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Grain and fish meal
  • Franchise industry:

    Catering>Fast food

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Free chain

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    three hundred and fifty

  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Grain and fish meal Introduction to joining

 Hegu Fishing Powder Franchise

Beijing Hegu Yufen Catering Service Co., Ltd. is a large national chain catering enterprise specializing in fish meal snacks and franchise. With more than ten years of experience in catering research and development, store marketing, more than 3000 franchisees and the public's recognition of the company's own brand, it is another superior high-end brand created with heavy money. It has: multiple catering projects; A modern large-scale food processing factory. By the end of 2015, franchised stores nationwide had spread to Northeast China, North China, East China, South China and other regions, covering 22 provinces and more than 200 cities in China. As a leading brand in the fishery powder industry, "Hegu fishery powder" has set five unified standards. Unify trademarks, store design, operation and service specifications, product quality and taste, and advertising. Expand stores nationwide in strict accordance with the standardization model of fast food industry, and create scientific food. The company has reached strategic alliances with domestic and foreign first-line seasoning suppliers and rice flour products suppliers to provide "Hegu Fish Flour" with its own processes of accessories. Mr. Geng Qiang, the chairman of the company, personally matches authentic Chinese herbal medicine secret recipe, upgrades the self owned process of fish powder soup bottom, and firmly secures the position of soup bottom technology in the whole industry.

The main food material used by "Hegu Fishery Flour" is the self-developed and produced coarse grain rice flour. It selects "Hegu Fishery Flour" (wheat, buckwheat, sorghum, rice) from all over the country as raw materials, and combines modern rice flour processing technology to process and fine produce, to produce coarse grain products that meet the quality inspection standards. This product is characterized by soft taste and flexible texture, It completely solves the problem of coarse entrance of cereal grains, and refuses to add any pigment and additive in the manufacturing process, which is healthy and nutritious.
"Hegu Fish Flour" is made of coarse grain rice flour, combined with the nutrition and taste of fresh fish and fish soup. It is made by professional nutritionists according to people's dietary structure. It is low in fat and high in calcium. Regular consumption helps to improve the daily diet habits of high fat and high sugar, and can balance various nutrients needed by the human body. The cereal fish flour processed by our company is characterized by delicious color, delicate taste, balanced nutrition, and fragrance. The company has set up a special procurement and quality inspection center in line with the purpose of ecology and health, which is responsible for national procurement and full supervision - from planting raw materials to production streamline, from transportation and packaging to kitchen production, level by level control and strict management This has won wide praise. Since the project was put on the market, all the direct stores and franchise stores have received a continuous stream of customers and praise after opening.
The future "Hegu Fishing Powder" will always adhere to the core of "fishing culture". Constantly pursue the creation and breakthrough of the brand, respect the traditional catering culture, adhere to the principle of honest operation, pay attention to the improvement of enterprise quality, and further expand the strategic layout of the national chain to create a gold brand in the national catering chain industry! In order to make great progress and provide strong support for franchisees, and solve their worries, the company specially hires the registered service master of the Service Committee of the Cooking Association, Mr. Li, who has 30 years of experience in catering operation and management, and more than 10 years of successful experience in franchise, as the director of the marketing department, responsible for a series of negotiations with franchisees, business management The service and connection of product upgrading and franchisor feedback, and the improvement/increase of franchisor's joining and operation are all smooth. In order to have a strong technology research and development management team, the company has cooperated with the founder of Dr. Chili brand to be responsible for product research and development, update, upgrade, ingredient production and other work. Franchisees do not need to worry. They will enjoy free product updates and upgrades. They can also customize updated and upgraded products according to their market needs.

Grain and fish meal Franchise advantages

 Advantages of joining Hegu Fishing Powder

  Advantages of joining Hegu Fishing Powder:

1. Quality advantage: Hegu fish meal, adhering to the traditional fish classics and integrating the concept of health preservation of the times, has launched a new variety of "health preservation" series of fish pan bottoms. With the support of a rich series of products, the method of eating fish first and then rinsing dishes makes it take into account the dual enjoyment of fashion and health preservation at the same time, creating a new era of fish hot pot business model.

2. Product advantages: In order to improve the market competitiveness of local partners, Hegu Fishing Powder Company will launch new products and release comprehensive marketing plans from time to time, and deliver them to all chain stores in a short time to help them gather popularity and expand sales.

3. Advanced concept advantage: Hegu Fishery Flour Co., Ltd. has systematic, scientific and advanced marketing planning and operation management concepts, which can provide perfect, systematic support and help for franchisees before and during operation, and constantly deliver advanced marketing management ideas and concepts to franchisees to reduce their participation.

4. Ultra low cost advantage: In terms of the supply of products and supporting facilities, the company gives Hegu Fishery Powder franchisees extraordinary preferential prices, saving every franchisee any unnecessary franchise costs and reducing franchise costs.

  Hegu Fishing Powder Franchise Support:

Market research: The company will conduct a variety of surveys on the regions where the franchise application and operation are applied for. And appoint a marketing specialist to annotate the case in front of the application, and assist the applicant to make a definite franchise analysis report.

Site selection for investigation: The successful selection of the store location is Wu Jian's success. The headquarters will make a field investigation by professionals for the selection of all the store locations that have been checked by the franchisee, and put forward plans after comprehensive analysis.

Store design: the company will integrate the actual store default of the franchisee into the reasonable store decoration design to unify the brand image. Adapt to company S requirements

Supporting facilities: the company will provide each franchisee with a set of appliances. In order to unify the brand image, the company requires all franchisees to be produced and purchased by the company

Opening guidance.

Train guidance: the company will provide regular store display standards for franchisees and appoint marketing specialists to provide training guidance for franchisee staff

Service training.

Grain and fish meal Franchise conditions

1. Have certain ability to join in
2. Managers have sufficient operation and management time
3. Recognize the headquarters' business philosophy and accept the headquarters' management guidance

Grain and fish meal Franchise process

1. Franchise application, brand understanding, consultation, communication and submission of franchise application
2. Investigation and joining, investigation and evaluation, communication, negotiation and signing of contract
3. Opening preparation, store location confirmation, design, decoration, goods preparation and delivery
4. Support store opening, store guidance training, store manager, salesperson training, trial operation
5. Officially opened, stationed and planned to open
6. Service follow-up, establishment of customer files, regular training and follow-up guidance

User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 78000.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Hegu Fishing Powder! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-27 06:49:59 From Shandong Province  39.69.252*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 35w。

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Hegu Fishing Powder! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-26 10:33:13 From Liaoning Province  42.55.182*
  • I want to know more about the franchise fees, please contact me!

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Hegu Fishing Powder! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-19 12:26:51 From Heilongjiang Harbin [Telecom]  42.101.29*
  • I am very interested in this project,

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Hegu Fishing Powder! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-18 21:40:35 From Henan Province  42.230.122*
  • Consulting and joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Hegu Fishing Powder! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 20:45:03 From Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province [Telecom]  42.95.221*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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