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Dorimi Hotel
  • Franchise industry:


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  • Investment amount: More than 1 million


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Dorimi Hotel Introduction to joining

   Dolimi Hotel -- Dolimi Hotel is the choice for music lovers Dolomite Hotel

[Dorimi Hotel Joins] High quality life experience to provide you with one-stop and multifaceted services

Minghang Hotel Group's mission is to create and improve guest accommodation experience and travel quality. Adhering to the original intention of "starting from the hotel, not just the hotel", we advocate the hotel lifestyle with the guest experience as the core, and provide guests with high-quality life experience covering accommodation, leisure, e-commerce, tourism and other fields. In the process of development, adhere to the concept of guestroom and luxury as the product basis, gather professional operational advantages and experience, unique product models and management, win strong core competitiveness, and start the journey into the high-end hotel market. The company has medium and high-end hotel brands, transnational hotel brands, commercial materials companies, engineering design and decoration companies, etc., providing perfect franchise system and one-stop and multifaceted services for franchisees.

 Dolomite Hotel

The diversified design concept of Dolomite Hotel franchise store provides you with a multi angle business trip

Dolomit Hotel, a music and culture hotel carefully built by Minghang Hotel Group, takes "music culture" as the core theme, "luxury space" as the core product, "style service" as the service concept, and carefully provides the business elites with "confidence, taste, fashion" with a sophisticated business travel experience from multiple perspectives.

The public area of the hotel is defined as a luxury leisure space, not limited to the concept of traditional social space and the hotel lobby. It is presented as a mixed space of music bars and trendy cafes, becoming a gathering place of urban trendy culture where young people share their travel life.

[Dolomite Hotel Joined] Corporate Culture

Vision: To become a qualified hotel service!

Values: focus, sharing, integrity and win-win!

Company mission: create and improve customer accommodation experience and travel quality!

 Dolomite Hotel

Dorimi Hotel Franchise advantages

 Dolomite Hotel

Dolomite Hotel joined the Five Dolomite Hotels to support your dream of wealth

1. Market evaluation support: before joining, we will provide you with professional joining explanations, professional site selection suggestions and property feasibility assessment to more accurately judge the profitability of the project.

2. Project preparation support: after joining the company, the whole process consulting and guidance services of the engineering consultant will be provided. We will provide you with on-site project diagnosis, opening guidance services, daily communication and consulting services. At the same time, the engineering consultant will introduce you to all the necessary preparatory work for opening as scheduled within the system of Minghang Hotel Group, and cooperate with you to open as scheduled.

3. Material procurement support: Minghang Hotel Group has corporate procurement and scale advantages, selects suppliers with integrity and strength, distributes hotel supplies with cost performance ratio for you, and improves/increases the quality of brand, channel, price, quality and after-sales

4. Operation management support: chain hotel management system support to improve/increase chain and consistent services. Minghang Hotel Group has established a regional management center nationwide to improve the service quality of its branches from the headquarters to the regions and then to the vertical management of its branches.

5. Reservation and membership system support: provide 24-hour customer supply. Dorimi Hotel 400 reservation phone, website, mobile phone platform and other reservation systems will bring more high-quality customers to your hotel.

 Dolomite Hotel

The advantages of joining seven Dolomite hotels show their charm

Product advantages: fashionable and trendy music and cultural products to meet the needs of consumers whose consumption level is increasing and their consumption concept is changing to fashion and trend

Advantages of joining: Coffee in the daytime and bars in the evening can increase the popularity of the hotel, make full use of the space and improve the joining operation rate

Cost advantage: Compared with similar hotels, the franchise cost is lower and the product quality is higher

Market advantages: positioning, music and culture hotels meet the needs of public consumption, professional market evaluation, more additional items to achieve goals, and high franchise operation rate.

Marketing advantages: mature marketing team, diversified marketing support, large customer base, more attractive membership system

Advantages of centralized procurement: the headquarters and well-known suppliers are strongly united, and the centralized procurement is collectivized and large-scale; The unified distribution system gives full play to the advantages of centralized procurement, saves costs, and improves/increases quality.

Conclusion: Adhere to the concept of "getting more cash for entrepreneurs", and become the leader of qualified hotel services.  

Dorimi Hotel Franchise conditions

Conditions for joining Dolomite Hotel:

Owner: Recognize the brand culture, business philosophy and management model of Dolomite Hotel, accept the chain management system of Dolomite Hotel, and highly consistent with the development philosophy of Minghang Hotel Group.

1. Dolomite Hotel franchise cities: first and second tier cities, provincial capital cities, municipalities directly under the Central Government and major economically developed cities in China

2. Location of Dolomite Hotel: first and second tier cities, provincial capital cities, municipalities directly under the Central Government and major economically developed cities in China

● Close to large commercial center, CBD, exhibition center, amusement center, transportation center, trading center and other crowded areas, with sufficient customer support

● Qualified visibility

● Convenient and fast transportation

● There are complete catering and commercial facilities around

● Building area requirement: more than 3000 m2

● Number of rooms: more than 80

● Lease term: more than 10 years

● The surrounding area is unobstructed and has certain parking spaces

● Clear property rights

● The property must be renovated according to the standards of Dolomite Hotel

● The property has a good use nature. It is a commercial service industry or the use nature can be changed to this purpose

3. The design scheme of Dolomite Hotel:

Recognize the decoration design standards of all brands of the Group, and be able to renovate according to the unified hardware standards of all brands of Dolomite Hotel, and join Dolomite Hotel for more than 15 million yuan.

Dorimi Hotel Franchise process

Dolomite Hotel joining process:

1. Comprehensively understand the franchise information

2. Call the group's franchise hotline or network channel to contact the hotel

3. Project survey, calculation and evaluation

4. Project approval group review

5. Sign the franchise contract

six payment Franchise expenses

7. Project construction

8. Project acceptance

9. Hotel opening

User consultation

  • The project is very good

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Dorami Hotel! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 12:32:48 From Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province  39.186.27*
  • Want to know about the project

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Dorami Hotel! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 18:09:45 From Chaoyang County, Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province  42.179.187*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 40000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Dorami Hotel! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 17:02:31 From Jiangsu Province  49.69.131*
  • I want to join in for consultation

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Dorami Hotel! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 21:33:36 From Jiangsu Province  49.94.146*
  • I am interested in this project, please contact me

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Dorami Hotel! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 15:43:25 From Pingjiang County, Yueyang City, Hunan Province  42.48.204*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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