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Gowstein robot education
  • Franchise industry:

    Education>Children's Club

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    Free entrepreneurship

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  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 200000~500000


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Gowstein robot education Introduction to joining

 Joined in by Gowstein Robot Education

Gowstein Robot Education is a high-end robot training and education brand owned by Gowstein () Robot Co., Ltd. It is an independent brand of robot education in China. Gowstein Robot Education is committed to providing high-quality one-stop overall solutions for robot training and education for children aged 4 to 18.
Gowstein robot education
Relying on the strong R&D and manufacturing strength of "production, learning and research" integration of Gewustan Robot Co., Ltd., Gewustan robot education adopts the high-tech robot technology independently developed by the company, independently produced high-quality robot products, independently developed unique matching textbooks, and independently created advanced teaching methods, It is a rare high-end robot training and education brand with independent products and systems that can fully cover the 4-18 age group.
Joined in by Gewustein Robot
Gowustan robot education, rooted in the local, has a deep understanding of the current situation of children's education, and completely starts from the growth characteristics of children, to create suitable robot products and courses for children, gradually and seamlessly upgrade learning, and cultivate qualified scientific literacy and scientific exploration spirit, A new generation of people with outstanding creativity!

Gowstein robot education Franchise advantages

1. International high-quality products

All products are made of environment-friendly materials, with ultra-high precision structural parts of micron level, which provides an incomparably smooth splicing experience.

2. International high-tech products

A "dream combination" of robot graphical programming software with multiple powerful robot controllers, various types of high-precision robot sensors, and multiple platforms and difficulties.

3. Independent research, development and production of all series of products

All products are independently developed and produced by the well-known educational robot company, Gowstein (Shanghai) Robot Co., Ltd., to ensure that all kinds of products have excellent quality and uniform quality.

4. Full range of courses and textbooks

The complete series of supporting courses and textbooks jointly created by the team of the Robotics Education Research Institute of Gowstein (Shanghai) Robotics Co., Ltd. enables people who understand the products to develop courses and textbooks suitable for children to learn!

5. New "6S" creation teaching method

The core goal of robot education is to "cultivate creative people". For this reason, we subvert the traditional education and teaching methods, the "6S" teaching method of "self-awareness - situation introduction - exploration and construction - reflection and improvement - continuation and creation - sharing and evaluation", implant the created genes into children's minds, and let good character benefit children for life!

6. Multi aspect teacher training certification system

Gewustein provides franchisees with multifaceted and full level teacher training, and carries out full process analysis and evaluation on the professional water products of teachers at all levels, so as to provide students and franchisees with objective quality teacher resources

7. Student evaluation system tracked in the whole process

The character education adheres to the educational philosophy of "adult"+"talent". Provide an overall evaluation plan for students, not only professional knowledge, but also measurable standards in personality and thinking. "Talent"=person+talent. Cultivating "people" is as important as cultivating "talents". What we need to cultivate is not a group of science geeks, but technologists. What we need to cultivate first is "people" who are "sunny, positive, cheerful, optimistic, not afraid of difficulties, dare to take responsibility, know how to share and love".

8. "K12" difficulty level full age coverage program

KEY stands for a key. We divide robot education into 12 grades from 4 to 16 years old according to different learning difficulties of different ages. Each stage is independent and complete, and it is also gradually improved. Children of any age can not only start learning at different stages from scratch, but also go deeper and improve step by step according to their age! According to the psychological characteristics and thinking characteristics of children of different ages, the course of Gowstein robot creation education is divided into 12 grades; Each grade is divided into 32 courses; Each course has a clear teaching goal. In K1-K2 stage, GC-001 controller is mainly used to guide children to learn robot programming in the form of card swiping, so as to cultivate the fun of robot learning; In K3-K6 stage, GC-100 controller is mainly used to make various robots; K7-K10 mainly uses the GC-300 controller with better interactivity and more powerful functions to make robots with higher intelligence; K11-K12 mainly uses the GC-500 controller that can be bionically designed to make a more vivid bionic robot.

9. Fully supported gold medal winning plan

We not only teach robots in the classroom to improve their creativity, but also extend this training beyond the classroom. We provide various competition opportunities, including campus competitions, regional competitions, national competitions and international competitions, as well as various activities, such as summer camps and founding tours

10. Shining Star Planning Created on the Spot

Relying on the powerful R&D and technical strength of Gowstein (Shanghai) Robot Company, we extend robot education to actual R&D and application. Our "simulation R&D laboratory" plan gives children who participate in Gowstein Robot Education the opportunity to participate in the actual cutting-edge technology development of the company, and truly feel the "real creation"!

Relying on the unique advantages of the integration of "production, learning and research" of Gewustein education, "creation" will no longer be an empty slogan, and we will quickly turn children's various ways of creation into products, so that children can see the real value brought by creation! Feel the "power of creation" truly!

Gowstein robot education Franchise conditions
 Joined in by Gewustein Robot

Gowstein robot education Franchise process
 Joined in by Gewustein Robot

Gowstein robot education Related questions and answers


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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the robot education of Gewustein! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-17 21:53:29 From China  39.179.215*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 500000 yuan.

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the robot education of Gewustein! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 08:23:48 From Xinchang, Zhejiang  60.183.146*
  • Please provide the telephone number of the service provider

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the robot education of Gewustein! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 23:06:11 From Jinan City, Shandong Province [Unicom]  60.208.18*
  • How much is the franchise fee? Are there any requirements for the location

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the robot education of Gewustein! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 23:50:44 From Huaihua City, Hunan Province  42.48.98*
  • Interested in cooperation

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the robot education of Gewustein! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 09:22:29 From Beijing  59.109.208*
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