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Henghui Jewelry
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:


  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Henghui Jewelry Introduction to joining
 Henghui Jewelry Joined
Henghui Jewelry sells and wholesales the best-selling consumer market, and enjoys a high position among consumers. The company has established long-term and stable cooperative relations with many retailers and agents. The crystal pendants, crystal bracelets, crystal ornaments, crystal handicrafts, and crystal raw stones sold by Henghui Jewelry Firm in Quyang Township, Donghai County are complete in variety and reasonable in price.
There are many categories of Henghui jewelry products, which are an important part of modern urban women's fashion life. Henghui jewelry fashion is synonymous with bringing more beauty and charm to female friends. It is a brand favored by female friends.
Henghui Jewelry is committed to becoming a reputation brand trusted by high taste women, and is working hard to achieve this goal. The idea is to realize the combination of color and life, and to create a high-quality pursuit of a good life for successful urban women.
The brand image of Henghui Jewelry is an intellectual woman with fashion taste. Its sales proposition is harmonious beauty and intellectual charm. Henghui jewelry brand is of medium grade. Henghui jewelry products include headwear, jewelry (earrings), seasonal products (umbrellas, sunglasses, scarves, hats, socks, etc.).
Henghui Jewelry is inspired by European design, and its exquisite craftsmanship creates extraordinary quality, fashionable leisure atmosphere, popular urban atmosphere, and the taste culture of white-collar workers and educated women. Henghui Jewelry is a brand with fashionable taste: relatively new trend and elegant taste.
People who operate jewelry know that the jewelry industry is always a good project with small partners to achieve the goal, especially a reputation brand such as Henghui Jewelry, which will certainly be able to obtain better development options. Henghui Jewelry has the following detailed analysis for more reference.
Henghui's jewelry products mainly include more than 20 series and thousands of products, including jewelry, hair accessories, waist accessories, cosmetics, cosmetics tools, handbags, clocks and watches, wallets, mobile phone accessories, dolls, stationery, home furnishings, knitting department stores, ceramics, seasonal jewelry and daily necessities.
Henghui Jewelry Franchise advantages
 Henghui Jewelry Joined
1. Brand advantages
Henghui Jewelry has many years of operating experience. The company relies on its exclusive brand advantages and technical resources.
2. Product advantages
The company pays attention to the establishment, and constantly increases the investment in product research and development every year to develop new products and new lines. Give priority to quality management system certification in the industry, and keep providing consumers with good products with support.
3. Technical advantages
Henghui Jewelry has its own product technology research and development team to constantly develop new products. Make impeccable products for customers who patronize Henghui Jewelry.
4. Training advantages
The headquarters has established a training team, which will provide various training support for franchisees, including boss training, designer training, store manager training, shopping guide training, community promotion training, etc., to help franchisees improve their sales team and management ability.
5. Service advantages
Advanced marketing planning, printing promotional materials, on-site POPs, brand image accessories and other timely delivery.
6. Franchise advantages
The headquarters will arrange the franchise specialist to customize the franchise scheme for the franchisee, assist the franchisee to realize large utilization, save funds, avoid unnecessary expenses and reduce the franchise.
Henghui Jewelry Franchise conditions
1. The dealers must have independent civil liability persons, legal persons or natural persons.
2. Understand and accept the business philosophy and corporate culture of Henghui Jewelry.
3. Have the financial ability to meet the joining requirements.
4. Franchisees should have legitimate business stores that meet the company's requirements, and can choose independent stores or mall stores.
5. Do not engage in activities that violate the law or corrupt social conduct.
6. Qualified personal reputation and qualified business ethics.
7. Determined to achieve their dreams with their wisdom and hands, we must be successful and ambitious people.
Henghui Jewelry Franchise process
1. Learn more
You can communicate with the consultant online on the website, or call the franchise hotline of the headquarters to inquire about the details of the franchise.
2. Field visit
We will send staff to give you an introduction to the market overview of the project, the cost of the project, including your site selection, etc.
3. Qualification review
The headquarters reviews entrepreneurs. Confirm the cooperation qualification of entrepreneurs.
4. Sign the contract
Confirm the application for cooperation and sign the franchise contract.
5. Store location
The headquarters of the company makes specific planning according to the region where the franchisee is located, and selects the appropriate store address for the franchisee to facilitate the later operation.
6. Shop decoration
After confirming the store, the headquarters will issue a decoration plan, and the franchisee will decorate the store.
7. Personnel training
The headquarters will provide corresponding training for franchise stores, including product training, management training, business skills training, etc.
8. Opening preparation
The headquarters helps to design the store image, and arranges special personnel to guide the store opening publicity activities.
9. Official opening
After being checked by the person in charge of Henghui Jewelry Branch, you can choose the auspicious day for qualified opening.

Henghui Jewelry Joining dynamics


Henghui Jewelry Related questions and answers


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  • Is there any specific plan for joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Henghui Jewelry! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 18:09:32 From China  39.182.232*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 30-50。

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Henghui Jewelry! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 17:42:30 From Sanmen County, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province  39.181.129*
  • I want to know how to join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Henghui Jewelry! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 05:55:05 From Luliang City, Shanxi Province  60.221.228*
  • I am interested in this project

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Henghui Jewelry! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-07 14:09:53 From Fuxin City, Liaoning Province  59.47.20*
  • Learn about franchise stores

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Henghui Jewelry! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-07 11:01:06 From Changsha, Hunan Province  58.47.211*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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