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Ma Zi Chongqing Hot and Sour Noodles
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship, on-the-job investment in existing companies, additional projects for graduates, entrepreneurship, others

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Distribution agency cooperation Free chain others

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: Less than 10000


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Ma Zi Chongqing Hot and Sour Noodles Introduction to joining

 Mazi Chongqing Hot and Sour Noodles

Chongqing Hot and Sour Noodles are mainly spicy, hot, sour, fragrant and fresh. Tasting them will open your appetite and increase your appetite.
Hot and sour noodles have long been popular among the people in Sichuan. It is named after the local handmade sweet potato flour, which is mainly sour and hot. Because of its low price and good quality, it has long been loved by people all over the country. It is mainly characterized by fragrance, hemp, spicy, sour and fresh. Hot and sour noodles are mainly made of sweet potato flour, which can strengthen the spleen and appetizer, prevent constipation, and is the unique flavor of Chongqing hot and sour noodles. Warm up in winter and appetizer in summer. Regular consumption can protect human skin, delay aging, and also help regulate body fat results.
Chongqing Mazi Hot and Sour Powder was developed and manufactured under the leadership of Chongqing Fanzhe Catering Management Co., Ltd., which not only maintains the unique flavor of authentic Chongqing Hot and Sour Powder, but also configures it "according to local conditions" according to the taste habits of all parts of the country, so that the Mazi Hot and Sour Powder can be popular across the country, and is difficult for peers to imitate technically, Improve/increase the fundamental interests of trainees.
Chongqing Mazi Hot and Sour Powder Product Research and Development Team has developed and manufactured condiments specifically for Chongqing Hot and Sour Powder, maintaining the unique flavor of authentic Chongqing Hot and Sour Powder, making Yuxiang Hot and Sour Powder popular across the country, making it difficult for peers to imitate technically, and improving/increasing the fundamental interests of students.
Most of the customers who came to our company for investigation and study, after tasting the "hot and sour powder of hemp seeds", all said that the taste was more fragrant and better than that of many famous brands in the market! At present, there have been many students of Mazi Hot and Sour Powder who have received professional technical training from our company. We have successfully opened one "Mazi Hot and Sour Powder" store after another, and achieved good economic operation.

Ma Zi Chongqing Hot and Sour Noodles Franchise advantages

 Mazi Chongqing Hot and Sour Noodles

——Since the signing of the cooperation agreement, 10 major supports have been provided to ensure that cooperation will become more and more popular.
① Mazi Hot and Sour Powder Brand Support
The brand trademark of "Mazi Hot and Sour Powder", the right to use the brand name, and a full set of brand image VIS system are provided free of charge. The whole store output mode is implemented, the theme is exaggerated, and the "red food culture" is promoted, so that entrepreneurs can enjoy the strong market appeal of "Mazi Hot and Sour Powder".
② Ma Zi Hot and Sour Powder Product Support
According to the different needs of consumers, we have developed various kinds and series of hot and sour powder series products to keep the consumption of customers warming up and support entrepreneurs' performance rising step by step.
③ Technical support for Ma Zi sour and hot powder
Teach the operation technology of all products of "Ma Zi Suan Pi Fen" for free, provide more and better training services for the cooperative operators, and constantly cultivate the ability to practice business operation, and present the "Technical Operation Manual" for free; And teach the subsequent upgrading technology for free;
④ Operation support for mazi hot and sour powder
Free teaching of a complete set of mature operation models, as well as four strategies of channel, promotion, sales and management; Managers impart technology and guide work.
⑤ Mazi Hot and Sour Powder Advertising Support
From newspapers, magazines, the Internet to television, radio, and even television stations, advertising in many ways, to achieve three-dimensional publicity and promotion, so that the "hot and sour powder of ma zi" is popular across the country, so that operators can enjoy the brand effect and wealth.
⑥ Mahzi Hot and Sour Powder Decoration Guide
After the cooperation agreement is signed by the partner, the characteristic functional department of the headquarters provides the partner with decoration guidance free of charge, tailor-made, reasonable decoration design according to the actual layout of the cooperative store, scientific and reasonable use of every inch of space, so that the partner can save trouble, worry and money.
⑦ Ma Zi Hot and Sour Powder Promotion Support
In opening, store celebrations and holidays, all partners will be provided with free promotional plans, promotional products, posters, POP flags, and leaflets, and cooperate with partners to create advertising momentum;
⑧ Mazi Hot and Sour Powder Opening Support
Pre opening services: registration guidance and support, site selection evaluation guidance, economic benefit analysis guidance; Opening service: provide opening ceremony planning scheme and opening promotion scheme.
⑨ Mazi Hot and Sour Powder Business District Support
Mazi Hot and Sour Noodles Headquarters has given each chain store a strict regional operation system. Each store has a careful business district setting. It will never open a second store in the same area to maintain normal business order.
⑩ After sales support of Mazi Hot and Sour Powder
The headquarter of Mazi Hot and Sour Powder irregularly develops new products, and national partners can enjoy the research results for free. At the same time, the headquarters will irregularly design a supervision group to carry out on-site supervision in the regional cooperative stores as planned. At the same time, the headquarters will provide new product technology to the cooperative stores to ensure quality, and actively and reasonably solve the problems and problems arising in the business process.
It is easy to be sour and hot, which makes people linger and enjoy a long aftertaste.

Ma Zi Chongqing Hot and Sour Noodles Franchise conditions
1. The dealer must have independent civil liability person, legal person or natural person.
2. It has sufficient financial strength to meet the capital joining requirements.
3. Have qualified credit and certain business management ability.
4. Have qualified commercial credit and business premises.
5. Have strong public relations ability and the ability to plan and organize various promotional activities.
6. It is necessary to improve/increase the planning of Chongqing Mazi Hot and Sour Powder in terms of management, distribution business, credit support and other business planning.

Ma Zi Chongqing Hot and Sour Noodles Franchise process
1、 Telephone consultation with Mazi Chongqing Hot and Sour Powder Enterprise;
2、 After reaching the intention, go to Mazi Chongqing Hot and Sour Noodles Company for field investigation;
3、 Find stores suitable for Mazi Chongqing Hot and Sour Noodles;
4、 Sign the letter of intent for Mazi Chongqing Hot and Sour Rice Noodles;
5、 Pay the joining fee;
6、 Mazi Chongqing Hot and Sour Noodles Co., Ltd. made a visit on a certain day;
7、 Franchisees sign store lease;
8、 The company designs decoration drawings and display drawings according to the store conditions;
9、 Franchisees carry out store decoration company assistance in planning, training, distribution, publicity and other opening preparations;
10、 Open a store and report the success of the website customer service;
11、 Run and become a boss.

User consultation

  • deliberately

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Mazi Chongqing Hot and Sour Noodles! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 03:41:35 From Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province, China  61.158.84*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 2000 to 3000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Mazi Chongqing Hot and Sour Noodles! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 08:58:39 From Huangshi City, Hubei Province  58.51.229*
  • Franchise conditions, overall planning and expenses

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Mazi Chongqing Hot and Sour Noodles! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 16:09:34 From Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province  61.158.85*
  • Sending data

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Mazi Chongqing Hot and Sour Noodles! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 15:19:58 From Tangshan, Hebei [Unicom]  60.3.146*
  • I want to join, how to operate

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Mazi Chongqing Hot and Sour Noodles! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 01:46:57 From Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province  61.146.3*
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