible assets such as special trademarks, trade names, brands, etc. It may not necessarily be the commodities of franchisees or dealers, but it can be publicized by the brands of merchants.
  • Franchise royalty
    Franchise fees refer to the fees paid by franchise stores to use the trademark of the headquarters and enjoy the goodwill rank. This is a continuous charge. As long as franchise stores continue to use the trademark of the headquarters, they must pay regularly.
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