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Ngira early education
  • Franchise industry:

    Education>Early Education

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:


  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 200000~500000


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Ngira early education Introduction to joining
 Ngira joined in as an early childhood teacher Jinwutong (Beijing) Education Consulting Co., Ltd. is an early education eiPof8vu3ox organization, which is committed to cultivating healthy, happy and competitive children. The headquarters has a vibrant and enterprising work team. The company provides broad development space for those who have the strength to create, are down-to-earth and hardworking, and are honest and dedicated. I hope that the efforts and integrity of the company's team can start a prairie fire like a spark, and all employees of the company look forward to your presence! Ngira joined in as an early childhood teacher
ENJOR International Early Childhood Education is affiliated to Jinwutong (Beijing) Education Consulting Co., Ltd. It is a school set up in the United States to serve the children of enterprise executives in the group exclusively. In 2009, Mr. Wu Zongtai, the founder of the brand, continued to develop and revise his teaching philosophy and teaching materials for infants and young children after returning home, becoming an excellent early education institution, gradually recruiting students from the society. A center was set up in Beijing to serve the public. Let your baby and parents also receive systematic early education. After several years of practice, ENJOR has been widely praised by the society.
Relying on the advanced educational concept of the United States and the superior privilege of transnational exchange, Ngira introduced international advanced teaching methods and concepts, developed a complete set of scientific and rigorous curriculum system according to the characteristics of children, with the goal of comprehensively developing the potential of infants and young children, the idea of establishing early education, the popularization of early education knowledge, and the development mission of contributing love to more babies and families, It aims to provide scientific early potential development and growth guidance for babies aged 0-6 years. Ngira joined in as an early childhood teacher
Enjira's professional teaching team has constantly updated and improved the curriculum system. At the same time, American Children's Education and 64XuX0s2MeF college children have been invited to teach and train the teacher team, so that the teacher team can constantly inject new energy, new knowledge and new vitality, and better help Baobao grow.
Through continuous development and improvement, ENJOR International Early Childhood Education has four professional teams, namely, teacher team, marketing team, management team and operation team. It has won the "Children's Education Brand with Public Praise", "Top Ten Early Childhood Education Brands", "Early Childhood Education Contribution Award", "Top Ten Branded Children's Education Institutions", etc.
Ngira early education Franchise advantages

 Ngira joined in as an early childhood teacher

Time hourglass

The unique Enjira hourglass of Enjira International Early Childhood Education provides a mixed age simulated social environment to cultivate the baby's social ability and emotional intelligence. Let the baby more adapt to the social environment.

Family music· Enjoy

Le· Enjoying family services focuses on families, and is committed to creating more high-end early education door-to-door services to help solve the problem of family parenting of newborns.

Timely and appropriate education

Ngira International Early Childhood Education carries out education according to the sensitive period of the baby, seizing every step forward to fully develop the potential.

Overall quality and perfect personality

Ngira International Early Education professional courses, full family assisted practice and social activities combined services, to comprehensively create an early education environment and strengthen early education achievements.

Well known education

American education Damon and Beijing Normal University's preschool education major have made great efforts to help, and the three teaching systems of Montessori in Italy, Orff in Germany and Miracle in the United States serve as basic courses.

Combination of early education family and society

Ngira International Early Education professional courses, full family assisted practice and social activities combine services, comprehensively create an early education environment, and strengthen early education achievements.

Practice consolidation

Ngira focused on the cultivation of the basic quality of "people", and emphasized professional skills too early, often sacrificing the original to the end; 0-3 years old is the period of basic stereotypes of habits and personality. If ignored, it will be difficult to correct in the future.

Health, wisdom and happiness

Intelligence is only a part of success. With health and happiness, we can have a good childhood and a happy life. The goal of Ngira International Early Childhood Education is to make all three have their share.

life style

In addition to having good courses, it also provides monthly parent-child activities, birthday parties, festival theme activities, lectures, as well as rich emotional facilities, early education consultation, and free journals that are free five days a week, making Ngira International early education a part of the daily life of babies and parents. Change the boring daily life style of children.

Integration of China and the West

The unique combination of international education and traditional education of Ngira International Early Childhood Education enables babies to synchronize their childhood education with the world, receive the influence of international culture and classical culture, and become successful in the era of globalization in the future

Service creation

The establishment is the driving force for the sustainable operation of Ngira International Early Childhood Education. In practice, Ngira International Early Childhood Education constantly summarizes experience, constantly develops new services and products, leads the industry trend, and maintains competitive advantages.

Powerful resources

Ngira International Early Childhood Education has a more business model, integrating businesses, media, government and other resources to form its own strong production and development environment, so as to have a stronger market and public relations operation capability.

Ngira early education Franchise conditions
Ngira early education Franchise process

Franchise application stage

1. Initial contact: telephone contact;

2. Fill in the application form for joining intention;

3. Franchisees meet the cooperation requirements of the headquarters and recognize the early education industry

4. Intent can be confirmed in different places or by telephone.

5. Appointment of meeting, negotiation and investigation time

Negotiation stage

1. The teacher expected to join the store and achieve the goal;

2. Investigate the operation of headquarters stores:

3. Both parties agree to sign the franchise cooperation contract.

Preparatory stage

(The headquarters sends professionals to personally participate in and lead the work scope of the franchisee)

1. Provide on-site site selection and decoration SI manual;

2. Guiding house lease contract:

3. Guide the application for business license;

4. Order the perceptual equipment and teaching aids used in the early education center;

5. Shop decoration guidance and door head installation guidance;

6. Recruitment of center teachers and all store staff;

7. Store manager and teacher training;

Opening stage

1. Provide member management system;

2. Center opening preparation manual and operation manual:

3. Provide enrollment activity planning and workflow;

4. Conduct pre-sale guidance in the early stage of opening:

5. The headquarters ordered teachers to give on-site guidance on opening:

Operation stage

1. Analysis of daily store management:

2. Daily report analysis;

3. Analysis:

4. Activity guidance and activity planning:

5. Regular lectures:

User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 60000 to 70000.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Ngira early education! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 07:37:21 From China  39.190.6*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Hundreds of thousands.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Ngira early education! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 10:24:39 From Xinjiang  49.117.88*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 10-20w。

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Ngira early education! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 20:17:05 From Yantai City, Shandong Province  39.86.54*
  • I want to take your county agent

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Ngira early education! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-28 15:16:32 From Shandong Province  39.90.218*
  • Add me WeChat, namely mobile phone number

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Ngira early education! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-19 09:40:26 From Guangdong  58.63.180*
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