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Du World Brewing Beer Museum
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Du World Brewing Beer Museum Introduction to joining
 Joined the World Brewing Beer Museum
Beer is a very good kind of wine, which is suitable for relaxing at ordinary gatherings. With the refinement of beer brewing technology, many creative ideas can be realized in production. There are many kinds of beer, which can also be combined according to different production and different market needs. At present, there are some excellent beer business project brands in the market, For many franchisees, these projects and brands are worthy of affirmation and investment. Duworld Brewing Beer Museum is a very typical representative. As a very excellent beer manufacturer, it is actively seeking partners to jointly promote good products and ideas to a broader market!
The World Fine Brewing Beer Museum is made of selected raw materials and pure yeast by fermentation. It insists on low temperature production and sealed filling. The wine is attractive and tastes pure. Twenty years of beer brewing experience and unique brewing technology, absorbing international advanced beer brewing technology, have created the World Fine Brewing Beer Museum. Selected imported malt, hops and zebra beer yeast, it is a classic work of the World Fine Brewing Beer Museum. It has a mellow taste, strong aroma, moderate bitterness and endless aftertaste.
Traditional and vivid, Duer World Brewing Beer Museum has attracted people who love original traditional beer. Continuing the traditional style of the World Brewing Beer Museum, it not only has a strong European beer style, but also has its own unique flavor. The wine has strong fragrance, mellow taste, moderate bitterness, and strong killing power, which is suitable for consumers who prefer strong beer flavor. The World Fine Brewing Beer Museum reproduces the traditional flavor.
The World Brewing Beer Museum has always adhered to the principle of integrity management and kept the original flavor of beer. The reason why beer is so popular is that it is affordable, which is acceptable to most consumers. Beer is very good at regulating the atmosphere, so the World Brewing Beer Museum is now developing better and better, standing out from all brands, and becoming the leader of all brands of beer.
In the future development of beer, the World Brewing Beer Museum will continue to use the international cutting-edge beer production technology and technology to research, develop and produce high-quality beer products, keep pace with the times, reform with determination, and continue to create. The World Brewing Beer Museum will meet the needs of consumers.
Du World Brewing Beer Museum Franchise advantages
 Joined the World Brewing Beer Museum
As a classic product, beer has a certain particularity in the development of drinks. As a popular and common food product, it has a wide range of varieties, and the rapid upgrading of technology has become a very typical feature of the beer industry. The current World Brewing Beer Museum is a brand focusing on craft beer production, The brand has great advantages in continuous R&D and production convenience. Now it is a good opportunity to choose the World Brewing Beer Museum. The World Brewing Beer Museum has outstanding advantages in joining, which can give you better development opportunities in terms of investment scale, market operation experience, brand development standards, etc!
Taste at low cost
The joining investment of the World Brewing Beer Museum is a small cost investment. It only needs 30000 yuan. Low investment, small store area, less equipment, and high product harvest. Multiple online and offline business models can quickly recover the investment cost. What can you gain with 30000 yuan investment? It is a refined delicacy with exquisite taste, It is also expected that Duiworld Brewing Beer Museum, which lays the foundation of the product with price and taste, will be widely recognized in the market. The reputation of craft brewing is rising, with its own high traffic exposure, civilian price and high quality, and it will occupy the market with cost performance ratio. We look forward to your joining, and will also use practical actions to bring better feedback for your joining!
Simple operation brings you better results
Duer World Brewing Beer Museum is a good project with simple operation. Because our project is small, we can give full play to the advantages of small cost operation. We use large equipment without kitchen, low rent, one person can start a business, wine+fried chicken rack, 60 seconds to eat, The service team with more than ten years of operation experience and rich operation experience escorted the later operation of the partners. The whole process was once product and operation technology training. Without catering experience, the team turned into a catering elite, forming a "tavern+fast food restaurant+new retail" market hotel supply, opening+supplier combination revenue, which can help you get more diversified development in the market!
Extensive cooperation helps a lot
Duer World Brewing Beer Museum has its own insistence on the majority of partners, that is, to help partners in as many aspects as possible, and to play a leading role in the cooperation with partners, so that partners can feel the help and care from the brand! The cooperation will continue to provide new product research and development, marketing activities, publicity and promotion, and a number of service brands under the guidance of shop tours. The domestic craft beer cooperation brand will be good, and a large number of brand promotion and publicity will be launched. The brand influence and popularity will be improved. The consumer recognition of high beer is high, and the popularity of craft beer is high, This is an important reason why our franchise stores can expand rapidly!
Du World Brewing Beer Museum Franchise conditions
1. Companies or individual businesses that have obtained relevant business qualifications as required.
2. Recognize the company's products and business philosophy.
3. Franchisees should have strong enterprising spirit and long-term vision.
4. Have sales experience in liquor or food and beverage industry.
5. Have financial strength and market development funds for this product.
6. Have certain logistics distribution capacity and warehousing capacity.
Du World Brewing Beer Museum Franchise process
1. Preliminary understanding
Entrepreneurs read the company information of World Brewing Beer Museum to understand the joining policy.
2. Field survey
Make an appointment to go to the company headquarters to investigate the company's strength and specific projects.
3. Franchise application
As long as they meet the joining conditions of the World Brewing Museum, entrepreneurs can apply to join the World Brewing Museum.
4. Sign the contract
Formal signing.
5. Site selection
The headquarters provides franchisees with analysis of consumption sector, traffic environment, passenger flow and competitors.
6. Shop decoration
After confirming the store, the headquarters will issue a decoration plan, and the franchisee will decorate the store.
7. Personnel training
The preparation manager shall assist the franchisee in building the organizational structure of the store staff. The early recruiters will be sent to the direct stores for training, and the operation management of the actual stores will be carried out later in the training.
8. Opening preparation
Do a good job of opening planning and publicity, and the company will also assign corresponding personnel to provide on-site guidance. Franchisees must arrange stores and display goods according to the training requirements of the headquarters, and open on a certain day.
9. Grand Opening
At the time of official opening, the headquarters will arrange different personnel to leave the store according to the size of the franchise level to provide guidance and support for opening, so as to ensure The opening was successful.

Du World Brewing Beer Museum Joining dynamics


Du World Brewing Beer Museum Related questions and answers


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  • Want to do wholesale in big stores

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the World Brewing Beer Museum! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 11:55:43 From Tengchong City, Yunnan Province  49.90.11*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 7W.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the World Brewing Beer Museum! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 15:54:05 From Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province  60.223.153*
  • Whether there are other brands joining in

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the World Brewing Beer Museum! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 13:04:31 From Jinan, Shandong [Unicom]  60.208.208*
  • How much is the franchise fee

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the World Brewing Beer Museum! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 04:56:06 From Shenzhen, Guangdong Province  58.251.35*
  • Can you contact me and tell me how to apply?

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the World Brewing Beer Museum! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 06:08:14 From Baiyin City, Gansu Province  60.164.65*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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