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Fresh five
  • Franchise industry:

    Catering>Milk Tea

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise cooperation, free chain

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred and thirty

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Fresh five Introduction to joining
 Fresh Five joined
Fresh Five is affiliated to Shenzhen Fresh Five Catering Management Co., Ltd. We adhere to the product concept of "fresh, delicious and healthy". Fresh Five is a leisure catering brand focusing on "creative and light food of vegetables and fruits". Fresh Five is actually not a tea shop, but a high-end beverage chain with a "take away+leisure" complex business model as its development direction. Fresh Five is mainly set up in large shopping malls and currently has 8 stores in Shenzhen. Fresh Five is a "fourth generation" high-end beverage chain with a "take out+leisure" complex business model, which is mainly set up in large shopping malls. In addition to high-end drinks such as Xianwu fruit tea, Xianwunaigai tea, coffee and Xianbingle, Xianwu also has light food such as Italian Yogurt ice cream, honey toast, thin crust pizza and thousand layer cake. In terms of store area and decoration style, Xianwu has upgraded and transformed on the basis of traditional tea shops. The fashionable and leisure seating environment, high-end drinks and public prices have completely subverted consumers' traditional understanding of beverage stores. Adhering to the concept of "healthy, fresh and ready made", all products are manually shaken on site without adding any artificial flavor.
In October 2013, Jiaxianwu Tea Experience Store was opened, accumulating valuable experience for the later expansion of Fresh Five.
In April 2014, the flagship store of Fresh Five Poly opened, setting a record for the sales of takeaway tea in a single store.
In 2014, the brand fruit tea series products were launched;
The naked tea plan was launched in 2015;
2016 upgraded "light salad afternoon tea";
In 2017, it launched a fruit energy bowl, an online celebrity product.
Definition of Fresh Five:
Fresh fruit foundation+seasonal fruits, super grains and dried fruits, including super ingredients, are healthy desserts that are fresh, low calorie, beautiful and delicious.
Remember to stir it before eating. Fill a spoonful of fruits, grains, fruit shakes and all ingredients without any artificial additives. After eating, you will have a fresh taste.
Fresh five Franchise advantages
 Fresh Five joined
Fresh Five franchise support
Brand support:
The franchise headquarters of Fresh Five will provide unified store design and in store posters as image recognition, so as to achieve one hundred stores and expand the brand influence of Fresh Five.
Publicity support:
Based on the characteristics of the city where the store is located and the business district, the opening promotion and publicity plan is formulated to provide a reference publicity and promotion plan for Fresh Five franchise stores.
Material support for terminal promotion:
The headquarters provides market materials (brochures, operation manuals, POP sheets, promotional CDs, etc.) for agents and franchisees.
Decoration guidance support:
The headquarters provides brand identification CDs such as VI and SI, and provides the plane design drawings and door heads of franchise stores.
Opening training support:
Before and after the opening of franchise stores, professional staff continued to provide guidance and follow-up services for centralized training.
technical support:
The headquarters provides continuous system technical services, so that franchisees can operate without worry.
Material distribution support:
China Merchants Headquarters provides logistics distribution services of distribution, core raw material distribution, special goods distribution and other systems.
Operational support:
The operation team provides the franchisee with level follow-up operation tracking service throughout the whole process, with comprehensive support for operation.
Fresh Five Fruit Tea Franchise Support
1. Fresh Five has been continuously advertising in major media, has established its own chain network, has established a high brand image, and has a high reputation and influence in the industry.
2. Fresh Five has rich product resources and a variety of product types, which can meet the needs of different consumers and create richer franchise operations.
3. With its strong scientific and technological development strength, Fresh Five has always maintained a strong advantage in the industry in terms of product technology, service specifications, etc. With the technology, enterprises can continuously develop newer, better and more suitable products and instruments to meet the market demand, and improve/increase franchise in the market.
4. Lifelong education and continuous training. As long as you are the operator of Fresh Five, you can go back to the company headquarters for free training at any time.
5. Advanced marketing planning, fresh five printed promotional materials, on-site POPs, brand image accessories and other timely delivery.
6. With low investment and high passenger flow, the fixed business premises of Fresh Five will attract more repeat customers for you and give you support.
Fresh five Franchise conditions
Have brand awareness, agree with fresh five business philosophy, and abide by management methods and business rules
Have at least 10 square meters of business premises and more than 20000 yuan of disposable capital
Healthy, able to engage in business and management for a long time
Firm and responsible personality and qualified social reputation, and devoted to business
Strong determination to join and take Fresh Five as his career
Conscientiously safeguard the rights and interests of consumers, have certain business experience, and have qualified business ethics and correct business awareness.
Fresh five Franchise process
1. Leave a message below to inquire about joining matters from the headquarters
2. Preparation before joining: field investigation, capital, market research, etc
3. Both parties sign a letter of intent and pay part of the intention increase/increase
4. The headquarters will review the franchisees to see if they have the ability to operate projects
5. Franchisees sign contracts with the headquarters, and customers pay the increase/increase
6. In charge of site investigation of shops, mail or telex the photos, business district plans, floor plans, Site Selection Application Form, Decoration Approval Form, etc. of the proposed shops to the company for review, and check whether the shops are suitable
7. Provide the franchisee with store decoration and layout plans and strong support
8. Training of personnel before trial operation, preparation of trial operation, and delivery of batch materials
9. The franchise store opens and the headquarters provides professional support

Fresh five Joining dynamics


Fresh five Related questions and answers


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  • Information required

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Fresh Five! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 08:24:40 From Dali, Yunnan  60.160.95*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Online sales.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Fresh Five! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 07:08:40 From Xi'an, Shaanxi [Telecom]  61.185.164*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; The investment is 5000 yuan. Suspend the furnace and contact.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Fresh Five! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 00:44:53 From Jiangsu Province  49.68.210*
  • I want to know something about the project

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Fresh Five! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 18:46:40 From Jiangsu Province  49.90.175*
  • Please add WeChat directly

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Fresh Five! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 10:44:10 From Jiangsu Province  49.92.208*
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