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Fangxin Mommy Women's Clothing
  • Franchise industry:

    Mother, baby and children>maternity clothes

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:


  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Fangxin Mommy Women's Clothing Introduction to joining
 Fangxin Mommy Women's Wear Joins
   Fangxin Mommy Women's Clothing It is committed to diversified multi brand operation under the brand leadership mode, providing the mainland market with high-quality leisure home clothing and fashion, and has comprehensively expanded the maternity and infant clothing market in the past five years. Guided by the development of brand chains, the company has gradually established an integrated business model of product design, production and marketing, a unique market positioning, a comprehensive brand value dissemination and a strong service model of product design and consultant marketing, creating a unique lifestyle for modern urban women.
At present, the company has three major clothing brands: FASHIONMUMU maternity wear, FASHIONMUMU fangxin mommy (fashion maternity wear) and "LESURECLASS - leisure fashion" (home clothes).
By 2012, FASHIONMUMU maturity wear, as the company's main brand, has become one of the preferred brands of urban maternity clothing. Brand counters are all over Beijing, Tianjin, Shenzhen, Shenyang, Nanjing, Xi'an, Jinan, Changsha, Xiamen, Nanning and other cities. Brand counters in Wuhan, Dalian and other cities are about to open.
Brand concept: "Take care of special you"!
FASHIONMUMU "Fragrant Mommy" inherits the free and fresh style, and conveys confidence, happiness and comfort.
FASHIONMUMU "Fragrant Mommy" meets the modern women's fashion aesthetic and pregnant psychology in terms of process details, fabric texture and product style. The use of natural colors in vision expresses the yearning for free and warm life and reflects the beauty of comfort of pregnant women.
product positioning
Modern women who pursue freedom and comfort, and moderately achieve their goals.
Product style
Simple and comfortable fabrics combined with popular design elements are natural and generous.
Design concept
Comfort is beauty.
Product line
Covers shirts, T-shirts, skirts, pants, sweaters, pajamas and other products.
According to the general demand of people for maternity clothes, we have developed four theme series, namely, workplace beauty, comfortable sports, sweet leisure and functional products, to fully meet the needs of expectant mothers in different periods of pregnancy.
Product features
In terms of design and development, it is still operated by the design team. Unlike the main brand of FASHIONMUMU modernity wear, FASHIONMUMU "Fancy Mommy" adheres to the original style of comfort and nature. In the selection of raw materials, chiffon, cotton, linen and other mid-range fabrics are mostly used. In terms of style, it is also aimed at the fashion needs of young expectant mothers. Every year, it launches more than 400 cost-effective products suitable for different occasions, with rich and comprehensive product lines, which meet the needs of urban mass consumption.
Fangxin Mommy Women's Clothing Franchise advantages
 Fangxin Mommy Women's Wear Joins
1. Assist in site selection and evaluation: assist franchisees to conduct on-site inspection on the location they are looking for and evaluate the feasibility of opening their stores. Investigate the region, business circle and customers, and provide the estimated turnover, operating profit and loss and other data for the reference of franchisees.
2. Regional protection: the company will strictly control the quantity and quality of franchise regions and franchisees, and establish a complete price control system and policies
3. Human resources support: before opening the store, provide reference materials such as personnel recruitment and personnel system to assist franchisees in recruiting new employees. During the store opening period, the headquarters provides human support and coaching.
4. Unified image and decoration: unified image for the brand, the store is designed by the space designer of the company headquarters; The shop decoration works shall be constructed by the engineering team approved by the headquarters, and the headquarters shall assign personnel to guide and supervise, and the franchisee shall be responsible for supervision.
5. Continuous guidance and training: before the opening of the store, the headquarters will set up corresponding courses for franchisees and business teams on business philosophy, store management and product related knowledge.
6. Super modern logistics base: modern logistics measures such as fully functional goods selection area, storage area and gift area can easily meet the needs of all doorstep stores.
Fangxin Mommy Women's Clothing Franchise conditions
1. The partner has independent civil liability capacity and business qualification
2. Recognize the brand and brand management concept of "Fangxin Mommy Women's Wear"
3. Be familiar with the market of Dangyang milk powder products and have certain marketing channels in the local market
4. Agree with the business philosophy and target vision of "Fancy Mommy Women's Wear", and can cooperate with national promotion and arrangement management
5. It has stores located in the prosperous local retail market and has good business reputation.
Fangxin Mommy Women's Clothing Franchise process
1. Overall understanding
Potential franchisees shall have an overall understanding, including franchise policies, brand concepts, etc.
2. Field visit
The two sides conducted field visits and further discussed cooperation intentions and market expansion plans.
3. Franchise application
After the investigation in the headquarters, you can fill in the application form for joining, including your ID card number, address, joining area, etc. If your personal information meets the conditions of the company, you can sign a cooperation contract.
4. Sign the contract
If it meets the franchise qualification of the headquarters, both parties will sign a franchise contract after reaching a consensus.
5. Looking for stores
According to the development standards of headquarters stores, find stores suitable for the business district, and analyze the surrounding environment of the business district.
6. Shop decoration design
According to the actual situation of the store, the headquarters will design the interior layout plan of the front door for you, and you will be responsible for the decoration construction.
7. Personnel training
The company conducts systematic training for store staff before opening.
8. Opening preparation
Begin to prepare for business, handle business license and relevant procedures.

Fangxin Mommy Women's Clothing Joining dynamics


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  • Want to know the conditions and costs of joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Fangxin Mommy's dress! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-18 21:26:29 From Xinjiang  49.117.238*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 500000~700000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Fangxin Mommy's dress! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 13:59:29 From Hantai District, Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province  61.185.99*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 100000 to 150000.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Fangxin Mommy's dress! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 00:37:01 From Qufu City, Jining City, Shandong Province  39.83.200*
  • How to cooperate

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Fangxin Mommy's dress! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 17:22:36 From Changsha, Hunan Province  49.220.116*
  • Enrollment, faculty and operation mode after joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Fangxin Mommy's dress! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 19:42:25 From Henan Province  42.226.117*
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