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Jiayuan Small Stubborn Bone Self help Bone Pot
  • Franchise industry:

    Catering>Braised Pot

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


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  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Jiayuan Small Stubborn Bone Self help Bone Pot Introduction to joining

 Jiayuan Xiaoqiang Self help Bone Pot

Jiayuan Xiaoqiang Bone Self service Bone Pot carefully selects the ingredients - superior pork: selected black pig keel, supplemented with unique materials and ancient methods of stewing, and one mouthful of it will be unforgettable. Jiayuan Xiaoqiang Self service Bone Pot Sauce Bone Method - Sealed and Preserved Sauce System: use special vessels to sauce big bones. The inner wall of the vessel is smooth, which is convenient for internal heat reflection, and the meat is easy to taste, but does not allow water loss. Jiayuan Xiaoqianggu Self help Bone Pot Chinese herbal medicine has its own process - increasing fragrance and nourishing: dozens of precious Chinese herbal medicines are used to form a unique process, which not only adds a special flavor to the bones, but also adds a nutrient. The new concept and policy of the small stubborn bone self-help bone pot in Jiayuan: I dream, you earn money!
Provide entrepreneurs with entrepreneurial travel and become pioneers in cooperative industries. 1. 120000 yuan three months before the store opens, otherwise the headquarters will refund the franchise fee. 2. The stores that need to join first in the national regional market can be automatically upgraded to agency stores, and enjoy 20% of the regional store cooperation fee.
Jiayuan Xiaoqiang Self service Bone Pot requires no experience. The whole process guidance is simple and easy to learn, and enjoy the revenue. The production process is simple and easy to learn, and can be mastered in a few days. The headquarters provides one-on-one training guidance for special personnel, which is simple and easy to learn. Whole process guidance and tracking service: from site selection to activity scheme, the headquarters tracks and guides in many aspects to help you solve your concerns about opening a store. O2O marketing, meal+take away: the meal+take away model can quickly attract money, not only to do store business income, but also to take away the model of Lancai, double line income. Henan Yichuang Catering Management Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive catering enterprise with catering as the leader, integrating catering project development, raw material distribution, brand agency and brand cooperation. At present, the company has three wholly-owned subsidiaries: Hefei Laojiubei Catering Management Co., Ltd., Henan Huima Flavor Catering Service Co., Ltd., and Henan Luyi Food Factory. The catering brands created include: Hot Pot Memory, Jiayuan Xiaoqiang Bone Self service Bone Pot, Dumping Yellow Lobster, Huimama's Taste Leisure Restaurant, Silibula A and many other brands. The company has dozens of stores all over the country. The enterprise has more than 300 employees.
The company's brand of the same name - "Jiayuan Xiaoqiang Self help Bone Pot" Korean orthodox New Year cake cuisine, inherited from Korean traditional cooking techniques and Korean catering concepts, and with its characteristics of health, nutrition, delicacy, fashion, comfort, and speed, it quickly won the support and love of many domestic consumers once it was introduced to the market. Adhering to the business philosophy of "taste with heart, quality with conscience", the company inherits the essence of Ba's old hot pot culture. Through market tempering and the unremitting pursuit of the company's team, the small stubborn self-help bone pot in every corner has made remarkable achievements in technology research and development, brand building, operation management and other aspects, and has been recognized by all sectors of society, It has also established its position and influence in the industry.
Jiayuan Small Stubborn Bone Self help Bone Pot Franchise advantages

