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Baldheaded Dumplings
  • Franchise industry:

    Catering>Chinese food

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment

  • Origin of the brand:

    Hong Kong

  • Business model:

    Concessionary cooperation

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 10000~50000


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Baldheaded Dumplings Introduction to joining

 The bald old dumpling joined

When it comes to dumplings, no one doesn't know. As a representative specialty food in China, dumplings have always been popular in the market. The skinhead old dumplings rely on advanced technology and good raw materials to make the dumplings more delicious, push the Chinese cuisine to a higher level, and bring more huge markets and business opportunities! There are many varieties and infinite features. Adhere to the use of fresh and superior raw materials such as good wheat flour imported from Canada and sweet corn imported from the United States, and integrate traditional food culture and modern science and technology with bald old dumplings, specializing in the production of hundreds of delicious food varieties such as Hong Kong style crystal dumplings, handmade meatballs, and special snacks under the brand of "bald old Liansheng".
Not only is the selection of materials superior, but also the production equipment and technology are cutting-edge in the industry. With its unique quality and taste, it has won the trust and support of consumers. The bald old dumplings have a wide coverage in the national market, and numerous successful franchised stores. The joining agent of Guangtou Laojiaozi reflects the development characteristics of the brand. With the witness of the market, we believe that the professional attitude can meet more entrepreneurs, so that the joining agent of Guangtou Laojiaozi will realize the development needs of the project, and will attract more entrepreneurs to recognize in the future development. Good products will never lack a market, and as an advanced brand in the industry, bald old dumplings are regarded as a favorite by the vast number of diners. Both technology and equipment are advanced here. Both diners and entrepreneurs can find great satisfaction here to realize a better experience. Come and experience it!
As soon as the bald old dumplings were launched, they were welcomed by entrepreneurs of all sizes. Many buyers relied on snack trucks to operate simply, use fewer people, produce quickly, and have unique flavor, which is suitable for public taste. With the international advanced business management mode, Guangtou Laojiaozi has launched the distribution cooperation in an all-round way, given priority to the recruitment of cooperative operators in the country, sincerely cooperated with people of insight in the world, expanded the market, took "outstanding high-tech products, qualified quality, and satisfactory service" as the company's quality policy, and put it through the development, production, sales All practical work of management and service.
The bald old dumpling "quality builds the brand, integrity wins the future". Integrity is the concept of "bald old dumplings", and advanced quality is the basic purpose of "bald old dumplings". We look forward to working with you to set sail and create a broader cause, and do our best to make your cooperation obtain greater expansion opportunities. If you shine, we can also share a light!

Baldheaded Dumplings Franchise advantages

 The bald old dumpling joined

1. Skinhead will provide professional business philosophy training for franchisees.
2. Since the bald guy's products are popular with the public, our stores are generally located in the central ditch business circle, several business areas, large residential areas and other densely populated areas
Fang. The company can provide first closed shops to prospective franchisees to select in order. In addition, franchisees can bring their own shops to our company for negotiation, and we can evaluate them on site.
3. In order to support the franchisees with different economic strength to embark on the road of becoming rich, we have set up three store models: entrepreneurial store, standard store and flagship store. The areas are 15-25m2 and 25-80 respectively
Square meters, more than 80 square meters. The decoration of the store is unified nationwide with the image specified by the company.
    4. Before the franchise store opens, the company will send a team with many years of experience to provide training and support for the franchisee.

Baldheaded Dumplings Franchise conditions
1. With strong enterprising spirit, certain business background and experience, and basic concept of business management.
2. Have a good understanding of cooked food industry and franchising.
3. I have some understanding of Baldheaded Food Company and agree with the business philosophy of Baldheaded Food.
4. The operation and management of franchise stores can be maintained with full dedication.
5. All franchises exist, and they have a correct understanding and full mental preparation for joining the bald guy Hong Kong style crystal dumplings.
6. It has a good store opening point, and the store rent is appropriate.
Baldheaded Dumplings Franchise process

Baldheaded Dumplings Joining dynamics


Baldheaded Dumplings Related questions and answers


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  • Consult specific franchise information

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the bald old dumplings! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 09:31:06 From Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China  61.158.149*
  • The project is good, and you need to know the franchise information.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the bald old dumplings! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 18:32:54 From China  39.176.139*
  • Want to join. Hope to call back

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the bald old dumplings! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 11:03:57 From Dalian, Liaoning Province  59.109.181*
  • How much does it cost to join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the bald old dumplings! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 02:11:36 From Dongtai City, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province  49.69.110*
  • How much capital is needed for joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the bald old dumplings! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 21:51:05 From Xiamen, Fujian Province  59.57.196*
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