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Korean tea HEYCHA drink
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    two hundred

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Korean tea HEYCHA drink Introduction to joining
 Hancha HEYCHA drinks joined
  Han Tea Company is a tea brand in the new era that pursues extraordinary quality. Different from the traditional milk tea with rough production and cheap tea soup on the market, Han Tea has always insisted on selecting leaf tea from all over the country, using imported cheese and milk, and using the syrup freshly brewed with superior rock sugar every day to present every cup of sesame flavor tea for you!
Hancha has always adhered to the requirements of high standards and high quality for its products. Han Tea wants to share with customers the double wonderful taste of tea fragrance and cheese milk Gaimei. The cheese is thick and mellow, and the taste is dense, layered, and matched with the delicate and mellow tea fragrance, which is wonderful.
The sweet and full fruit tea series enables customers to enjoy the wonderful taste of fruit and tea. The selected source leaf tea is the base of the tea, which is mild and neutral with rock sugar. Ice blocks are used to lock the aroma of tea and fruit, so that you can feel the rotation of fruits all the year round. The freshness and sweetness of fruits are the best choice for summer.
Make tea with heart!
Han Tea insists on using good tea from all over the world, with every drop of syrup carefully cooked with New Zealand Anjia pure cheese, Anjia imported milk and superior rock sugar. For each cup of cheese tea made for you, you can witness our quality with your own eyes, which is not comparable to the milk cap.
Continuously create research and development, closely fit the market
The headquarters of Hancha HEYCHA has a research and development center, which continues to develop diversified founding drinks suitable for all regions. Every year, more than 20% of new products are developed, and new drinks that closely match customer tastes and market trends are formulated.
   major Plan the team and establish a distinct image
Hancha HEYCHA headquarters has an excellent planning team, which provides a unified product image, packaging and interior decoration, and provides a full set of publicity planning when the new store opens.
Hancha focuses on happy and healthy drinks, including classic tea drinks, Hong Kong style freshly ground coffee, relaxed fresh fruit tea, milk scented milk tea, sunshine lemon, mousse, etc., adhering to the business philosophy of "health, fashion, leisure, nutrition, fast and the brand tenet of" fashion drinks, personalized life ", and relying on the positioning of personality and unique taste, it has welcomed consumers. Since 2009, Han Chagang style tea drinks and desserts have been popular in large and medium-sized cities. Relying on years of market experience and marketing strategy, Lemon Workshop has repositioned itself to enter the mainland market with action coffee and fresh fruit tea, set up a Hong Kong style tea brand and promote characteristic drinks as the development direction, advocate health, delicacy and happiness, and make lemon tea a lifestyle, a delicious enjoyment and a happy mood!
Korean tea HEYCHA drink Franchise advantages
 Hancha HEYCHA drinks joined
  1. Assist in site selection and assessment:
Assist the franchisee to carry out field inspection on the store location they are looking for, and evaluate the feasibility of opening the store. Investigate the region, business circle and customers, and provide the estimated turnover, operating profit and loss and other data for the reference of franchisees.
2. Area protection:
The company will strictly control the quantity and quality of franchise regions and franchisees, and establish a complete price control system and policies;
3. Human resources support:
Before opening the store, provide reference materials such as personnel recruitment and personnel system to assist the franchisee in recruiting new employees. During the store opening period, the headquarters provides human support and coaching.
4. Unified image and decoration:
by ensure The brand has a unified image, and the store is owned by the company headquarters major The space designer uniformly designs the store image; The shop decoration works shall be constructed by the engineering team approved by the headquarters, and the headquarters shall assign personnel to guide and supervise, and the franchisee shall be responsible for supervision.
5. Continuous guidance and training:
Before the opening of the store, the headquarters will offer corresponding courses for franchisees and business teams on business philosophy, store management and product related knowledge.
After opening, the headquarters will send supervisors to the store to guide the opening of the store; Set up corresponding product training courses for new products launched every month; At the same time, in order to strengthen the major Exchange. The headquarters regularly holds franchisee conferences.
6. Product R&D:
According to the actual market demand and new trends major The R&D Department conducts comprehensive market research, formulates reasonable product planning, strengthens regional market competitiveness with flexible product prices, and improves/increases the rights and interests of franchisees.
Korean tea HEYCHA drink Franchise conditions
1. Full of enthusiasm for catering business, willing to invest in business, operate with integrity, and improve/increase quality.
2. Agree with the business philosophy of Hancha HEYCHA franchise brand, obey the management of the headquarters, cooperate with the market action of the headquarters, abide by the law and discipline, and standardize the operation.
3. Have entrepreneurial spirit, strong desire for success and enterprise, and qualified brand management awareness.
4. A natural person or enterprise legal person with the capacity to bear civil liability.
5. Honesty, diligence, self-motivated, enterprising, creative and entrepreneurial spirit.
6. Qualified social and commercial reputation, certain business operation ability and work experience are preferred.
Korean tea HEYCHA drink Franchise process
1) Initial telephone and network consultation;
2) Franchisees conduct market research and evaluation;
3) Confirm the cooperation intention;
4) Sign the intent agreement;
  5) payment Increase/increase in store opening;
6) Confirm the opening time;
7) The headquarters sends people to watch the scene and provide decoration guidance;
8) Sign a formal contract.

Korean tea HEYCHA drink Joining dynamics


Korean tea HEYCHA drink Related questions and answers


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  • Wanted to join

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Korean tea HEYCHA drinks! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-17 19:08:13 From Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China  58.211.107*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 2-3 million.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Korean tea HEYCHA drinks! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 15:08:47 From China  39.158.226*
  • I want to further understand the practical cost of joining

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Korean tea HEYCHA drinks! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 09:01:48 From Jining, Shandong  39.68.5*
  • I am very interested in this project, please contact me. Add mobile WeChat

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Korean tea HEYCHA drinks! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 23:30:13 From Jiangsu Province  49.66.77*
  • Customer consultation and joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Korean tea HEYCHA drinks! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 01:55:33 From Jiangsu Province  49.90.175*
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