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Hanzai Teppanyaki
  • Franchise industry:

    Catering>Fast food

  • Suitable for:

    Free Entrepreneurship On the job Investment in Existing Companies Add Graduate Entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise cooperation, free chain

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Hanzai Teppanyaki Introduction to joining

 Hanzai Teppanyi joined
Hanzai Teppanyi joined
Introduction to Teppanyaki:
Hanzai Teppanyaki has unique advantages in color and taste. Hanzai Teppanyaki has its unique technology, which can make the ribs of Boneless Rice loose and not shrink, and maintain the original plump sensory effect. Make bone rice look more affordable and beautiful.
As a special fast food, Hanzai Teppanyaki must have its advantages, because when the finished product is served, there is not only a bone, but also a stack of cold dishes, a white rice and a nutrient rich bone soup, which achieves balanced nutrition, including meat and vegetables, coarse and fine, dry and thin. Choose Chinese fast food bone fragrant rice, Give your body better nutrition!
The company has now established the Production Technology Department, Product R&D Department, Market Development Department, Franchise Business Department and Distribution Logistics Department. At present, the company has completely entered the track of production and marketing integration and scientific enterprise management. The development prospect of the company is very promising. Since the beginning of the New Year, the number of signing customers of the company has been increasing, and the group of intended franchises and potential customers has been expanding. With the decline of the world economy, big hotels and restaurants have been significantly affected. With the economic downturn, these enterprises will face tremendous pressure, It will be a rare opportunity for our popular small restaurants. This opportunity has been clearly reflected in the business performance of each store of Hanzai Teppanyang. We should seize this great opportunity to develop together and create the future. The company sincerely welcomes people of insight and entrepreneurs to visit and consult.
Boneless rice is located in the public consumption, has a broad market, and is popular with the public. Facing wages, the decoration strives to achieve good decoration results with little money, highlighting the simplicity, comfort and hygiene, and fully reflects the characteristics of fast food.
Standardized process flow can save human resources. It has the characteristics of small stores, few franchises, simple operation and high production rate. It is a good project for small entrepreneurs. Hanzai Teppanyi adheres to the principle of "nourishing, delicious, hygienic and convenient", targeting every consumer with the combination of ribs and hundreds of cold dishes.
The new model realizes the growth of cashier from brand planning, cost control, operation process and other aspects, so that the franchisee has an unimaginable profit possibility!

