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Haopaike Chinese and Western fast food
  • Franchise industry:

    Catering>Fast food

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    four hundred

  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Haopaike Chinese and Western fast food Introduction to joining
 Haopaike Chinese and Western fast food franchise
Haopaike Chinese fast food is very popular in China. Many people like their food, so the business has always been very good. If you open a Haopaike Chinese fast food franchise now, the market demand is large, the prospect is broad, and it is welcomed and sought after by everyone. It is a good project worth choosing.
Haopaike has specially joined the Western food, drink and snack series, catering to the consumption needs of young white-collar workers and lovers, and becoming their fashion choice. Haopaike fast-food nutrition fast-food 6-2 preferential price range, you can enjoy nutritious and delicious fast food. Mass market is not afraid of bad business.
Haopaike Chinese fast food, affiliated to Hebei Ruifuxiang Catering Management Co., Ltd., has a strong brand strength. It has more than 100 full-time after-sales and market researchers, more than 100 franchise consultants, and 100 catering R&D technicians to help franchisees start businesses throughout the process. The company has a sound organizational structure, has many years of experience in catering brand planning and direct store management, and has cultivated a number of management teams who are familiar with the operation and operation of the catering industry.
Haopaike Chinese fast food company will unreservedly offer the experience of success and failure to entrepreneurs, so that entrepreneurs will take fewer detours. As the cradle of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs in the catering industry, Ruifuxiang will cultivate a large number of future catering chain elites and make contributions to the prosperous catering chain business.
Haopaike Chinese fast food belongs to the brand of Hebei Ruifuxiang Catering Management Co., Ltd. The food covers three daily meals for people. As long as it is a meal, it can be consumed in Haopaike! There are abundant Chinese and western food products, and leisure meals/dinners are handled in many ways. There are popular products in all seasons of the year, and there are no worries about customers or sales. The traditional diet of young people, trendy men, trendy women and small white-collar workers can all find their favorite taste in Haopaike. Every day, customers flock like tide!
Cooperation advantages of Haopaike Chinese fast food
Haopaike Chinese and Western fast food provides consumers with a stylish dining environment, which is fashionable and convenient, and caters to people's consumption demand and the development of market situation. Haopaike Chinese and Western fast food alliance has strong brand strength, has a reputation in the market, diversified marketing models of products, and chooses Haopaike Chinese and Western fast food alliance, starting at 10000 yuan, It is a good entrepreneurial project.

Haopaike Chinese and Western fast food Franchise advantages
 Haopaike Chinese and Western fast food franchise
1. No lampblack: The headquarters provides food production equipment without open fire and lampblack, saving energy and labor in operation!
2. Not much experience: the system is mature, special training, learning in a few days, everyone can afford to do it, everyone can earn fast!
3. There is no need for a standardized kitchen: a store can be opened within a few square meters. There is no need for a standardized kitchen. Saving store rent and inventory means saving costs!
4. No full-time chef: private standard process, no chef, simple operation!
5. Play business: window take out and store type business can be operated with only a few people. There are material bags and simple and standardized operation!
6. Flexible location: stations, pedestrian streets, communities and schools can open stores, saving rent! Modern and fashionable restaurant, simple and economical decoration!
Haopaike Chinese and Western fast food alliance policy:
1. Store location support:
Haopaike Chinese and Western fast food is used to check the location of stores, provide guidance on the location of business districts, store site evaluation, and guide the analysis of turnover estimates.
2. Technical training support:
The trainers of the headquarters provide theoretical and technical training, so that entrepreneurs can get started in a short time.
3. Store opening preparation:
When Haopaike fast food is joined, the headquarters will provide one-on-one store opening guidance, assist in developing the store configuration list, provide facilities and purchase guidance.
4. Decoration design:
Make up for the decoration constraints with design, customize the design scheme, and guide the store decoration throughout the process.
5. Publicity planning support:
The planning team provides daily promotion and holiday activity planning support, and provides menu, poster and other designs.
6. Management assistance:
The headquarters will give detailed guidance to the problems in the operation of the cooperative stores to improve their performance.
7. Product support:
The full-time department regularly updates and develops the products, bringing fresh vitality to the franchise store. Attract to the fame, let the merchants fully open their fire and strive to earn money. This is a healthy and nutritious delicacy, and also a delicacy that has attracted countless consumers! Join it, seize the opportunity of wealth, march forward bravely under the protection of big brands, and achieve gratifying wealth!

Haopaike Chinese and Western fast food Franchise conditions
1. It has independent stores or self selected stores with an area of about 20-100 ㎡. The matters related to joining can only be carried out after being evaluated by Haopaike Chinese and Western fast food companies.
2. Recognize the culture of Chinese and Western fast food companies in Hopaike, and sincerely cooperate with them for a long time.
3. Entrepreneur of Chinese and Western style fast food who joined Haopaike has good personality and ambition.
4. Accept the training content of Chinese and Western fast food of Hopewell, and abide by the corresponding rules and regulations.
5. Have certain management ability and crisis response ability.
Haopaike Chinese and Western fast food Franchise process
1. Telephone consultation;
2. Find the right store;
3. Fax the geographical location map and plan of the store to the company;
4. Sign the letter of intent for cooperation;
5. The franchisee shall pay the intention deposit;
6. The company chooses a day to visit;
7. Franchisees sign store lease;
8. Franchisee shall sign the franchise contract at the company, and the intention deposit shall be transferred into the payment for goods;
9. The company designs decoration drawings and display drawings according to the store conditions;
10. Franchisees carry out store decoration company assistance planning, training, distribution, publicity and other opening preparations.

Haopaike Chinese and Western fast food Joining dynamics


Haopaike Chinese and Western fast food Related questions and answers


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  • If I am interested, please contact me; 152000.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Chinese and Western fast food of Hippocade! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-24 04:14:16 From Kunshan, Jiangsu  49.72.91*
  • I am very interested in this project, please contact me

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Chinese and Western fast food of Hippocade! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-22 09:07:33 From Langfang City, Hebei Province [Unicom]  60.10.186*
  • Please contact me as soon as possible

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Chinese and Western fast food of Hippocade! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-19 19:32:16 From Hainan  60.13.104*
  • Please add me WeChat, I want to know about agency matters

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Chinese and Western fast food of Hippocade! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-18 16:34:29 From Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province [Telecom]  59.42.28*
  • Send data. to glance at

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Chinese and Western fast food of Hippocade! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 15:50:19 From Beijing  59.108.15*
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