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Shenjia Hongcheng Hot Pot
  • Franchise industry:

    Hotpot>Special Hotpot

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


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  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Shenjia Hongcheng Hot Pot Introduction to joining

 Shenjia Hongcheng Old Hot Pot

Shen Hongcun, the founder of the company, adheres to the business philosophy of "being a real Shen family and authentic hot pot", interprets the hot pot culture as a wealth creation myth of the people, and leads every ordinary entrepreneur to realize his dream of pursuing wealth.  
In 2013, "Shen Jia Hong City Old Hot Pot" stood out from tens of thousands of hot pot stores and won the championship. It was recommended by the media and the general public as the city's high-quality hot pot. In the hotpot industry, "Shen Jia Hong City Old Hot Pot" still keeps a low profile and works silently.
Shenjia Hongcheng Old Hot Pot Co., Ltd. is based on product research and development, technology creation, and management team quality improvement. The core advantage of winning the market is the core leadership team of the enterprise. The company takes a proactive and forward-looking approach to development, develops strategic thinking with the times, and invites more industrial partners to join us with open preferential policies and broad mindedness, so as to work together to create wealth and provide a broad space for career development for more people with entrepreneurial dreams.  
"Shenjiahongcheng Old Hot Pot" has become an old hot pot brand since its development from "Lingdongzi Old Hot Pot". There are 38 employees in the headquarters of the company, all of whom have college or technical secondary school degrees or above. The headquarters has six departments, namely, the Franchise Department, the Operation Department, the Material and Equipment Department, the Technology Research and Development Department, the Finance Department and the Personnel Administration Department, to provide support and intimate services for the franchise partners. The company has successively won ten honors, including "Top 50 Featured Hotpot", "Beef Hotpot", "Famous Featured Hotpot", "Green Hotpot", "National Top 10 Qualified Catering Enterprises", "Famous Green Catering Stores", "Popular Hotpot Brand in 2013", "People's Qualified Hotpot", "People's Favorite Brand in 2014" and "Good Featured Dishes".

Shenjia Hongcheng Hot Pot how

Shenjia Hongcheng Old Hot Pot Franchise Store is dominated by old franchisees who have opened several branches. Their business is very good. They value the special features of Shenjia Hongcheng. At the beginning, the company was radiating all over the city and the world, helping more people find business opportunities and entrepreneurial opportunities.

”The title of "hotpot" was won not overnight, but it is the painstaking experience of several generations of people in Shenjiahongcheng and the pursuit of Shenhongcheng's life. The strength of the brand has greatly improved the brand reputation, and Shenjiahongcheng's old hotpot has become a new pioneer of the old hotpot chain.

The delicious hotpot from the city of food, Shenjia Hongcheng old hotpot, has brought people a sharp taste and become a franchise brand that franchisees pay attention to. Everyone will remember the delicious taste of the old hotpot. Shenjia Hongcheng old hotpot ignited the consumer market and became a sharp brand in the hotpot market. Its strong market competitiveness has made its stores full and endless, so it is worth joining.


Shenjia Hongcheng Hot Pot Franchise advantages

 Shenjia Hongcheng Hot Pot is sincerely invited to join

1. Brand advantages
The reappearance and inheritance of Chongqing's old "Shenjiahongcheng Old Hot Pot", with deep cultural heritage of old hot pot, is a card of Chongqing's old hot pot and one of the popular old hot pot brands today.
2. Franchise advantages
The market is the standard to test the truth. Shen Jiahongcheng's accurate consumption positioning of "joining small, achieving goals quickly, opening one hot, opening one successful" has been tested by the market.
3. Technical advantages
Enjoy the self owned process of manufacturing base materials, the production process of special dishes, and the unified distribution of base materials and seasonings independently developed by Shen Jiahong City, so as to reduce operating costs.
4. Project advantages
With authentic soup, unique dishes and accurate market positioning, the franchise cost can be recovered quickly in three to five months, covering an area of 200-400 square meters. Light decoration, creating a pleasant and harmonious consumption atmosphere, is a good choice for ordinary consumers to gather and business banquets.
5. Advantages of follow-up service
Prepare for the opening of Shenjia Hongcheng Old Hot Pot Franchise Store, provide marketing guidance, unify technical management practical training, unify support manuals, and unify expatriate support managers to manage the store.
6. General agent mode
To provide greater development space for entrepreneurs with lofty ambitions and successful cooperation.



Shenjia Hongcheng Hot Pot Franchise conditions
Shenjia Hongcheng Hot Pot Franchise process

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  • This project is very good. Please contact us as soon as possible

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Shenjia Hongcheng Hot Pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-17 14:35:30 From Asia Pacific  43.247.208*
  • Want to sell your products

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Shenjia Hongcheng Hot Pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 01:04:13 From Xinjiang  49.117.255*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 500000 to 1000000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Shenjia Hongcheng Hot Pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 02:23:54 From Huaihua City, Hunan Province  42.48.79*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 400000-500000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Shenjia Hongcheng Hot Pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 01:41:00 From Maoming, Guangdong  59.34.156*
  • I want to join in Lanzhou, Gansu Province

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Shenjia Hongcheng Hot Pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 07:05:03 From Lanzhou City, Gansu Province  42.91.126*
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