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[Guoaido] Guoaido sincerely invites to join

  • Industry retail > a fruit shop
  • Total number of stores one thousand home
  • Investment amount 200000~500000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Beijing
  • Date of establishment 2016-05-17
  • management model Distribution
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship
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What are the advantages of Guoaido joining

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  • Advantages of joining Guoaido:

       Many franchise advantages to help capture customers and achieve a sharp increase in sales
       Brand advantages
    The brand has been successfully operated for 3 years, and its stores have spread all over Jilin Province, Heilongjiang Province, Shandong Province, Beijing and Tianjin, becoming more high-end luxury fresh fruit stores in people's hearts.
       Product advantages
    14 domestic brand cooperation organic cultivation bases, 32 overseas importing countries
       Headquarters advantages
    Beijing Taishideng Management Group's full strategic participation in Guoaido witnessed its strength
       Team advantages
    Eight core teams of management, operation, planning, sales, logistics, procurement, engineering, and market development, to escort every Guoaido
       Design advantages
    Brand designers and art fund winners lead the whole process of design. Guoaido brand design is not just an expression of art.
       Market advantages
    Based on art design high-end luxury fresh fruit brand
       Idea advantage
    Fruit food is healthy throughout, high-end quality is consistent, and artistic expression is unique
       There are many production and procurement bases at home and abroad, strict purchase standards, and many star products
    Guoaiduo has 14 ecological planting bases in China, which are distributed in Jilin, Hainan, Jiangxi, Shandong, Sichuan, Yunnan, Liaoning, Dalian and other provinces and cities. It has signed agricultural product supply agreements with professional cooperatives to fine plant according to Guoaiduo's organic agricultural standards.
    Guoaido has established an agricultural product detection system with professional scientific research institutions, and the agricultural residue detection of relevant institutions of products in the self-supporting base meets the organic pollution-free standard.
    Guoaido's "Magic Kiss Strawberry", "First Kiss Strawberry", "Night Blueberry", "First Heart Orange", "Miss Grapefruit", "Childhood Melon" and "Farewell King" have become the star products of Guoaido.
    Guoai Duo uses its own resource advantages to fully exploit its base and market. At present, there are 32 overseas fresh fruit purchase bases in Thailand, Vietnam, South Africa, the United States, Taiwan, Japan, Brazil, Chile, Mexico and other regions.
    Among them, there are cooperative supply bases in Central Otago, South Island of New Zealand (near Queenstown), Tasmania, Australia, Washington State of the United States, and Costa Rica, and "Princess Cherizi" supplies Costa Rica; The cooperation base "Hand selected King Durian" was built in Tsim Chuen and Chun Peng provinces in Thailand to supply Guoaido. In Thailand, only one of every 170 durians meets the standard of Guoaido.

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