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Fosun Pharmacy
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Distribution agency cooperation

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    two hundred and seventy

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Fosun Pharmacy Introduction to joining
 Joined by Fosun Pharmacy
Fosun Pharmacy Headquarters (hereinafter referred to as Fosun Pharmaceutical), a subsidiary of Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical, is the core enterprise in the pharmaceutical circulation field of Fosun Pharmaceutical Group. In 1997, it was restructured into Fosun Pharmacy, introduced the advanced operation mechanism and management mode of Fosun Pharmaceutical Group, gave full play to the capital and brand advantages of listed companies, strengthened services, expanded operations, and the sales and profits of enterprises grew rapidly. In 2001, the holding company established the headquarters of Fosun Pharmacy, specializing in drug retail chain operation. In 2009, "Fosun Pharmacy" was renamed "Fumei Pharmacy" for the need of its own brand strategy development. At present, the number of single brand outlets of Fumei Pharmacy ranks first in Shanghai.
The enterprise spirit of Fosun Pharmacy: forge ahead, serve the people's health, embrace all rivers, and create brilliance together. The enterprise strives to focus on and meet customer needs, provide competitive medical and health products, serve public health, and strive to become a domestic pharmaceutical circulation service enterprise.
The distribution center of Shanghai Fosun Pharmacy has been accepted by SFDA according to the GSP standard, and its facilities and equipment are complete. Drawing on the international priority experience, we invested a huge amount of money to build an ERP system, which realized the information-based management of the whole process of drug quality and business operation. It has powerful data analysis and decision-making support functions, and is in a priority position in the industry. After modern logistics transformation, Shanghai Fosun Pharmacy has introduced WMS storage management system, and achieved full logistics control through electronic tags, RF handheld terminals, electronic scanning, etc.
Shanghai Fosun Pharmacy is committed to the distribution, distribution, agency and service of medicine and health goods to create value for upstream and downstream customers. Fosun Pharmaceutical integrates resources, cooperates closely with upstream suppliers and regional large-scale pharmaceutical businesses, and constantly expands the general agent and general sales and first-class business varieties. By combining the advantages of regional channels, the hospital's net sales The market share of commercial distribution business has grown steadily. At the same time, it actively docked with terminal network resources, strengthened service support for terminals, and continued to optimize the commodity category structure. Retail distribution has accumulated rich resources and experience, and achieved rapid development.
Fosun Pharmacy Franchise advantages
 Joined by Fosun Pharmacy
1. Provide shop decoration, layout, display and other drawings, specifications, materials, and support the unification of the VIS system and the spread of brand image. The fool like whole store output mode makes it easy for franchisees to succeed.
2. The company has a training center to send people to supervise training in the store, so that franchisees can become elites in a short time. Make use of advanced e-commerce platform to realize smooth and fast logistics. The logistics center will send the goods to the location of the franchisee in a short time, shorten the purchase cycle of the franchisee and reduce the cost.
3. Carry out brand publicity from various media such as network, plane and video, and constantly strengthen brand value. Operation management support: provide a complete set of operation management manuals for free, so that franchisees can directly use the headquarters technology.
4. The company has a team with high quality to provide one-on-one service to you, guide and help you to increase sales, solve your problems, and provide you with reliable support.
5. From store location selection to opening, the company provides guidance in many aspects. Provide detailed opening plan guidance, provide uniform style decoration scheme and sample support, and carry out opening celebration activities.
Fosun Pharmacy Franchise conditions
1. Abide by the relevant provisions of laws and regulations, and have independent legal personality or natural person over the age of 18.
2. Recognize the company's business and development philosophy.
3. Operators need to have considerable financial strength for the early store rent, decoration, fixed equipment configuration, the first purchase and early market investment, publicity costs, and necessary working capital.
4. Be able to provide a suitable business site for brand joining, and have legal business qualifications.
5. There should be a sense of obedience, comply with the relevant regulations and norms of the headquarters, and support the activities and policies launched by the headquarters.
6. Be able to concentrate on joining the industry.
7. Have entrepreneurial spirit and dare to face difficulties and setbacks.

Fosun Pharmacy Franchise process
1. Understand the enterprise profile and business model through conferences, training, advertising and other investment channels;
2. Understand the conditions and requirements for joining;
3. Reach a consensus and sign a letter of intent;
4. Qualification review: the headquarters reviews the franchisees to confirm their cooperation qualifications.
5. Both parties prepare various documents: sign the letter of intent/franchise contract;
6. Site selection and decoration: the franchisee shall carry out decoration according to the unified design scheme provided by the headquarters, and notify the headquarters one week in advance of the completion of decoration;
7. The applicant shall provide the shop floor plan, photos and copies of ID cards. The headquarters shall design a full set of decoration drawings according to the standard drawings provided by the applicant and decorate according to the decoration standards;
8. Preparation for trial operation: personnel recruitment, service promotion, etc.
9. Trial opening and post service: in the later stage, the company will arrange special personnel to give guidance and suggestions to the operation, and constantly optimize and revise, so that the franchisee can operate easily.

Fosun Pharmacy Joining dynamics


Fosun Pharmacy Related questions and answers


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  • Want to know more about the project

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Fosun Pharmacy! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 10:15:55 From Taizhou, Zhejiang  60.188.100*
  • Details, operation process

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Fosun Pharmacy! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 04:32:35 From Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province  60.222.186*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 80-100w。

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Fosun Pharmacy! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 23:14:12 From Liaoning Province  42.248.16*
  • I want to join your store

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Fosun Pharmacy! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 07:46:32 From Changzhou, Jiangsu Province  49.92.236*
  • ask for information

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Fosun Pharmacy! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 08:30:20 From Henan Province  42.230.58*
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