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Guoqiandai Dessert
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    two hundred

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Guoqiandai Dessert Introduction to joining
 Guoqiandai Dessert
Although Guoqiandai desserts have been famous in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan for a long time, they are still in the initial stage in China. In recent years, with the improvement of living standards and the infiltration of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan cultures, people pay more attention to the quality of life and the pursuit of food is also getting higher and higher. Dessert food represented by Guoqiandai Dessert just meets consumers' demand for healthy food. There is a huge demand in the domestic dessert market, and the dessert industry will also usher in an outbreak period. According to the fame report, the healthy leisure diet industry will exceed 200 billion in 2014, and the dessert industry will become a hot topic in the eyes of entrepreneurs for a while.
Guoqiandai Dessert, with its unique dessert taste, has improved the advanced franchise support management mode and created up to 70% pure cash register for franchisees. Guoqiandai Dessert Project is a gold brand worthy of joining in 2014 with zero, low difficulty and high operation!
Nanci has a long reputation. It uses pure healthy and green ingredients, follows the international nutritionist's own technology of scientific beauty, and more than 300 kinds of desserts are creatively matched. It can meet the taste needs of almost everyone. It is a nutritious tip of the tongue delicacy, and strives to build a Hong Kong style brand enterprise loved by fashionable and healthy people. Frozen drink series, bean jelly series, stew series, snow mountain series, soup ball series, tofu flower series, sesame paste series, sago series, black glutinous rice series, exquisite pastry series, fruit plate series, western pastry series, Bafei series, pudding series, milk tea series, British afternoon tea series, sand fruit series, fragrant mango series, hot drink series
Guoqiandai Dessert has 24 series and more than 130 kinds of delicious food, covering a wide range of products, including popular products in Hong Kong, Taiwan and other desserts gathering places. Therefore, opening a franchise store can be said to operate many stores, which is naturally rich. Fanduo Dessert is such a distinctive dessert, with huge market demand and unlimited development prospects, While bringing you delicious enjoyment, it is also a good choice for you to become rich easily.
Guoqiandai Dessert Franchise advantages
 Guoqiandai Dessert
1. Enjoy the trademark, trade name (chain system name), logo and proprietary technology of Guoqiandai Dessert, which can be operated with less development;
2. It has a project team organized by professionals from large groups, joined by Hong Kong people, insisted on selecting high-end food materials, and established Hong Kong style desserts, Hong Kong style flavors, and Hong Kong style brands;
3. Strict market regional order support system to safeguard the interests of agents and franchisees and promote the stable development of brands;
4. Strong professional planning, marketing and service system, unified terminal display and print media advertising design, customized opening planning guidance;
5. Mature experience and operating technology, newly developed self owned processes, free training and teaching by professional teachers;
6. The headquarters purchases a large number of materials and supplies in a unified manner to reduce the cost of purchasing and opening stores;
7. Professionals go down to the market to select business districts, assist in site selection, and teachers guide business management;
8. The headquarters will follow up the technical guidance in the later stage to ensure that every franchise store and every family.
Guoqiandai Dessert Franchise conditions
1. It is required to be a natural person with full civil capacity, an entrepreneur with legal business qualifications, and eager to succeed.
2. Fully understand and agree with the company's business philosophy, accept the company's management system, and are willing to jointly explore the market with the company.
3. The economic strength of the franchisee shall not be lower than the specific franchise plan of "Guoqiandai Dessert".
4. The location of the business site is good, and the passenger flow is large, which can be evaluated by the headquarters on the spot.
5. Accept the unified management of the company and strictly abide by the normative conditions of the company such as the franchise contract and marketing plan.
6. Franchisees should have certain management ability, persuasiveness and sensitivity to the market.
7. Love the industry, have greater enthusiasm and enthusiasm, and be confident to operate a good Guoqiandai dessert franchise store.
Guoqiandai Dessert Franchise process
1. Output of the whole store: special personnel will assist partners in investigation, analyze the data of the business district, and determine an excellent business place based on years of industry experience, so that you can win at the starting line. After the store location is determined, the store design and construction scheme will be carried out according to the store area, and at the same time, the equipment installation and distribution of opening materials will be assisted to make you open successfully.
2. Free training: The headquarters will provide you with technical operation, service specifications, complaint handling, customer analysis, marketing skills and other training courses related to the daily operation details of the store by the R&D team and marketing of Hong Kong and Taiwan, so that you can face the operation of the store calmly and easily.
3. In store internship: After completing the training, you can intern in the official direct store of, and participate in every link of store operation in person, from food production to store management, to quickly improve your operation ability.
4. Opening planning: the headquarters marketing team will tailor the opening ceremony, opening momentum, opening public relations, opening promotion and other system executable programs for you to help you get started.
5. Field supervision: some emergencies are inevitable in the operation process. At this time, we are still your reliable partners. The seven regional supervisors in Northeast, Northwest, North China, East China, Central China, South China, and Southwest will quickly connect to help you solve your problems

User consultation

  • How much will it cost

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Guoqiandai dessert! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 15:48:35 From Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province  60.181.44*
  • First understand the specific situation under consultation

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Guoqiandai dessert! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 07:19:13 From Cixi City, Zhejiang Province  39.180.24*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Add in Wechat.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Guoqiandai dessert! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 14:17:32 From Tianmen City, a county level administrative unit directly under the Central Government of Hubei Province  61.144.100*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Hundreds of thousands of yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Guoqiandai dessert! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 18:31:40 From Xinyang, Henan  42.233.120*
  • How much is the franchise fee

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Guoqiandai dessert! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 01:31:19 From Gansu Province  42.90.56*
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