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Hutong Clay Road Barbecue
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:


  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 200000~500000


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Hutong Clay Road Barbecue Introduction to joining
 Hutong Clay Road Barbecue
Hutong Clay Road Barbecue pays homage to the original intention with ingenuity. It conveys the warmth of human feelings and the mysteries of life with the barbecue with good taste, nutrition and health, aiming to build a humanistic barbecue brand in China. The decoration environment of Hutong Nilu Barbecue Restaurant is very elegant and charming. When you come here to eat, you will not only have a better environment, but also have a better taste. When you come here to eat, you will be able to eat special and delicious steak. The steak cooking method of Hutong Nilu Barbecue Restaurant is more skillful. First, you will marinate the beef, Then we will cook the meat with iron plate.
"Hutong Clay Road Barbecue" has rapidly promoted the barbecue industry in Beijing and the development of new style courtyard cuisine by virtue of its own distinctive business philosophy and service. At the same time, we put forward the concept of green environmental protection in the industry, promoting healthy eating concepts such as no pigment, no monosodium glutamate, no pepper powder, no pepper powder, no genetically modified materials, no dead shrimp and crab. Delicate dishes, good service and unique business style make it unique in the powerful catering industry in the capital, which makes the concept of "Grandma greets Hutong Clay Road Barbecue when eating barbecue" popular.
"Hutong Clay Road Barbecue" is the pioneer of a high-quality barbecue brand with high price. It is mainly engaged in classic Maifanshi barbecue dishes such as "family mixed meat, fragrant beef". The brand breaks the conventional barbecue flavor and combines the traditional barbecue while inheriting the family craft to awaken the greedy taste in consumers' memory.
It is a very high per capita consumption level to come to Hutong Clay Road Barbecue for a meal. As long as 50 or 60 yuan is enough to eat the barbecue with heavy taste, this restaurant was born in Beijing, and now there are more than 200 stores in the country. Hutong mud road barbecue focuses on atmosphere creation, and creates an elegant style of urban courtyard style with creative techniques. Comfortable tables, chairs, and exquisite tableware have a strong artistic sense. The space is permeated with a pleasant humanistic atmosphere, which makes customers who have experienced it unforgettable for life.
Hutong Clay Road Barbecue Franchise advantages
 Hutong Clay Road Barbecue
1. Brand advantage: Hutong Clay Road Barbecue has a strong brand and distinct store image, so that after joining the club, it can easily become a scenic spot in every city street.
2. Cost advantage: The cost of joining Hutong Clay Road Barbecue is relatively small, but the profit is quite considerable. After joining, the franchisees can earn higher profits and quickly move towards the road to success.
3. Experience advantage: Joining Hutong Clay Road Barbecue Company has successful experience. After continuous updating and replication, the franchisees can take fewer detours and quickly move towards the road to success and wealth.
4. Market advantage: Franchisees choose to join Hutong Clay Road Barbecue when opening stores and starting businesses. The headquarters of Hutong Clay Road Barbecue Company will send staff to carry out field survey and evaluation of the market and operation planning for the franchisees, so that the franchisees can easily open the market after joining.
5. Logistics distribution advantages: The headquarters of Hutong Nilu Barbecue Company has its own logistics distribution network, covering all major cities in the country. After the franchisee joins, there is no need to worry about the phenomenon of stock out or stock out, so that the franchisee can open the store smoothly after joining.
Hutong Clay Road Barbecue Franchise conditions
1. Franchisees must identify with the concept of the brand, identify with everything about the brand, and accept a full set of business models.
2. Franchisees must meet certain qualifications, be down-to-earth, hardworking, and have entrepreneurial enthusiasm.
3. Have certain business ability, management and coordination ability, and ambition to jointly develop the franchise business.
4. As a brand franchisee, it must obey the arrangement and management of the headquarters, and have business reputation.
5. Capital is very important. Adequate capital is necessary for starting a business. At the same time, you have sufficient enthusiasm for your career.
Hutong Clay Road Barbecue Franchise process
1. Cognition brand
Franchisees who are interested in joining Hutong Clay Road Barbecue need to have a general understanding of the brand. You can browse the relevant information online or leave a message directly on the website.
2. Project investigation
Franchisees can go to the place where the company is located to carry out field project investigation, listen to project introduction, and consult and answer questions.
3. Franchise application
The franchisee submits a franchise application to the Hutong Clay Road Barbecue Headquarters and waits for a reply.
4. Formal signing
According to market research and our own situation, we will finally determine the scale of entrepreneurship and the way of joining, and formally sign the joining contract.
5. Assist in site selection
The company appoints personnel to conduct field visits and assist franchise partners in selecting suitable store locations.
6. Decoration construction
Franchisees need to discuss with the company headquarters to design a suitable and unique decoration style, and then carry out decoration construction.
7. Multi aspect training
Provide various trainings, management manuals, software, etc; Determine the training method and send personnel to participate in the training.
8. Opening preparation
Begin to prepare for business, handle business license and relevant procedures.

Hutong Clay Road Barbecue Joining dynamics


Hutong Clay Road Barbecue Related questions and answers


User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; Fifty thousand. handshake;

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Hutong Clay Road Barbecue! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 13:04:48 From Changzhi, Shanxi  60.220.116*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; The store covers more than 40 square meters.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Hutong Clay Road Barbecue! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 04:47:50 From Liaoning Province  42.5.250*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 2, 3 million yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Hutong Clay Road Barbecue! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 15:19:45 From Nanjing, Jiangsu  49.74.67*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; More than 100000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Hutong Clay Road Barbecue! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 16:45:23 From Heilongjiang Jiamusi [Unicom]  61.158.85*
  • I am very interested in this project, please contact

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Hutong Clay Road Barbecue! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-30 16:41:52 From Guangzhou, Guangdong Province  61.143.62*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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