Hanzai Teppanyaki Franchise advantages
 Hanzai Teppanyi joined
Hanzai Teppanyi Franchise Site Selection Support
1. It is very important to choose the right place to open a franchise store. Therefore, in order to prevent the franchisees from joining blindly as far as possible, the headquarters will send support personnel to analyze the business district and evaluate the candidate sites.
2. Store design and equipment guidance support
3. In order to maintain the consistency of image recognition, business style, cultural expression and other aspects of Hu Da Spicy Crawfish, and to reduce the waste of resources by the franchisee crossing the river by feeling the stones, the store design is in principle designed by the headquarters design agency, and the decoration construction franchisee can choose independently, You can also choose to cooperate with a decoration company that has formed strategic cooperation with the headquarters of Huda Spicy Crawfish Specialty Snacks.
4. In addition to distribution, the headquarters will provide corresponding equipment manual guidance and support.
5. Layout design of the headquarters for the kitchen
Human resources support
1. The headquarters provides franchisees with a series of human resources elements such as employee recruitment process, training help, position setting, and employee handbook.
2. The headquarters provides new employees (including managers and franchisees who must attend) with training and internship opportunities at the headquarters, but the travel expenses, board and lodging expenses, salaries and welfare of trainees, etc. shall be borne by the franchisee.
3. If the franchisee has human resources requirements (management personnel, technical personnel, service personnel, etc.), the franchisee shall submit a written application. With the approval of the headquarters, the franchisee shall make timely arrangements according to the situation of the headquarters, give corresponding support and charge relevant fees.
4. After opening, Hu Da Spicy Crawfish will hold on-the-job training regularly or irregularly. The Operation Supervision Department will regularly conduct patrol inspection on each franchise store. If rectification is required, the headquarters will issue rectification notice or rectification opinions and measures to help the franchise store get on the right track.
Operation management support
1. Before opening, the headquarters will provide the implementation plan for the preparation of opening
During the preparation period, in addition to the support in Article 2 and 3 above, the franchisee will also be provided with consulting services on business license, fire protection, environmental protection, food hygiene, and industrial and commercial tax registration.
2. Assist franchisees to establish stable and orderly construction progress, decoration cost, decoration requirements and other control support.
3. The macro and micro market research before opening helps Hu Da Spicy Crawfish Franchisees to establish the restaurant structure, staffing, job functions, salary, and promotion during the introduction period, so as to step into the normal business track as soon as possible.
4. Provide product manuals and product design structures, assist in formulating product (dishes, drinks) prices and menus.
5. The business model and kitchen support headquarters constantly develop new products and flavors, and promote them according to the actual business conditions and eating habits of various regions
Distribution support
1. Some raw materials and condiments are uniformly distributed by the headquarters distribution center
2. Distribution of clothing, business furniture, tableware, professional kitchen equipment of Hu Da Spicy Crawfish, etc.
3. Location support for bulk purchase of other items to be purchased
Hanzai Teppanyaki Franchise conditions
1. At least 18 years old, with enough entrepreneurial enthusiasm and strong support from family.
2. Have brand awareness, understand and accept the business philosophy and corporate culture of Hanzai Teppanyi brand.
3. With the corresponding joining strength, it can meet the lower joining requirements of Han Zai Teppanyi.
4. Franchisees must have places to open stores in busy commercial streets or places with large flow of people.
5. Comply with the price unification policy of the headquarters and other management specifications.
6. The ability to manage, motivate, train and develop personnel.
7. Have the entrepreneurial spirit of hard work, strong desire for success, a sense of responsibility and dedication.
Hanzai Teppanyaki Franchise process
1 The company sends professional personnel to interview, introduce perfect joining information, fully communicate the details of joining, and reach a consensus;
2. Strong brand and high customer attraction: all appearances and shop signs of the brand have been patented, and the authenticity can be checked on the website of relevant departments;
New Customer Service Center 3 Exclusive to cashier;
4. Complete logistics center, strong production base, accurate, timely and rapid supply of raw materials, and free from the complexity of self procurement;
5 Joined a huge production system and passed QS product quality certification, which supported the legitimacy and stability of raw material supply and reduced costs;
6 Full set of technical training for store opening and commercial operation management;
7 Research and development of new products and resource sharing;
8. A new customer service center is added to provide you with more professional, faster and more perfect services
The customer's doubts and troubles can be dispelled in a short time
Streamline brand image;
9. Employ several senior supervisors to provide expertise for various problems in the store
Timely guidance;
Call or consult online customer service from 10 details

Hanzai Teppanyaki Joining dynamics


Hanzai Teppanyaki Related questions and answers


User consultation

  • If you are interested, please contact me as soon as possible

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Hanzai Teppanyaki! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 14:43:27 From China  39.188.130*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Ten thousand.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Hanzai Teppanyaki! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 15:39:34 From Shanghai Putuo  42.196.225*
  • How much is the franchise fee? Can you stop selling in stores? It means I'm the owner of the business

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Hanzai Teppanyaki! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 16:01:25 From Dengzhuang Town, Xiangfen County, Linfen City, Shanxi Province  60.221.107*
  • Learn about franchise stores

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Hanzai Teppanyaki! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 01:20:11 From Shanxi  45.124.44*
  • Customer consultation and joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Hanzai Teppanyaki! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 17:16:51 From Jiangsu Hongze  49.87.14*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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