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  • Franchise industry:

    Service>Logistics Express

  • Suitable for:

    On the job investment online shop form graduates entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:

  • Business model:

    Franchise free chain

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: More than 1 million


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FedEx Introduction to joining

 Joined by FedEx

FedEx is affiliated to FedEx Corp., which is the backbone of the group's express transportation business.

FedEx Group provides a series of comprehensive services covering transportation, e-commerce and business operation for customers and enterprises all over the world. As a well-known enterprise brand, FedEx Group has provided a set of comprehensive business application solutions for its business volume of 32 billion dollars through the operation mode of mutual competition and coordination management.

FedEx Group has encouraged its more than 260000 employees and contractors to pay close attention to safety issues, adhere to high standards of ethics and professional ethics, and meet the needs of customers and society to a large extent, making it a respected and trustworthy employer in the world for many times.

FedEx is a large-scale express transportation company in the world, providing fast and reliable express services for more than 220 regions around the world. FedEx has a global air and land transportation network. It usually only takes one to two working days to quickly deliver goods with tight deadlines and ensure timely delivery.

 Joined by FedEx

   FedEx Air Distribution Join:

FedEx is a large-scale express transportation company in the world, providing fast and reliable express services for more than 220 regions around the world. FedEx has a global air and land transportation network. It usually only takes one to two working days to quickly deliver goods with tight deadlines and ensure timely delivery.

   How FedEx can improve its competitiveness:

First, barcodes and scanners enable FedEx to selectively track and report shipment status 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Customers can get growth services such as "ground tracking" and air delivery by dialing a toll free number

Second, FedEx delivery drivers are now carrying laptops based on numerical control technology to collect delivery information on the lines arranged in order. This laptop enables the driver to digitally record the signature of the recipient of the shipment to provide verification of receipt. The computer coordinates driver information to reduce errors and speed up delivery.

Third, FedEx's advanced information technology application is a nationwide wireless communication network founded in 1993, which uses 55 cellular carrier phones. Honeycomb carrier telephone technology enables drivers to transmit timely tracking information from trucks to FedEx computers. Wireless mobile technologies and systems can provide electronic data storage, and can recover and track the company's millions of deliveries worldwide. The installation of satellite ground stations and the expansion of the system made timely parcel tracking a reality by 1997.

Because FedEx has the above three unique advantages, it is deeply loved by consumers and stands out in the market competition.

FedEx Franchise advantages

1. Brand image support: provide a unified brand image and terminal visual identity (VI) system, enhance the popularity and influence of Carey in China, and vigorously promote the brand;

2. Market analysis guidance: for new franchised customers, the company will send special personnel to go deep into the local business district for investigation, location evaluation, competitive environment and franchise feasibility analysis to help franchisees make rational choices and improve the stability of opening stores;

3. Opening activity support: provide a detailed opening planning scheme and a full set of opening props, publicity products support, send specialists to local stores for training, display guidance, and planning and organizing opening activities to successfully launch the local market;

4. System training support: regular and systematic professional training, including product knowledge, display knowledge, shopping guide skills, promotion activities, store management and other practical skills, to help franchisees quickly improve terminal sales and operation management;

5. Shopfront decoration support: provide free professional services from dimension measurement, drawing design, material procurement, project decoration, construction supervision, etc., to ensure a unified image standard and decoration quality;

6. Logistics distribution support: provide timely and accurate logistics distribution services according to the order processing process, and timely distribute new products according to the launch cycle of new products and the sales and inventory of franchisees to ensure that products can enter the market quickly.

FedEx Franchise conditions
FedEx Franchise process

Air distribution franchise application process:

Customer early consultation

1. Preliminary contact, understand the project situation, and reach the intention to join (telephone or face-to-face).

Qualification review

1. Submit the franchise requirements, fill in the "Franchise Application Form", and provide information about the franchise city and the intended shops;

2. Copy of legal person ID card and other certificates;

3. When signing the letter of intent, the franchisee shall bear the preliminary investigation fees of the headquarters (including round-trip travel fees, board and lodging fees for the inspectors).

Field business district survey

1. Conduct field survey on the city and the store business district, and provide project evaluation report for reference;

2. Discuss with the franchisee whether it is appropriate to implement the shop.

Sign formal contract

1. Sign the franchise agreement with the franchisee and pay various fees (franchise fee, increase/increase fee) according to the agreement;

2. The opening matters shall be negotiated and the headquarters shall prepare the opening schedule.

Shop decoration and preliminary preparation

1. The headquarters helps to review the design scheme;

2. At the same time of decoration, the headquarters will arrange management personnel for staff recruitment and training;

3. The headquarters assists franchise stores in formulating opening promotion plans.

Decoration acceptance and certificate handling

1. Check and accept the decoration works according to the drawings;

2. At the same time, the decoration starts to handle the business license and other business related procedures.

personnel training

1. The headquarters arranges personnel to go down to the store to train new employees;

2. Franchise store employees go to the headquarters for internship training.

Preparation before opening the store

1. Relevant equipment shall be determined in place and technical equipment shall be carefully debugged;

2. Staffing is in place and the first batch of materials are ordered from the headquarters.


1. The franchisee shall submit the business license and relevant approval required for opening to the headquarters;

2. The Franchise Management Department shall hand over relevant materials and guide franchise stores;

3. Cut the ribbon for opening.

FedEx Related questions and answers


User consultation

  • Want to join, interested

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to FedEx! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-27 22:27:09 From China  39.188.206*
  • I am very interested in this brand and want to join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to FedEx! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-24 19:53:35 From Liaoning Province  42.249.42*
  • Can you join me to see my place?

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to FedEx! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-22 09:23:22 From Kunshan City, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province  58.210.171*
  • Don't call and send a document

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to FedEx! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-19 13:06:48 From Miyang County, Zhumadian City, Henan Province  42.239.3*
  • Can Beijing Shijingshan District join us?

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to FedEx! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 08:22:38 From Jiaozuo, Henan  42.226.255*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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