 Jiayuan Xiaoqiang Self help Bone Pot

1. Whole store output
After the franchisee signed the franchise contract, the company headquarters will provide professional staff to assist the franchisee in a series of processes from store location to opening, and support the franchisee to open successfully.
2. Free training
The free pre training system enables dealers to better understand the basic knowledge of products, the industry situation of products and how to better develop the market.
3. Logistics distribution
The product distribution system is seamlessly connected between the company headquarters and franchisees.
4. Media advertising
The company continued advertising throughout the year, planned to launch nationwide advertising campaigns in nationally and locally known media such as television, newspapers, magazines, and the Internet, hired a professional advertising planning agency to plan and produce various brand image advertisements, and carried out extensive advertising campaigns for the small stubborn self-help bone pot in every corner and franchise stores around the country to establish a good brand image, Share the huge benefits brought to you by the advertising of the headquarters of the small stubborn self-help bone pot in every corner.
5. Market operation
Provide technical guidance and marketing planning for products based on the actual situation of the store; In different seasons, holidays, anniversaries and other seasons, a variety of promotional activities are provided for the franchisees to choose from. The purpose of promotion has been achieved.
6. Tracking service
The franchise stores shall be subject to the system of designated person and designated store, regular tour supervision, and open consultation hotlines, professional websites and mailboxes to solve the practical problems in franchise store operation, so as to improve the core competitiveness and market share of franchise stores and solve the worries in the future.
7. Site selection and decoration
The headquarters will send specialists to analyze and evaluate the business district. Franchisees can find suitable decoration companies to design and construct under the guidance of the headquarters, or entrust the headquarters to design and construct.
8. Regional protection
The scope of regional protection shall be clearly specified to prevent the opening of the second corner small bone self-help bone pot shop in the specified area. Protect the interests of franchisees.
Jiayuan Small Stubborn Bone Self help Bone Pot Franchise conditions
1. A team organization or individual with independent civil liability.
2. Franchisees should recognize the brand concept and business philosophy, and unify the business awareness with the headquarters to develop together.
3. It has project start-up funds and a certain amount of working capital.
4. The store must be located in the same business circle and the local shopping mall with good sales performance.
5. Implement and abide by various operation and management systems of "small stubborn bones in every corner self-help bone pot".
6. Have the right cognitive ability to join and operate, and have the ability to bear the market.
7. He is down-to-earth in his work, has the spirit of perseverance and enthusiasm, and believes that the small stubborn self-help bone pot in Jiayuan can succeed in entrepreneurship.
Jiayuan Small Stubborn Bone Self help Bone Pot Franchise process
1. Franchise consultation
If the franchisee is interested in the Xiaoqiangu self-service bone pot brand in Jiayuan, leave your contact details and policies, and facilitate the franchisee consultant to contact you in time to help you solve the difficulties in joining.
2. Field visit
Franchisees still have questions after consulting the staff of Xiaoqianggu Self service Bone Pot in Jiayuan, so they can go to the company headquarters to have a comprehensive understanding and solve the questions.
3. Apply for joining
Apply to fill in the Franchise Application Form, and the headquarters will evaluate the franchise qualification according to the relevant materials submitted by the applicant.
4. Contract signing
Both parties confirmed that there was no dispute about the inspection results and formally signed the contract.
5. Site assessment
Consult the owner of the house to learn about the rent, area, water, electricity and coal facilities, consult the local industry and commerce, and learn about the details of license handling.
6. Shop decoration
After confirming the store, the headquarters will issue a decoration plan, and the franchisee will decorate the store.
7. Pre job training
The headquarters will provide a series of free training services for franchisees to improve the stability of stores.
8. Opening preparation
Determine the opening time, standard opening procedures, preparation of opening materials, and handling of opening licenses.
9. Good opening
Choose auspicious days to open, and invite celebrities to cut ribbon for the store and improve its popularity.

Jiayuan Small Stubborn Bone Self help Bone Pot Joining dynamics


Jiayuan Small Stubborn Bone Self help Bone Pot Related questions and answers


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  • 30 cars, looking for a platform to join

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Jiayuan Xiaoqiang Self help Bone Pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-27 15:46:07 From Shaoyang City, Hunan Province  39.170.165*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 30 to 50.

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Jiayuan Xiaoqiang Self help Bone Pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-23 05:12:24 From Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province  60.219.108*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 200000 to 300000 yuan.

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Jiayuan Xiaoqiang Self help Bone Pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-22 17:40:04 From Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province  61.158.85*
  • I'm interested in this I want to join

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Jiayuan Xiaoqiang Self help Bone Pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-18 08:40:25 From Heilongjiang [Telecom]  42.102.235*
  • How much is the machinery and equipment? How about the profit

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Jiayuan Xiaoqiang Self help Bone Pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 11:31:50 From Wudu District, Longnan City, Gansu Province  42.93.15*
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