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Fanlai automatic cooking machine
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Fanlai automatic cooking machine Introduction to joining
 Fanlai automatic cooking machine joined
Nowadays, many small household appliances have become intelligent, allowing people to feel more functions and convenient features when operating. "Fanlai Automatic Cooking Machine", as a new generation of microcomputer controlled intelligent cooking equipment with competitive advantages, allows users to feel the fun brought by automation when operating. Even if they do not have good cooking skills, they do not have to worry about spoiling the food. The delicious food from different places can be quickly cooked with just one click.
During the whole process, users will not feel the trouble of oil smoke, nor will they see the situation of sticking and overflowing. In addition, in order to give people a better taste, it will automatically open the sealed fresh-keeping mode. With the introduction of dishes with high nutritional value and rich varieties to the public, Fanlai automatic cooking machine has also won the title of "automatic cooking of world food", and "frying, frying, frying, exploding, steaming" and other technologies can be shown.
The automatic cooking machine of Fanlai also has the feature of saving money. Basically, a dish is cooked well, and it takes about three minutes. This is because when heating, the equipment adopts a fully closed three-dimensional state, coupled with synchronous mixing, which will naturally make the dishes mature faster, and the taste will not be bad. Such a simple process can also be learned by reading the instructions, and customer service personnel will provide guidance, so that consumers can make delicious food in a happy mood after buying.
It breaks through the limitations of manual cooking. With the help of automatic mixing, digital control and air blowing system, the automatic cooking machine will not burn the dishes, but also keep the dishes bright. The company insists on the attitude of treating each other with sincerity, and makes continuous efforts to satisfy customers. On the basis of moving people's hearts, we can see a brighter future.
Fanlai automatic cooking machine Franchise advantages
 Fanlai automatic cooking machine joined
Brilliant brand image: with a high rice automatic cooking machine, it will uniformly arrange the image of the brand store, so that on the basis of image unification, it can absorb the potential customers around the chain store and make the turnover in the store more and more high.
Reasonable training system: As a franchise project for foreign investment, the headquarters who understand the market will train partners without experience requirements for friends involved in cooperation, so that each other can move towards the follow-up development direction of "mutual help and win-win" in a fast and stable manner.
Huge market value: As an industry, Fanlai automatic cooking machine can bring freshness to consumers and quickly fill the blank marketing market. If you choose friends who have participated in the cooperation plan, on the one hand, you can develop smoothly in the smart home appliance market, and on the other hand, you can let businesses enjoy the rich realization of goals.
Good service structure: At present, the company's series of products launched in the market after R&D have integrated market demand elements in the processing and production stages. The products developed by the team can better cater to the psychology of the vast consumer groups, and the quality of products is excellent, so there is a good basis for income generation.
The established product concept: partners of Fanlai Automatic Cooking Opportunity provide guidance for new products, and develop more new products according to the environment of the project location, changes in consumer demand and other factors. At the same time, the company has also adopted the advantages that competitors are difficult to imitate, so that the customer flow can be stabilized and will not be easily lost when doing business.
Fanlai automatic cooking machine Franchise conditions
1. Legal person or natural person with civil performance capacity.
2. Recognize the brand and corporate culture, and be willing to take "Fanlai Automatic Cooking Machine" as a career for smart choice and careful operation.
3. Meet the franchise area.
4. It is better to have the necessary store area for opening the store, which meets the requirements of the headquarters.
5. Obey the management of the headquarters of "Fanlai Automatic Vegetable Fryer", and be willing to develop together with the headquarters.
6. Franchise Fanlai automatic cooking machine must have qualified business reputation and moral character.
7. He has a strong and positive entrepreneurial spirit and devotes himself to the operation of the franchise store of rice automatic cooking machine.
Fanlai automatic cooking machine Franchise process
1. Franchise consultation
Before deciding to join, the franchisee should know the basic information of the project and relevant joining policies in advance.
2. Field visit
Visit the company's direct stores and franchise stores, and communicate comprehensively.
3. Franchise application
Request the Franchise Application Form from the headquarters of Fanlai Automatic Cooking Machine, fill in the franchise application, or apply online.
4. Sign the contract
When signing the franchise contract, the franchisee shall pay the franchise fee, brand improvement/increase fee, brand equity fee and other fees.
5. Shop confirmation
Determine the location and area of the store, and finally determine the site selection scheme under the guidance of the headquarters.
6. Store decoration
The headquarters will provide the franchisee with a unified decoration scheme. The franchisee only needs to find the decoration company to decorate according to the drawing requirements.
7. Skill training
After paying the relevant fees, the company will provide training on product skill marketing management for smart candidates.
8. Opening preparation
After the construction of the store is completed, the franchisee needs to prepare for the opening of the store.
9. Official opening
① Do a good job of service and reception on the opening day. ② Specify the support policy given by the headquarters in the later period.

Fanlai automatic cooking machine Joining dynamics


Fanlai automatic cooking machine Related questions and answers


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  • Want to find a suitable franchise store

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the automatic cooking machine of Fanlai! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 02:52:14 From China  39.184.11*
  • Want to know the situation

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the automatic cooking machine of Fanlai! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 21:05:33 From Xinjiang  49.119.225*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Within 50000.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the automatic cooking machine of Fanlai! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-07 01:19:58 From Yichun, Jiangxi  39.176.56*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 1500000。

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the automatic cooking machine of Fanlai! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 06:10:29 From Yangjiang, Guangzhou, Guangdong  61.146.88*
  • I want to know more about this project

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the automatic cooking machine of Fanlai! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 06:26:39 From Fuyang, Anhui  58.243.250*
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