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Hair coiling decoration
  • Franchise industry:


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  • Investment amount: 10000~50000


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Hair coiling decoration Introduction to joining

Introduction to joining
The hair accessories of "hair accessories industry" is a brand of Guangzhou Panshi Trade Development Co., Ltd. In 2011, it authorized the headquarters of "hair accessories industry industry" hair accessories international chain organizations to fully develop the franchise business. Based on the city of fashion, we are committed to creating a famous brand of fashionable hair accessories.
Positioned as a "fashion trend leader", hair accessories in the hair accessories industry have been striving to seize the forefront of the trend, sense the fashion trend, and transmit the IN urban expression. With the professional trend information center, sharp fashion sense, market experience, combined with designer elements and international standards, create a dedicated fashion warehouse for beauty ladies! The core competitiveness of the hair accessories industry is: hair makeup skills+jewelry quality and style
"Curly hair decoration industry" is a leading brand in the beauty decoration industry. When women in the new era need more elegance and fashion, as well as all items that can match their identity and taste, the hair decoration with charm and cultural heritage is the first choice. It is the graceful embodiment of elegant life. Once integrated into culture, we will rise to the dream of owning it in our hearts! In the hair accessories industry, the hair makeup service drives the sales of accessories, creating beauty and discovering beauty here!

Corporate culture
People oriented: do a good job in the cultivation and development of human resources, talents and character, and build a foundation for the enterprise
Take honesty as the criterion: establish the principles of honesty, seriousness, responsibility, enthusiasm and dealing with people
Core concept of the enterprise: brand, integration and win-win
Corporate slogan: changeable hair style, changeable mood
Enterprise positioning: compete with the same industry and yourself! Realize real free distribution in the industry!

Hair coiling decoration Franchise advantages

 Advantages of joining in the hair accessories industry

Core advantages of "hair accessories industry" jewelry chain

1. Small ornament, big world
A seemingly small industry is bursting with amazing energy and brewing a huge entrepreneurial blue ocean. In the 1960s, we took food and clothing as our goal, thinking that that was our goal. Today, after solving the material needs, we are turning to spiritual consumption, and the pursuit of beauty is getting higher and higher, which led to an industry: hair accessories
2. Small input, large output
The jewelry industry, compared with the traditional industry, has little investment. It only needs a very small store, and tens of thousands of yuan can be joined to create the entrepreneurial myth. Achievements can be compared with the traditional industry, which can join hundreds of thousands of people.
3. One time consumption, lifelong free
Drive the market with services and build reputation with reputation. The service culture of hair accessories keeps the end customers in their own stores forever and avoids the impact of e-commerce on physical stores.
4. One store consumption, one thousand stores free
Hair accessories industry, the national chain. Our service is standardized and unified throughout the country. If you buy our products in any store, you will enjoy intimate services in any store in the hair and accessories industry in the country

 Advantages of joining in the hair accessories industry
5. Cooperate with peers and compete with ourselves
Hairdressing culture has a long history. Only by truly serving customers can we keep customers forever. In the hair distribution and decoration industry, we cooperate with the same industry to realize the real free distribution in the industry. At the same time of service, we ask ourselves to compare ourselves: service is always better than yesterday; Skills are always better than yesterday; The product is always a little newer than yesterday; Customers are always a little more beautiful than yesterday.
6. "Hundreds of cities and thousands of stores, entrepreneurial support" to achieve positive energy in the industry
For a quality project, the first is channel expansion. In order to support the majority of young entrepreneurs, the hair accessories industry launched the "Hundred Cities, Thousands of Stores, Entrepreneurship Support" as long as you have the enthusiasm to create Yifan, have an independent operating mode of thinking, and have perseverance. We support your entrepreneurship. The goal is: to support a person and achieve a career; A successful store, expand a market and influence a region! Helping others succeed in entrepreneurship is also the social responsibility of a good enterprise.
7. Regional operation
Take districts and counties as units, protect customers' business rights, support customers to become bigger and stronger, support customers to change from adding one store to two stores, to multiple stores, and provide unlimited possibilities for in-depth development of business.
8. Online and offline, cross-border integration; One store, two shops, easy entrepreneurship
The sales of hair accessories industry is service oriented and product oriented! Buy products online, enjoy services offline, and promote customers' second and repeated consumption in the process of service. Physical stores+online stores: mobile e-commerce complements local stores, realizing one store with two stores and doubling sales. Avoid the vicious impact of e-commerce on physical stores.
9. Nanny support,
From store location, personnel recruitment, technical training, to the output of the whole store (before opening - during opening - after opening). Provide full support. Countless successful cases in all regions of the country make it easy to open stores!

Hair coiling decoration Franchise conditions

Franchise conditions

1) Over 18 years old
2) Have a qualified business reputation in the local area, abide by laws and the company's rules and regulations, and agree with the corporate culture and business philosophy of the head office.
3) Have a comprehensive understanding of the regional jewelry market
4) Be able to actively cooperate with the head office to unify the market operation, accept the management and guidance of the headquarters, and timely feed back the market information to the headquarters
5) Willing to accept the company's standard training, and able to strictly implement brand service standards, terminal prices and preferential policies according to the company's requirements.

Hair coiling decoration Franchise process

Franchise process

1. Consulting and asking for franchise information

2. Fill in the franchise application form

3. Franchise qualification review and confirmation

4. Invite to visit headquarters, direct stores, training schools, etc

5. Sign the franchise contract

6. Management personnel go to the headquarters for training

7. Guide store location selection and store review

8. Design, guide decoration and opening preparation

9. Opening, resident guidance of operation manager

Hair coiling decoration Related questions and answers


User consultation

  • Can there be more than one franchise point in the new county seat,,,, the new campus of Shiqiao Town, Cangwu, Guangxi

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the hair industry! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 16:04:43 From China  39.186.191*
  • Want to join in Nanning

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the hair industry! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 20:46:01 From Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province  59.44.218*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 200000 to 300000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the hair industry! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 21:02:45 From Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province  49.85.76*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 70000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the hair industry! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 02:42:10 From Gansu Province  42.93.11*
  • How much is the franchise fee,

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the hair industry! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 18:15:45 From Lanzhou, Gansu [Telecom]  42.88.121*
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